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  1. First of all, witch I might think is the problem, I didn't kill the attacking sith assassins in the mandalorian base on Dxun after returning from Iziz. (By the way, Onderon was the last planet I had to go to.) When I returned to their base after telling me they needed help with the sith temple, the dialouge cuts out when a sith assassin attacks Xarga. (I think that is his name) When I talk to him after I killed the remaining sith assassins, he asked me if I was ready to go to Iziz... And when I say yes, I am dropped off onto Dxun on the way to the sith temple with only Atton. And I am invisible for some reason. So, I save the game and when I come back I'm not invisible anymore, but I am midway through the level for some reason. Since it was a minor bug and definitely not game braking, I carried on to the sith temple. From there I continued the game like normal (I think) and after many attempts, killed the three sith at the end. Now when I talk to Xarga when I am ready to leave, the game crashes after I am done talking with him... So, I reloaded a save that I had inside of the temple and appeared where I didn't save? To be more specific, I start at the front of the temple. Behind the door. But, I can still make my way back to where Xarga was and talk to him. The game crashes. This is really annoying because this happened on my first play through as well, and a few days later when I was fed up with the bug and had enough with trying to fix it, I left the game alone for a few months and forgot about it. Now this is my second play through, and the same exact thing happens... TL;DR The game crashes when I talk to Xarga after I have beaten the sith temple.
  2. After defeating the ginger school monitor boss, I open the door to the detention room and the cutscene where Craig and the kids in detention plays. Afterwards, the screen flashes to the boys outside the school for a split second and the black loading screen appears and doesn't go away. I still have access to the game menu but the text in the tip bar that rotates at the bottom of the screen look a bit off (ie. little black streaks in the text). I've tried to switch buddies before entering the classroom, I've tried exiting the school and coming back after a few quests, I've even tried loading a 30 minute previous save. Nothing works. Since this is a game progressing cutscene, I can't progress further. Thanks for your help in advance!
  3. Basically, the Canada level is awesome, but it is also COMPLETELY game breaking - meaning you have to start again and pray and pray that it doesn't mess up. Start again from the beginning, I mean. Selecting your class again. Doing all the quests again. Going through hours of dialogue and battles just to get back to your same point only to find that the same thing has happened again. It's not just me complaining about it: http://steamcommunity.com/app/213670/discussions/0/558752449560612208/ Although, granted, that is me bringing it to light, but there are many others who play the game who have come across this, and have no way of progressing. However, it should be noted that my brother hasn't come across this - we got the game at the same time, downloaded it at the same time, got all the DLCs at the same time - yet he hasn't ever had to deal with this.
  4. After Alt + Tab out of the game , the cursor wont hide, even in while watching cut scene , please fix this bug soon thanks or anything i could do to fix this , please let me know, thanks
  5. General Conditions: - Just installed, brand new out of the package for PS3. - Patch 1.1 applied from PSN at time of first loading (PS3 has the latest updates installed from PSN). - Followed link to apply game code for bonus content. Completed successfully. - Just started playing my very first character as a rogue. Problem: In the series of three battles against "Elves" after exiting tent in Cartman's back yard (right at the beginning as lvl 1), every time I get to the battle with the guy that is wielding the two-handed hammer and a shield guy, I defeat shield guy, but then I am unable to continue battle because it only allows me the option to use my dagger attack against two-handed hammer guy... which hammer-guy's stance will not allow. - I am unable to select any other combat type (other than the plain dagger attack) - After the one time it does allow me to attack him -- at which time I am notified that attack will not work on him -- I am no longer even able to attack the only guy standing there in the battle as he is greyed out and my dagger has the circle-slash symbol indicating unusable. - I even quit the game and returned to save point inside Cartman's tent just prior to the battle, but always have the same result in the third battle. - I also have the bow equipped -- as required in the second battle -- but it's use is not an available option for this fight, nor is my special backstab attack, nor is the use of any item... As far as I know, I am carrying ever single item available at this point in the game. So basically... I'm stuck and can't proceed past this point... Is this a known issue / bug? Is it avoidable some how?
  6. Hi, I bought the game from PSN and downloaded. I found a bug and my game is stuck, in Clyde's Fortress after defeating Craig and some Nazi Cows the loading screen shown but it turned black and the game didn't resume, the only function working was the Start Menu, so I decide to make a copy of my progress (note: my ps3 never turn off and the game still running), also I restart the game and it works fine, but when I select Continue the loading screen shows up but keeps loading and the game never start. Also I tried to load the game before the fight and it works but when defeating Clyde again the game freezes after, so I can not pass beyond this fight..!!! Also, I tried to create a new game and it worked fine the issue is that I can not play my old game only for a damn bug...... I don't want to lose all my progress I will hate that a LOOOT!!!... please Help. Thanks!
  7. Don't know if I did something wrong, but I have infinite loading issue in Clyde's fortress. When I got there for the first time everything was OK, then I got down, walked around for a while and tried to get back. It didn't wotk and turned into an infinite loading. Buddy swap doesn't help. Any previous saves in this location don't work neither.
  8. I just beat Craig and the screen went black. Naturally after waiting for 5 minutes i turned the xbox off and on again, now when i try to load it again my game is stuck in an infinite loading loop. I reeaaaaally enjoyed this game and i felt quite invested in it so now that i have gotten so far into it and i cannot continue or go back before it happened I dont know what to do. Some one please help?
