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Found 8 results

  1. I would like to suggest an improvement for container storages in the game Grounded. I recently happened to have a group of Larvas show up at my base, who destroyed all of my buildings, including chests. When destroyed, the chests items popped out, and where everywhere. My suggestion would be, that upon destruction of a chest, a small bag will spawn, with your items in them, which will despawn after a set amount of time (so people will actually need to get their items out of there). The small bag can only be looted, and not used to store items.
  2. This game does not have fast travel so it's really boring when you want to switch a party member that you have to go the ship or find a tavern. I find it an unnecessary overhead and sometime I just stick with a combination that I don't really like just because I don't want to spend time traveling 2-3 screens JUST to swap party members. It's really annoying and I really think we should have an easier way to swap party members. Sometime you just want to do it because you are doing a quest were you need a high streetwise char or a char with a specific bg for that storyline or maybe just to crack a lock that requires that char that has higher mechanics but it's currently on your party. There are a lot of examples.. Also when you swap party member they automatically take their equip in their limbo, which is really insanely annoying as you have to strip them every time which adds more overhead to the already boring swapping experience. I think characters inventory should _always_ be available regardless of whether they are in your party or not so you can easily swap their gear. This was brought up many times in PoE 1 and I'm frankly surprised we see these very same problems here.. Would that be that hard to implement or do you just like the fact that players should not be allowed more freedom?
  3. The bugs seems like existing ones. Dandelion has it's name. But Weed? What is that? Perfect opportunity to teach us some different kind of plants!
  4. Loving the game concept so far. Currently playing a game with my husband. Just a few things: He created the game so when I join I usually don't have a saved character, which means I lose all my stuff when I join. I wish I could play the game without him online (the same game we started together) The game randomly has save points, there needs to be a way to save the game periodically Having a better bow would be nice (possibly haven't gotten to the point where we discover this). Spiders can glitch inside things, not necessarily a bad thing just a side note. I experienced a glitch where there was a group of recordings in a pile with a juice droplet (not sure what that was about); kept asking me to interact with it (grab it) but I could not.
  5. Regarding the quest Salt in the Wound, it's marked as Finished when the brawl is finished. The final entry in the Journal is simply "I could find a way to break up the scene, or at least get the fight over with." I would suggest that it would perhaps be more natural to have the Journal update upon completing the brawl with a note about the outcome, and then follow it with something along the lines of: "I should go back and talk to Nera [about reward/what happened/somesuch]" Then after speaking with Nera (and perhaps also Ezzali?) the task is marked as Complete. This way it A) proviudes a conclusion in the Journal, and B) you're guided back to collect the reward(s) and get the follow-up quests from Ezzali.
  6. Hello Obsidian Entertainment. Thank you for the incredible game and congratulations on the well-deserved accolades it has garnered. If I had to assign a number on a scale of 1-10 to PoE, I'd give it at a solid 8.8; an incredible game, albeit one with some room for improvement. I kept a document open while playing to jot down ideas/observations/bugs... it's a very long game so there ended up being quite a few of them! I can't wait for the sequel since I'm certain it will prove to be the BG2 to PoE's BG1... perhaps—hopefully—even surpassing that venerable legend. Gameplay Improvements: -In my opinion the Stash is the worst part of this game (excluding the inevitable initial bugs and I can hardly believe that disabling the stash not actually disabling the stash isn't one of them). In-game mechanics, especially fundamental ones, must have some attempt, no matter how feeble, at in-game explanations: bags of holding; pocket-planes; storage demons; some sort of spell; a donkey (pets are already in game and who wouldn't jump at the opportunity to have a 'dirty ass' follow them around); you're a priest in the service of Storly, god of storage and miscellaneous items; etc. The more powerful the in-game mechanic is, the greater the importance of explaining it becomes, at least if your intention is an immersive and believable world. A completely realistic system would be terrible too, however, making no attempt whatsoever to address so fundamental a mechanic as item storage, both on the character or in the world, is horrendous, more so when considering the fantastic lore and world-building achieved via the supplementary material: the myriad books, cyclopedia and bestiary. The stash, in its current iteration, totally negates all the considerable effort put into the creation of alternatives to combat. This is exemplified by Raedric's Keep. Why avoid killing all the enemies and forego 15000+ copper from selling all their equipment? Wasn't the point of quest only experience to disincentivize indiscriminately killing absolutely everything? The current inventory system also renders money a total non-issue less