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  1. Hello. *pours himself some fine wine, sits by roaring fire* *starts J. Peterman impersonation* As many of you know, I post on this forum. Whence I learned that Obsidian was making a South Park RPG, I did a spittake in the manor of our lord and savior, Ron Burgundy. This was followed by clapping and looking around, telling people they needed to be impressed via my smile and vehemence. It was an empty room, but still. The idea is there. I'm sure you have it. I hath only played a minute portion of your vijeo gaem last night, if only to get the Are We Cool? acheevo for the Jewish class. You see, I love acheevos like I love the ladies. I aim to misbehave and by that I mean start a new game with the Fighter class. I know, I know; "but Bryy?", you ask "why the Fighter? It s the comfort zone choice for sissies and people that can't be bothered to have a real challenge". That it is, my friends. That it is. I will say this: my brief time in the land of South Park, even though it was rushed and temporary, was magical. It was as if a giant slug had attached itself to mine eyeballs and sucked out my capacity for anger. While there were plentiful bugs, I admired highly the robust and full combat system. The integration of cinematics and gameplay, or, to be more technical, narrative gameplay. The graphics were like Walt Disney's wet dream. I will play the many, many Stick of Truth clones that are bound to come out in the next two years. So just sit right there and let me tell you all about how my life got turned right upside down, just take a minute and sit right there as you read my adventures as Sir D-Bag the Fighter. Yours forever, to be continued...
  2. Hello, I bought this game on steam and while I'm enjoying it. I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the save files are located at. It doesn't seem that they are on the steam cloud and I'm not finding them outright. I'd like the ability to play on my laptop and my desktop. Thanks for the info!
  3. I made steam groups a while ago. Made with the best of intentions I ended up ignoring them as part of me avoiding teasing myself with Eternity details. I am hiding no longer and very much want to part of the wonderful community here once more. So I am going to be more active with the steam groups going forward. Which brings us to the question. Originally the steam group was named after the working title Project Eternity. Steam doesn't allow group names to be changed which is understandable. So I need to ask, keep the old Project Eternity group or make a new Pillars of Eternity group? Here is a link to the group. Its open to all so anyone can join.
  4. I need to grab a bunch of new t-shirts (as happens about once a year), and an idea struck me. Why doesn't steam offer t-shirts for sale, emblazoned with achievements you actually have? And ONLY those achievements you actually have?
  5. Hi all, Just a quick question. I see that the choice between GoG and Steam is available for backers, and being a tree-hugging anti-DRM hippy, I'd obviously prefer the GoG version. My concern is that the FAQ states that if you prefer multi-platform, you should opt for Steam. Does this mean that the Mac version won't be available via GoG, even though they now supply Mac versions of games where possible? Does anyone have on info on this? Cheers, DF
  6. I just noticed some forum regulars own Dungeon Defenders. It is a fun little game as long as you have a fun group to play it with. Without friends it grows reptitive (and possibly unfairly difficult) real fast. I haven't played in ages. This is mostly due to the fact that I can't seem to motivate my friend list to do so. To remedy this, you are drafted: Picture a flyer with good ole Uncle Sam pointing at you over the caption that OBSDIAN WANTS YOU! I am supposed to be drowning in work for a few days, but I will need a break. Another problem is that Alan already has the Rome 2 release looming on the horizon and will be lost to us soon, leading legions. So anyone up for a friendly game, maybe even tomorrow, let me know
  7. Hey guys, its been about a decade since KotOR 2 came out and im tired of getting teased with them mentioning KotOR games all the time. The Old Republic has been released, along with a bundle of the 2 KotOR games just a few months ago. Now we are all wondering: Why has KotOR 3 not been created yet? No one knows, and after bioware lost so much money due to the Old Republic, they may have nothing to do with a Knights of the Old Republic 3. Anyway, i'm trying to get as many people together as possible to stand up for our beloved kotor games. I put together a steam group for the defense of the game. So far it is not very big, only 2 people discluding myself have joined. But with your help i'm hoping we can get somewhere. I promise I will keep this group active with at frequent acknowledgements! Thanks for reading, and here is the link. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/k3now
  8. Well hello everyone! It’s the day after our Kickstarter here at Obsidian, and while a few of us are a little rough around the edges right now, we’re already busy working on Project Eternity! In this update, we’ll go through a number of frequently asked questions we’ve received in the last day or so. If you have any problems with anything, please always feel free to head over to our forums, or reach us on Facebook, Twitter, or via support@obsidian.net. So… onward! Kickstarter and PayPal Stats So as of about 1:30 PM PDT, here’s where we stand funding-wise: Kickstarter Backers: 73,986 Pledged: $3,986,929 PayPal Backers: 3,681 Pledged: $176,279 Totals Backers: 77,667 Pledged: $4,163,208 Stretch Goals So that means we hit the 4M stretch goal, right? Yes! How do PayPal backers affect the Mega Dungeon size? It counts toward the Mega Dungeon! We hit fifteen (15!!!!) levels! Will Facebook Likes still count to a larger dungeon? Yes, for now they do! Come like us quickly and maybe we can hit the 40,000 likes for one