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Found 10 results

  1. I'm a left-handed mouse user, but decided after 20 years to switch because this game is essentially forcing me. However, when I remap WASD to ESDF, the key map screen shows the old WASD mappings after I reload my game. The ESDF still work, the displayed mappings are just wrong. In some cases, this led me to have 1 binding for 2 actions. The only way I could be sure to get the mappings right was first to reset to defaults, then map everything in one go. This managed to get my mappings right, but next time I load the game the mappings are displayed incorrectly. This is unrelated to the unmappable keys. (And why can't the unremappable keys have a secondary?)
  2. I want to bind "Highlight interactables" (Hold) to Left Alt but this doesn't work, you can bind the key but when you press it in-game nothing happens. "Area map" on the same key doesn't work either. I have used L Alt for highlighting for as long as I can remember so it's a bit weird that it doesn't work in this game. I also wanted to bind "Toggle Scouting" to Left Shift but it seems like you're unable to bind Shift to anything at all? I thought maybe it was because I use a Swedish keyboard layout, so I switched to English, but I got the same result. I'm using Windows 8.1 x64.
  3. Hello, everyone. For those of you that have the expansion pack as part of your reward tier (or an add-on) the keys for The White March are now available on the backer portal. For a refresher on how to redeem your rewards you can go here and check under the section titled "Steps to Redeem Your Items." You will not be able to download the expansion until it is released to the public. This should happen today around 7:00 AM PDT. If you redeem your keys early (especially on GOG) you may not be able to see your expansion pack in your account. To be safe, it is best to hold off on redeeming the key until the product has been released.
  4. There was a topic already posted by someone who I'm guessing was granted a key, I'm reposting a thread because that one is now marked as Solved and there's still so many people (myself included) who are having the same issue due to having planned to play along with a friend or significant other and the shipping delay has really messed that up. Before anyone says that would be like having a 3rd copy, they already said those with physical rewards would get a digital version so they would not miss out on playing at Launch and the disc is DRM free so as many computers can have it anyway. The only person getting hurt are those waiting for their copy when they purposely bought two to, in most cases, play with someone. I don't know how many other tiers have this same issue--but most seem to have the $65 tier (myself included) while others have higher ones. But yes, if you have a tier that includes at least one digital copy and one physical copy, PLEASE post here if you only have one code in your portal (for the digital version)! Hopefully everyone who was planning to play with someone will be able to play with them already
  5. I backed the game for 65$ and then bought the backer beta back when it came out, now however my product page only lets me see the beta key and nothing else even though my kickstarter pledge is listed as confirmed under orders. I've emailed support but no response as of yet. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello, I've looked and looked but I couldn't find any solid information. I have the $140 reward from the Kickstarter and I am supposed to have gotten 3 keys total. One is listed under the Royal Tier under the backer portal, but where are the other two located?
  7. If you click on a key bind entry to set it, then click 'esc', the game will ask you if you want to replace the current binding. I clicked 'cancel' and as soon as that dialogue disappeared, the 'Save changes?' confirmation opened but with a semi-transparent overlay on it that is preventing me from clicking anywhere. I had to force-close the game to continue.
  8. Alright, so, I went into Raedric's Keep and massacred everyone, and I mean everyone. I slaughter ever priest, sellsword and archer in the place, then get stuck at the first locked door. So I leave, level up and pick the lock on the high priest's door, free his friend from the dungeons and come back. He gives me a key he tells me will unlock any door in the place. Great, right? Only I used it once and now it's gone. This isn't exactly game-breaking, since I can once again leave, level up, come back and pick the locks again, but it's really, really inconvenient. Are keys supposed to self-destruct upon using them once? That would explain why half the doors in this place are locked.
  9. Steps to Redeem Your Items All of the steps outlined below have assumed that you have set up your account and confirmed your pledge. If you have questions about confirming your pledge, please read through our previous update on how to do so. If you follow these steps below, you will able to redeem your rewards: Head to the Backer Portal and go to your My Products page. Each entry on the Products tab is a reward that you can redeem. Depending on your tier you may have many different types of products to redeem. Let's start with redeeming a game code for your platform of choice. First step in redeeming the key to your copy of the game is to click on the game's entry to expand it. Once expanded click on the "Choose Platform" button to bring up a menu where you can select your preferred platform. We offer the choice between Steam and GOG. Once you have selected your platform you can press "Generate Key" to create a download key. Note that once you have generated a key for a platform it may not be changed in the future. Choose wisely. After your game key is generated you will be given instructions on how to redeem the key in your platform of choice. If you are redeeming a different type of reward, a PDF of the Campaign Almanac, for example, the process is the same. Expand the product entry and click the button to download the reward. And that's it. Using the processes described above you will be able to generate game keys and download all of your available rewards. As more rewards are finished, like the documentary, they will appear on your list of rewards to redeem. You may download your rewards as much as you like, but there is a short time limit on each link that is generated by the Backer Portal. If you are attempting to download from an old link, it is best to generate a new one by going through the process above.
  10. Hey, everyone. As you may have heard our good friends at inXile have announced that they will be giving beta access to all of their Wasteland 2 backer tiers. This is great news and we are really excited for them. As a reward in some of our Kickstarter tiers, our backers were offered a retail digital download of Wasteland 2. For those folks we are currently working with inXile to offer those backers early beta access to Wasteland 2, as well. We will keep you updated on when we can offer you those keys and how you can redeem them. Stay tuned.
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