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  1. I would like to propose three different DLC ideas that would make the game repayable and a ton of fun for end game. [1]- I propose that the player be allowed to upgrade rooms in their ship in order to recruit non companion NPC's *The player could recruit NPC's such as the Chef or Ex-Merc *These non-companion NPC's would be available to recruit after end game. *These non-companion NPC's would send the player on randomly generated quests (eg hit quests or material gathering). *These non-companion NPC's would also be able to be dropped off or sent out to gather certain resources. [2]- I propose that the player be allowed to own his own outpost (not unlike the Groundbreaker) where you would be able to go around finding vendors and people that are interested in running storefronts on your outpost. *Storefronts fill in (depending on the quest) with interactable NPC's when you find an NPC that is valid (Wing-ball idea here but the story could go something like a retired Sublite contractor is helping you gather a crew for the station you could go to her/him for the NPC locations) *The NPC vendors can send you on gathering quests such as supply refill / weapons cache recovery. *Work with the NPC's in order to gather data on derelict ships and raid them for supply's and parts. NOTE: All of these quests can be randomly generated and make the value of the dlc that much greater. For example NPC gives you Xtask -> takes you to Ytask or Ztask Then return to NPC at X Y or Z location this can also be done through a community cork board of such. (Also if you find a retired constable they could send you on bounties etc. ) [3]- I propose that the player be allowed to create his own faction. *The player would be able to use an area such as the waste disposal unit as a faction base on the Groundbreaker as there is a lot of space there that could be utilized. *The player would be able to run retrieval tasks for the faction as well as others under their faction banner and the actions grow or decrease reputation with other factions depending on the actions taken. *The player can salvage broken terminals and vending machines and have them repaired for further functionality in the faction. *Work with the NPC's in order to gather data on derelict ships and raid them for supply's and parts. *As the faction grows the rooms connected to the waste disposal unit on the Groundbreaker can be filled with recruited NPC's that have taken refuge under your banner. (Maybe have some sort of alliance with the under decker's as well? and expand on that story) Nonetheless, I appreciate any time anyone has spent on reading this. I believe that any one of these ideas could bring a lot of value to the game. As I see it since modding will be unlikely if they give it that modded feel it could shine even further! Let me know what you guys think. I took a lot of time thinking about the easier ways of doing things so that the devs wouldn't have to slave over code for hours.
  2. So I've read just A few entries here (not all) and I didn't see an idea for a shield nor a vehicle. For the shield, maybe rubber and an acorn shell could be used to make it. It could be used in combo with the single handed weapons. I can't begin to tell u how many times I wished I had a shield while fighting spiders. Now for the vehicle, the acorn tops could be wheels, grass blades and weed stems for the body, sap for lights, and maybe a basket for storage made from woven fibers and clovers. A little golf cart type vehicle would be helpful with transporting things and in multiplayer it would be fun to have races. As little people, we work so hard building and trying to survive. Why not have a little fun and race eachother on little or big tracks we make. Imagine having a long distance race around the backyard. How much fun would it be to make a track around the acorn tree and race while spiders are going nuts trying to figure out how to get u as u wiz by? Lol, I would love that!!!!
  3. When will we get an option for this? This game has become unbearable for me to play as ill get headaches from not looking where I'm actually looking, and I've had to put the game on hold u til a patch comes through.
  4. I just wanted to personally get on here, which I don’t ever do for any game, and tell you guys what an amazing world, what an amazing game you guys have all created, it’s truly breathtaking and inspiring! the freedom of choice, the stories, the dialog, the combat, all of it, just truly is everything that has been needed in the gaming industries for years. helluva job team, helluva job!! thank you all for the work you put in, the countless months, hours and years you all put into this game, it shows that you care deeply for the world and people in the game, and outside of the game. Anyways, like I said I’ve never done this before, but I wanted to stop what I was doing and personally thank the teams that made this game possible, so.......thank you all so very much!
  5. Was thinking that a future Update could be set around : Most of the Feedback you've received from the Community & how it is regarded by the Devs.Like : "We've seen your concern about [X], here's what we think of your proposals". About [Y], we think you're right, here's what we intend to do to adress it". On [Z], we don't believe anything needs to be changed, here's why". Just to share, where you're at, what is being regarded, Etc. What are you thoughts on Community proposals, be it right or wrong. I don't really know how difficult it would be to do this but, answering everyones concerns by hand on each individual Forum Threads, seems unfeasible. Better off setting up a Stream or an Update & "globalize" All/Most of the informations you've gathered & what you can share. Just my two-cents. If I had to point most of the things being discussed : Pace of Combat / Spellcasting. Difficulty. (PoTD seems to be the most discussed around various Threads) Classes. (Paladins Order, Wizards, Shifter Subclass, Etc. What people wanna see changed) Resolve vs Strengh/Might. (Devs State on this) Anything Devs wanna brought on the table. If it's possible to give us a sense of what is : A Priority at the moment. B & C priority, as far as you can think about it.
  6. Will we be able to establish every single choice that could come from an imported save? most of them? just a few important choices? I need to know
  7. I have posted This in regards to the current bow bug which is in pillars of eternity. This has been brought up before, but from what I can see Zero results from the DEVs on getting it fixed. This bug is not just limited to me but others as well - and not just on this site (steam for example). Here are the pictures: Information: Windows 7 professional 64 Bit Service pack 1 Installed Memory 8GB I5-6500 3.20 GHz Processor Geforce GTX 960 373.06 8GB Direct X version 6.01.7601.17514 From what I can tell this bug normally appears when switching weapons in combat (I pause to switch weapons). Reloading the game or restarting the game fixes this issue until it happens again. So I assume that the bug is not going to be part of the save game file but perhaps in the way the game is using the graphic assets. While this is not a game breaker - it is most annoying and breaks immersion. From what I can see from other post around the web - this bug has been here since the game was released.
  8. The card tag is Light Armor but the text makes reference to Heavy Armor. Is this correct or errata? Thnx.
  9. Flask of Ice (Deck 5) text states "add 2D6 and Cold..." while Flask of Frost (Deck 4) tells the same. Whereas the Fire versions differ (3D6 vs 2D6) those don't. Is this correct, errata? Is both their dice bonus adding 2D6 to the check maths? Thnx. Edit: Also Flask of Force Missile should be "Arcane 14 check to recharge" to be properly escalated in comparision with Flask of Force.
  10. I been mulling over for while about what games should be considered a must play for game developers and aspiring game developers. I think almost everyone has an idea of what good games they like to consider, but I'm actually looking for technical reason why a game is a must play. Every film student is shown certain films that have become considered classic due to the same reason, I'm hoping this will be the game equivalent of that. Example: Shenmue changed the adventure genre by introducing free roam and QTE combined with action combat. Disclaimer: The games mentioned on this thread(the ones that meet the criteria) will likely end up on a list that I may use in the future as reference for good game mechanics and design.
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