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Found 10 results

  1. AMD unveils new details on Ryzen, the new name for Zen Ryzen to launch Q1 2017 with Naples (the server counterpart) due in Q2 2017 At least 3.4 GHz base clock on the top of the line Ryzen desktop chip 8 cores/16 threads on the high-end chips 20 MB L2 + L3 cache Boosts in steps of 25 MHz I'll be interested to see independent 3rd party benchmarks. So far they've only given a rather favorable Blender benchmark, which is but a single usage scenario out of hundreds, plus I never trust benchmarks performed by the manufacturer themselves. 3.4 GHz base clock is adequate but underwhelming, assuming it boosts to somewhere around 3.7 GHz. Hopefully there is enough thermal headroom to get it to 4 GHz without crazy cooling solutions, as single-threaded performance is still a big factor in many scenarios these days and clock speed is a big part of that.
  2. Hi all. I bought The Outer Worlds the other day and was running it fine on my R9 380. I decided I wanted to get some better performance so I bought a brand new MSI RX 590 OC. The game now runs amazingly for about 2 minutes until it crashes. The screen freezes but the audio continues, then after a few seconds the screen goes black and I'm kicked off to desktop. After the game crashes, the Radeon Adrenaline software also breaks and I have to close it through task manager. As well as this I'm occasionally getting the black screen for a few seconds when outside of games, similar to when installing the drivers but for no apparent reason. Spent all yesterday and today googling for answers, have tried the following: Reinstalling drivers Installing optional newer version of drivers Turning off windows fast startup Setting power slider to maximum (+50%) on WattMan Setting power slider to minimum (-50%) on WattMan Setting GPU to always run at max speed and voltage in WattMan (suggested by someone on youtube) Defaulting BIOS settings Plugging PC into different sockets Swapping the PSU power connectors around and probably a few more things I can't remember. Only data I can get that may link is through the performance overlay, which shows the GPU temp increasing quickly over a minute or so before the game always crashes around 60C. Some forums suggest a power issue but I have a good quality EVGA 500W power supply and never had an issue with a GTX 980 or R9 380. Any help would be much appreciated, I'm feeling a little short changed. P.S. Have tried other games - Arma 3 runs fine, PUBG runs mostly fine but has done the crash once or twice at random times. The Outer Worlds seems to be the only game that consistently crashes within 2 minutes. Thanks, Alex
  3. I just recently began playing PoE II again, after switching to a hard drive that runs Windows 10 (I have another that runs Win 7 Ultimate, but haven't played PoE II on it since around the start of this year), with around 20 or so mods. I noticed rather quickly that my game was crashing to desktop, taking anywhere from 10 minutes to roughly an hour, though usually between 10-30 minutes of playtime. Most of the crashes seemed to be happening during a story scene, dialogue, leveling up, changing locations...pretty much any time I wasn't controlling my characters on the map or in combat. After checking on Steam to see if there were any missing/corrupted files, uninstalling/reinstalling, and trying to figure out what mod was causing the issue, and having to fight with the in-game mod manager (which would re-check any mods I disabled unless I returned to the main menu, then went back to it, and even then would re-enable them when the game crashed), I removed all of them and tried starting an entirely new game without them, to see if one of the mods somehow were the cause. That did make the crashes less frequent, or at least I -think- it did, though due to the large range of playtime before PoE II would crash, I'm not too sure that mods were the issue to begin with. This also never happened when I was playing it before the 5.0 update, on Windows 7 either. A few crashes on a completely new, unmodded game, the most recent of which was earlier today and after only 20-30 minutes of playing, I figured I should post here to try and get a solution. Linked below is the most recent save file and crash log of that. Attached to this is my system specs too. https://mega.nz/#!UJckmQbR https://mega.nz/#F!EdFymaCA DxDiag.txt
  4. Description: Prior to today game would occasionally CTD when transitioning between areas. Previously, I would be able to anticipate when this was going to happen as there would be micro-freezes during conversation and combat. Exiting and reloading the last save seemed to handle this issue. After the random encounter in the Narrows where you fight with some undead and get the griffin blade and attempt to leave the area I get a CTD if attempting to leave the city. Traveling to another location in the city loads but attempts to leave the city are now met with more CTD and I am currently unable to progress in the game. Save games from before and after crashing have been emailed. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: I repeated the steps above (leave city from Narrows and leave city from other locations) a half dozen times to ensure that the error was reproducible. crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt Skoljorn DxDiag 9-3-2019.txt
  5. Description: Hi! I would like to report issue with RadeonSI/AMDGPU Mesa open source driver. The game simply doesn't start anymore using newest Mesa drivers. I am on Ubuntu 16.04 and using Oibaf PPA to have up to date drivers from mesa git. The game stopped working since last updates (both Mesa and game, so can't tell which caused the issue). I have Steam version of the game. Other Steam games do work without problems, because of this I decided to report the issue here on the PoE forums, not on the Mesa driver issue/mailing list. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: I have Dell Inspiron 7548, it has 2 graphic cards (Intel by default and AMD/Radeon as dedicated). Mentioning this because Intel gpu runs game fine, I can't run the game anymore using only AMD gpu (using command in terminal "DRI_PRIME=1 steam" to tell Radeon to run Steam and following that every game will work on dedicated Radeon gpu). As I did mention above, it worked perfectly before updates. Important Files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/88194181/poe_radeon_linux_issue_files.zip poe_radeon_linux_issue_files.zip
  6. Using the Steam 64-bit client. Cross-posted from the Steam forum. Due to Ubuntu becoming as stable as a unbalanced house of cards on this hardware with the proprietary AMD drivers, I have to run the open souce Radeon drivers (have an HD 6670 2GB). The problem is, the game doesn't even start. Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 motherboard. 8GB RAM. Running from the commandline, Steam reports the following: ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. Found path: /home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity Mono path[] = '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Managed' Mono path[1] = '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Mono' Mono config path = '/home/stuart/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/Mono/etc' Game removed: AppID 291650 "Pillars of Eternity", ProcID 7797 Anyone else had this issue? Any workarounds known?