last dungeon level. But it’s for a limited time, so… like us! Please note: If you clicked Like on our Eternity home page, that doesn’t qualify – we need likes on Obsidian’s Facebook page! Kickstarter / Amazon Payments / PayPal OK, so now what happens? If you backed us on Kickstarter, Amazon will begin processing payments and will contact you. This process takes place over a period of 14 days. If you encounter any problems with this process, never fear about losing your pledge. We’ll work with you to work out any payment issues so you don’t lose out as long as you were a part of the crowdfunding phase. Once payments are taken care of, we’ll start collecting information from you guys, and we’ll do that a few times. More info on that below. If you backed us on PayPal, and everything went through OK, sit back and relax and we’ll be in touch soon! Speaking of PayPal, I noticed PayPal tiers are still up. Will I get the same rewards for the tiers if I donate now? Yes! For as long as we have the listed options available on http://eternity.obsidian.net, you’ll get the same rewards. This is for a very limited time though, so don’t delay if you’re going to get in on Project Eternity! Oh no, I don’t think I added shipping! How do I add international shipping? There’s two ways to handle international shipping. You can: Go to http://eternity.obsidian.net: Along the right side, choose the Donate button under the “Donate Your Own Amount” section. It’s at the bottom of the Tiers just before Addons. On PayPal in the Donation Amount field, enter the desired amount and click Update Total. Log in to PayPal using your email and password. On the “please review your donation” screen, click the Add special instructions for Obsidian link. Describe what your donation is for (international shipping, top up, etc.) Change any other relevant details and then click the Donate USD Now button. [*]Hang tight for now. Once we get all of the information from PayPal and Kickstarter and then get it organized, we’ll be reviewing each and every order to make sure we know how you want your funds allocated. We’ll handle that directly with you via e-mail (please make sure the e-mail you used on Kickstarter or PayPal is accessible to you! If you have any concerns about that, e-mail us at support@obsidian.net) I would actually like to upgrade to another tier – can/how do I do that? For a very limited time, you can use the process described above in “How do I add international shipping” and specify to us what you would like to do. You can do this even if you first contributed to Kickstarter. Just include the difference. (Disclaimer: This does not apply to tiers that were sold out.) Video Streams Where can I see Adam’s Icewind Dale II playthough? Unfortunately it’s not available. Where can I see the D&D game? Here it is! Where can I see the last few hours of the party stream? Swing by Twitch TV at http://www.twitch.tv...ian/b/335806140 When is Chris Avellone going to stream playing Arcanum? We’ll be in touch soon with details on that. It might be a Holiday Special stream. Rest assured he’s going to do it - you guys hit the $4M marker! What’s the next step? OK so now what? First, come sign up on our Forums if you haven’t already. That’s going to be the best place to connect with us throughout the development of the game. We’ll also be up on Facebook and Twitter too. Backer badges will start rolling out in the next few weeks. If you have any problems signing up on our forums (our anti-spam can be rather aggressive sometimes, we apologize!), e-mail us over at support@obsidian.net and we’ll get you all set up. A survey will be coming in the next few weeks to ask you how you want to allocate funds. For those of you who are getting physical goods, before we ship anything, we will notify you and reconfirm at that time to make sure we have the latest physical address on file. If you have any other questions, feel free to swing by the forums or e-mail us! Fulfillment Some of you have been wondering how we will be offering keys for the game. You will be able to select one of the choices below for each key. Steam: Steam currently supports Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. We will be offering you a SteamPlay key. This means with one key, you can play the game on any supported platform of your choice! The Steam version will also offer in-game achievements and we are going to look at adding Steam cloud support for an even better multi-platform experience. Please note that Steam uses DRM (digital rights management) however. DRM comes with this platform and is not something we can disable. If you want a DRM-free option, please see GOG.com below. GOG.com: We will be offering DRM-free options based on the platforms that GOG supports at the time of us shipping the game. Currently, this means you only have a Windows DRM-free option, but apparently some big news for Mac users is coming… tonight, and hopefully good news for Linux users too down the road. You may have noticed that there isn’t a DRM-free Linux version listed; that’s true today, but by the time we launch, we’ll have one available. Thanks again everyone, and we’ll be in touch! Update from Darren Monahan
  9. My mouse is hovering over the $250 donation button, but before I click I want to make sure there will be a DRM free version. I see the FAQ on the Kickstarter page saying that "one" of the options will be Steam, but I want to make sure that one of the other options will be fully offline standalone DRM-free.
  10. A long time ago -- near the game's release, I bought this game. I still have the physical disks, and all the boxware, as far as I can tell. However, I'd love to activate it on Steam, as my CD drive is broken. But I can't find a CD Key anywhere on it! I have another computer where it's installed, but that's not the point. Is there somewhere, like in the application data, where my CD Key is stored? Or does the box simply not have one, and I have to re-buy on Steam?
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