than 1/3 through the game. At the very least, if total replacement (optimally with Josh's original, involved—not dumbed down to the point of mindlessness—inventory system) for an enhanced expert mode is not an option, the disable stash toggle should disable both withdrawal and deposit when not in a tavern/resting and bags for crafting materials should be added into the game. -I was very surprised by the absence of a tutorial option when I started the game for the first time. Some sort of primer would be incredibly useful for people new to this type of RPG, as there is a ton of information and systems that would be better learned if shown first-hand than read about in the manual. Also, there are many shortcuts and UI tricks not even mentioned in the manual that could be taught in a tutorial. -An overarching narrator (ideally a pitch-perfect Morgan Freeman imitator) who spoke the gray 'flavor' text for the voiced sections would be wildly entertaining as there usually is insufficient time to actually read that text before the VO resumes. If that's not feasible, perhaps a slight delay to allow the player to actually read that text could be implemented? -It would be great if instead of automatically succeeding, adventures forced the player to take control of the assigned character and fight solo to determine the outcome of the adventure. The difficulty of the fight(s) would be determined by the quality of the adventure. -Enemies should not just line up behind each other at a blocked doorway if there are other available paths to the blocked room. -Music volume should be reduced 50% when voiced dialogue begins. -NPC banter has too long a delay between quips. Furthermore, it'd be nice if the portraits had some indication showing which NPC was speaking. -It's very hard to see NPCs or loot if they're behind things. Increasing the transparency of foreground structures when something is behind them would help a lot. -When sending someone to your dungeon you should get their equipment. -Your party should never automatically attack charmed members, nor should enemies immediately attack their charmed allies for that matter. -Important outdoor quest NPCs/merchants should adhere to a rudimentary day/night cycle, e.g., why is a fisherman on the docks 24/7... is the fishing really that good? -It'd be very cool if reading books opened choices in dialogue or gave quests, but only if the book was actually read, which would be determined by a combination of the player scrolling to the bottom of the text and keeping the book open a minimum length of time, which would vary depending on the length of the book. -A high reputation with a city should grant a discount on items bought at stores and a very high reputation should result in a premium being offered for items sold by the player. -Items sold at the stronghold should be priced similarly to those sold by stores in a city at maximum reputation, or even cheaper. -Getting caught lock picking a chest, or even opening it to see what's inside, should cause loss of reputation or hostility depending on the situation. -There should be armor proficiency talents. As it stands, characters are either in plate, if they're front-line, or, if they're back-line, in enchanted clothing... medium armor is garbage. With armor talents the recovery speed penalty could be reduced (or DR increased or a combination of both) and make medium armor a more viable option, increasing build diversity. -Stronghold resting bonuses must stack to be even remotely competitive with mid-game or later inns. -It would be interesting if the stronghold's library offered experience for depositing books not currently found within. Perhaps the steward could offer an item that started a quest if every possible book was collected? This also opens up an interesting, alternate resolution to a quest where you have to procure a certain book. -There should be a way to deposit pets in the stronghold, so that they can wander around. Some sort of pet fighting mini-game would be rather interesting. Hell, an NPC that allowed you to sacrifice all the available pets and choose one to turn into a figurine that would summon a giant version of that pet would be incredible. -Supplicants should stay at the stronghold longer. It's frustrating to be incapable of travelling large distances on the map in one go without risking having a supplicant come and go whilst in transit. The current solution is to split that long trip into multiple medium ones... which is an annoying circumvention. -The hide merchant in Twin Elms should pay more for hides. *Mild Act 3 Spoilers* -It'd be nice if the slides in the epilogue could be navigated both forwards and backwards, currently you can only skip forwards. UI Improvements: -Hovering over the name of a combatant in the combat log should highlight that combatant on the screen so that the player can see which of the identically named enemies was responsible for the respective entry. -It'd be nice if the combat log could be toggled to show only specific types of entries: individual characters' entries, rep gain/loss, exp, crits/grazes/types of damage, item gain/loss, etc. -List identical items numerically in shops, e.g., 13 daggers collectively instead of showing 13 individual daggers. Food/scrolls/potions/crafting materials already stack so I can't imagine this would be overly difficult to implement for other items. -Items sold by the player should go to the bottom of a shop's inventory. -When moving/selling large quantities of items the number should be able to be set using the number keys instead of just clicking the arrow to make the total lower or higher 1 by 1. For example, if I have 100 vessel