  7. Hi, Started playing Pillars of Eternity this week-end, and I'm very impressed so far, or I would be if I could play without crashing. I indeed regularly encounter a full "crash to black screen" at any random moments of the game. So far it happened to me before even starting the game during the character creation period, and several times during the first 3 or 4 zones of the game. It can happen during combat, during simple movement/exploration, etc. When the crash happens, the game starts by freezing for a second or two, then it goes fully black for a few seconds, and only then I go to the error message "Pillars of Eternity has stopped working". One information that might be helpful, is that I encountered the exact same crash on Wasteland 2 (characterized by having the same error message, same freezes, the same way my screen flickers, etc.). At the time I had spent weeks discussing over e-mail with inXile's support without them finding the cause of the issue. I then stopped playing W2 for a while, and tried again from time to time after they patched to see if it was working. Here is the link to my original thread on the same issue for Wasteland 2, which didn't get much answers unfortunately. As of now, this crash seems to have disappeared from Wasteland 2. This might be after their patch 4 or 5, but I'm not sure they have fixed it knowingly. I do not have any issue with other Unity-based games such as Shadowrun Returns though, and do not have this issue with any other games at the moment. My system specs: CPU: AMD FX 8350 8-core RAM: 12GB OS: Windows 7 64bits GPU: Radeon R9 290x, tested with both 15.2 and 15.3 drivers, both have the same issue Direct upload to the files kept failing, so DxDiag, Save file and Output log are all located on Dropbox here. Hope this can help get it fixed soon !
  8. Hi.. I own an Eyefinity-System and I love playing games in huge resolutions (5780x1080). As a matter of fact, a game like Project Eterniy is not the typical type of game supporting huge resulitions because of the restrictions/size of maps/dungeons/whatever. Nonetheless a proper support of eyefinty(AMD)/Surround(Nvidia) with a centered UI and proper "zoom" would be a great plus to the game. Maybe it would be possible to use the both side monitors for maps/inventory etc.
  9. I've recently decided to re-install my old physical copy of TSL since I've heard of the new compatability between TSLRCM and M4-78 or whatever that new droid planet is called.So I start-up the game,make my guy,blah blah blah.Right after the opening cutscene of the Ebon Hawk docking into Peragus and awakening from the Kolto Tank,what starts happening?Massive amounts of lag to cause lag teleportation for my character. I'm running on lowest settings to the point of disabling shadows and grass and using Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 and I'm still getting massive lag.I have no mods whatsoever besides the mss32.dll fix,which I highly doubt would impact preformance,and I have everything running under compatability for XP2 and running said things as Admin.I have scoured the internet for answers,but I have found none.So I'm hoping one of you kind souls on here will help me out.Thank you in advance. :D Specs are as shown: OS: Windows 7 Home Preminum (64-bit) (Service Pack 1) Graphics Card: AMD Raedon HD 7640G Processor: AMD A8-4500M APU With Raedon HD Graphics (4 CPUS) ~1.9GHz RAM: 6GB VRAM: 512MB DirectX: 11
  10. The past month has been absolutely incredible. You have blown away our wildest expectations and we are so excited about starting the journey of creating this game for you. The Kickstarter site will be closing down here in the next few hours – 6 PM PDT to be exact. I would like to remind you that you can watch us at the studio for the final countdown beginning at 12 PM (Noon!) PDT. We will be streaming live on UStream and Twitch.tv. Final Fun and Silly Reward Tier - Obsidian Loot Bag Our final fun reward for you is what we are calling the Obsidian Loot Bag at a $350 tier with a limit of 30. The Loot Bag contains an AMD Processor donated by our incredible friends over at AMD (you rock Steve Bell!), a signed Obsidian game (not Project Eternity), and a random assortment of Obsidian loot such as pens, coasters, t-shirts, game patches, doodles, etc. The AMD Processor is an A10, does not have a heat sink attached, and will be shipped OEM style. The Loot Bag includes everything in the $250 tier level too. Since we are shipping computer parts, we can't ship outside the USA with this one. Here are links to the final complete Add-On List and Reward List: Add-On List Reward List Big Big City #2, What Now? We dreamed the impossible dream, and hit our stretch goal of the $3.5m mark with Big Big City #2. Because we have another big city in the game, and by popular demand we are adding two additional slots at the $5000 tier for two more taverns. As a recap of our stretch goals, here is what you have added to make Project Eternity bigger and better: 11 classes 6 races 8 companions A huge mega dungeon of at least 10 levels (and possibly 11 or 12 by the time this is done!) Player house A stronghold Two big cities And much more. This will definitely keep us busy over the next 18 months working to bring you Project Eternity. Early this morning, we took a poll on what you would like to see via Twitter, Facebook, and on our Kickstarter Comments page for remaining stretch goals. Our first reaction is that we want to make the game better instead of just bigger; however we are currently discussing it at the studio right now. Thank you again from everyone at Obsidian Entertainment. We will see you on the live stream for the final hours of this crazy adventure. The art team put this together to show you a behind the scenes look on how the amazing screenshot was constructed. Click here for a larger version. Update By Adam Brennecke
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