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Found 9 results

  1. So I have looked into there feature board about what they want to do for the game and I totally agree with it all but I do ask for one more thing.... PLEASE let us go into the house where the blackwidows and other bugs or creatures will be hiding and rats/mouses or at least do what is being shown on the main screen of grounded where you have an fence tilted (pretty much indicating that down the road you should be able to blow up the bottom of the fence) which opens up another part of the backyard but like a smaller area so you guys can add more biomes and allow us who love grounded to keep playing cause of the new areas to discover and play and fight. I don't want this game to end... you all have such a good potential bug game here.. don't ruin it because you all don't feel the need to add a new area, well I say otherwise.
  2. I now have a wolfspider in my house and i don't know if i could kill it without it destroying anything. Not sure if the update was ready for release just yet. And yes there were no holes anywhere in the house for it to fit thru. What do i do? Also i feel like the game looks better, don't know if it's just me tho.
  3. Hello, Can't get the hearing invitation from the Crucible Knights albeit doing all the quests. Can't progress discussion with Lady Webb, she doesn't even offer the failed all 3 option. Thanks for looking into this.
  4. I need ideas for a medical mystery for use in a medieaval fantasy setting. One of the players is a chirurgeon.
  5. In many rpgs I saw a very big problem in the size of an indoor house ( mostly in neverwinter nights 2 ). As I walked the street with my group I saw a little tavern and I walked in, only to see the Inn is actually PRETTY HUGE inside and by huge I mean really huuuuuge. I like how Bethesda solves this with TES. They just take the outdoor model of the house and on the base of this model they make the interior. Huge interiors really destroy my immersion ;/. If I remember good in Baldur's gate this problem didnt exist or it didnt really made that difference. What do you think folks ?
  6. Omg, single best feature I've heard so far. I mean the whole game in general sounds great but I've always loved the concept of owning a home in game. Even as far back as Baldur's Gate and Diablo 2 I day dreamed about having a home in game to go to. I just hope there is more variety and more features to the player house than there was in Fallout 3. I'm really hoping that they make the 2 million mark, lack of a player house would be very sad. Preferably I'd like as much home customization as they give in The Sims 3, but I've been saying for years all games should incorporate the features of the sims. Homes, marriage, jobs (in this case maybe a bounty board for monster hunting, or catching a thief, or something), reproduction, food and sleep needs, that sort of thing. A lot of games already have features like this here and there but not all in one place, besides the sims, but the sims isn't as great as a game like this.
  7. Let's pretend Project Eternity has already reached it's $2.2M stretch goal and we're goind to see the Player House feature implemented. What kind of house do you like the most? There are plenty of games which include this feature so we can use them as an example.
  8. In the Kickstarter stretch goals, a player house is mentioned: However, no mention of whether it's just 'a house', a hideout, a base... whether or not it can be upgraded or not. I mean, it seems like you can adjust the furniture and so on -- but perhaps it could be upgraded in other ways too -- both functional and aesthetic? For example: Going from a shack to a city mansion would not only lend you extra storage space, but perhaps have companion-benefits as well. And I wasn't thinking specifically of 'romance', but your companions might be in a better mood if they were sleeping on real beds rather than on the grass. Perhaps paid companions would be much cheaper if they had a place to stay for free as well? Depending on how notorious or infamous or wanted you are, picking a place that is well hidden might lend you additional bonuses as well. Perhaps buy you some time to avoid bounty hunters, or even to protect your stash(es?) from thieves. With a full estate or some 'training grounds', perhaps there could be benefits to skill gain or for one companion to teach another companion some skills? Perhaps your hideout, base, or estate could be upgraded defensively, so that if you were attacked by either would-be mauraders or a small pursuing army, you would be able to fend them off or defeat them? If multiple locations are possible for these things, perhaps in your 'home city' you could own an estate, but in more dangerous territories, have a cave hideout? Maybe your archmage companion, once you've gained his trust and pursuaded him -- could seal it with a stone, for example.
  9. Hello, First off i am indeed a backer of this very exciting project. Thank you all for giving us the players the opportunity to fund, play, and give idea's for such a wonderful undertaking. When i read about your addition of player housing as one of the stretch goals it brought back fond memories i had of the crafting system in Ultima Online. UO had one of the best crafting systems to date, that i believe not one game has even come close to in its depth. I believe UO's crafting style system would absolutely be an amazing addition to Eternity. Need arrows? Click your axe on a tree, you get some logs, now use your carpenter's tool on the wood logs, now you have boards. Use your dagger on the wood boards to carve out arrow's. Kill a bird for the feathers for your arrow, etc etc. I'd especially love to have the ability to not purchase your player house, but to BUILD your player house. It would make downtime between fighting so much more interesting. Especially if some of the more hard to find resources were in dangerious spots that you would have to fight your way into. Perhaps have different paths you could take to the same goal. Wood built houses, mud/adobe style, brick/castle style, etc. I really believe that this would make this game truly exceptional and give new players that have never experienced UO's crafting system a real shock to the system to see what a REAL crafting system is like. Beyond that, it would be wonderful to run your own home/castle, buy land. Work the land, Defend your land against enemies, conquer new land that you can build on or expand on as well. I'm greatly looking forward to Project Eternity. Again thank you for making such a wonderful (i hope) game! LiTh
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