bones and want to move 50, currently it requires clicking the arrow to make the total smaller 50 times... which is absurd. -Numerous properties on magic items are not listed in the cyclopedia and have no explanation, or, at best, an insufficiently detailed explanation, e.g., does an amulet that grants a 1.15 healing bonus apply to healing given or received, or does it apply to both? How far is a 'distant' enemy? Is 'low endurance' considered 'near death' or 'badly injured'? How often is 'every few seconds'? How often does 'overbearing' proc and what determines if it does? What's the difference between major and minor spellbinds? These are just some examples of missing or insufficient information pertaining to items. In addition, Spell Striking and Spell Holding have no in-game explanation whatsoever. -When an item grants/modifies a spell it should show a tool-tip on mouse-over for that spell, in addition to indicating how many times it can be used and whether it is per encounter or per rest. It's very annoying to have to close the level-up screen to check a spell that's modified by a potential talent. -It'd be nice if the transparency of the combat log could be adjusted. -NPC text bubbles shouldn't overlap, instead, a new text bubble should be forced to the top or bottom edge of the existing one. -Switching weapons should be capable of being bound to a hot-key. -Displaying stealth mode on portraits when the central UI is minimized needs a rework, the small green square highlighting the stealth icon is still visible through the 4'th PC's portrait. -There should be a toggleable icon on the portraits showing the current activity of the character, also, if a character is currently attacking there should be a small icon above that character (like there is when they're using a skill) that resembles the attack cursor. -The total number of enemies that a character is capable of engaging should be shown on that character's information screen. -Stop movement on trap spotted would be an excellent addition to the auto-pause menu. Also, it's quite odd that the party doesn't avoid traps once they have been spotted, I have a hard time believing my mechanic wouldn't say, “Hey, watch out, there's a trap right there, how about not killing everyone... stupid Aloth.” -The inability to add markers to the map is a particularly glaring omission. Being unable to click on the map to move is kind of disappointing as well. -The cursor should be capable of being positioned mid-note with the mouse when taking notes in the journal. Or, if that isn't possible, the cursor should be capable of being moved with the arrow keys instead of forcing the player to delete what is written. -It would be nice if, when in the journal, quests & tasks were capable of being selected with the arrow keys instead of just the mouse. This capability would also be nice when perusing possible talents during level up. Really, every UI screen featuring a multitude of vertically listed entries, be they quests/talents/spells/monsters in the bestiary/etc., should be navigable using the arrow keys. -Holding ctrl+click-and-drag selecting other characters should add them to the currently selected group, similar to how you can add characters to the currently selected group by holding ctrl+clicking on their portraits. -An option to disable switching to fists while clicking to switch weapons would be nice. -It should be possible to zoom out when viewing the Od Nua staircase interface. -The icon for stairs should show whether those stairs go up or down, after a few days without playing it can be hard to remember which set of stairs heads down upon exiting the master staircase in Od Nua. It would be an excellent addition if the map showed 'Stairs Down' or 'Stairs Up' instead of just 'Stairs'. -It would be nice if it was possible to zoom in on the map. -It would be useful if it was possible to click on a region when looking at the world map and see that region's map. There are quests that describe geological features that could be seen through the fog of war, making this a practical addition. -Completed quests/tasks should be arranged so that the most recently finished is at the top of the list. Also, when a quest is completed and the tool-tip pops up, clicking on it doesn't actually select that quest when the journal is opened... it should. -Stronghold status updates should list the most recent at the top and continue in descending order. Currently the oldest is at the top and the most recent is at the bottom.
  7. So what I have noticed during my time playing PoE is that scrolls and spells have just a vague description of what they're doing. If they do damage, it is never mentioned how much damage they do and if they're buffs they never mention how exactly they're buffing you. For example, the Scroll of Protection gives you "heightened resistances" which basically could mean anything from +1 to +1.000.000 Spells, when chosen on level up, only have descriptive texts. Some of them get some information-tooltip which shows you the damage it does, but it's not all of them. The cipher's mind wave has a damage indicator, his soul shock does not, though.
  8. Just a little suggestion for a feature I kinda expected from the GUI: when you get a pop-up about a new quest in the upper left corner of the screen, it would be convenient to be able to click on it to bring up the journal. At least, that's what I did immediately upon seeing the pop-up for the first time (I mean, I clicked on it). The journal should of course open on the newly received/updated quest, so the player can review whatever notes are made about it.
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