  9. Hey guys I'm having some trouble on XBOX360 in trying to buy armor at the elven kingdom store, the game crashes the whole thing just freeze and I have to resart the videogame. Please help guys thx
  10. Platform: Steam I was assigned the Goth-Kid quest, but went for side quests first. I ended up meeting Satan's wildlife in the west forest, and afterwards was sent home grounded for being out too late. I then had the underpants gnome quest, and once completed met Stan outside, and was told to follow him to Kyle's backyard, which was weird since I hadn't met him yet and it seemed like he knew me. I went to Kyle's house, and could not get in. It was still locked, with Kyle's dad shoveling out front as always. I went to the Goth kids to try to accomplish that quest, but cannot. When I walk up to them, the interact button appears, but hitting the space bar does nothing. The button disappears for a split second, and then reappears. I cannot figure out how to advance in either quest.
  11. Hiya been having a blast with this game so far but...I encoutered a big which severly took out a lot of the fun I could've kept having with this game. After just coming back from Canada and finally recruiting the girls into the Alliance, I then took Timmys Fast travel to Kyles House. I made a save there just before the final part of the game began. However after making my save I tried getting the Chimpokomon in the sewers that you can only get with the Nagasaki... However the Chimpokomon was not there in fact when I break items around the world map such as atms, boxes, parking meters anything. Items will not drop from them any longer. Also the Chimpokomon Shoe was not there either. Thus I am not able to collect all the Chimpokomon and get all the friends because of this glitch/ bug. I also made a new save file and I can pick up items again but only with that new character so it would seem that my older save files with my first character are bugged and he cannot pick up items before during or after the final assault at the end of the game. Should also mention this happened on the xbox 360 for me.
  12. Hi, great game, thanks a lot for making it.. There is only one place where I've get this bug and only when I look in front of camera, but still (this is an afro hair) This was my set at that time And I've found some typing misstakes in russian localisation. Don't know where to send them besides this forum. must be: со всеми из And must be: затем
  13. I'm not sure whether it is intentional or not, but after I have unlocked all summons, completed the main story and now doing side quests I noticed I didn't have my summons anymore and I had to walk up to Mr slave, jesus, Tuong Lu Kim and Mr. Hankey and speak to them again and I get an achievement that says "Summon unlocked!" just like after completing the original quests to unlock them the first time. I don't get it. Are you meant to go back to each person daily, just to be able to summon them again or is this a bug? It's pretty annoying.
  14. Hi everyone, I just want to report a bug. When I try to buy the "Monk Glove" from the "Elvenwares" in the Elves camp the game crashes. It crashes more exactly when I just click in the Item, the description not even shows, and the problem just occur when I'm playing with Portuguese-Brazil language. So, I think some character on the translated description is causing the crash. The image is atached (in english language, just to show the exactly location). Thanks in advance, William Borgo
  15. hi so im happily here going throught they story until i get to the part where you have to "sneak into taco bell" i do all this return to the pta meeting give them the recording but afterwards i didnt get the photo meaning i cant continue with the story any help would really be appriciated baring in mind my last save was after i gave them the item and near the start of the game /:
  16. Alright so I've come across an insanely infuriating glitch that I managed to pin point but can't figure out a solution to the problem or what exactly is causing it. I dunno if anyone else is having this issue but right after learning Nagasaki in Canada, the last three Chinpokomon (Beibersaurus, Mouse-Tik and Shoe) all disappear from the map and aren't able to be collected. I creeped my way through Canada and after every major quest point I saved the game and went back to check the sewers for Beibersaurus he remained there until I learned Nagasaki... right after learning the final fart he was gone. Is any one else having this issue and can anyone figure out a solution to remedy this? It's really annoying me and it's a game breaking bug that needs to be patched.
  17. Couldn't create a new topic in support. Here goes: I'm at the point in the game where I have to use a sneaky fart to distract the guards at the mall / Taco Bell site. After distracting them, another cutscenes plays and I presume I should switch to Kenny to distract them, BUT THE CHOICE TO "SWITCH BUDDY DOESNT LEY ME CHOOSE AT ALL. No amount of button pressing gets this screen out of the way. Switching buddies prior to beginning the mission doesn't help. If I hold the circle button (I'm playing on PS3, digital download copy), I can see the "hold to skip" command, but it does nothing. I've out several hours into this game and can forgive the stuttering, the loading screens, the weird audio glitches, but I can't forgive game breaking bugs. Not for a 60 dollar game that I paid to preorder. Help please.
  18. I can not advance through the game. I received the letter from the girls and was directed to go to Photo Dojo to get a passport photo, then "head north" to get the letter translated. I went to photo dojo, fought the pedophole, and received my passport photo. Whether I try to enter the forest to the east of Kenny's house or try to "head North" through the farm, all of the entryways are still blocked by rats. I purchased SP: Stick of Truth throught the Playstation Store on a PS3 on the game's release date. After installation, I installed a suggested update. I did not start playing until after the update. Thanks.
  19. Win 7, Steam, Digital Download I am now on my fifth play through. In every one so far, either the 'Mouse-Tik' or 'Shoe' Chinpokomon has randomly decided not to be there. This makes it impossible to complete both the, 'Chinpokolypse' and the 'More Popular Than John Lennon' achievements. Reloading, and going back to old saves does NOT fix the problem. I read somewhere that this issue was believed to be caused by using the fast warp. So this time through, I didn't warp at all. It still happened. This time it was the shoe again. Is there a way to prevent this? Is there a way to fix it? Can I force it to pop-up somehow? I have saved the check point, and backed it up. It is saved at the tower, where the shoe normally is. This is very irritating!
  20. Hey, So I just finished the game and got every achievements. I just got the 120th friend, but the trophy didn't unlock. Possibly because I didn't press select to see Clyde friend request. Since he is not even in the list once he get "Banished from space and time" can't this trophy be fixed to unlock at 120 friends instead of 121 ? This is pretty frustrating since even if you get his friend request, if you don't press select to see him in your profile page you lock yourself from the achievement ...
  21. Hi everyone, Just reporting an error: Sometimes, when I click in "Save Game" and confirm to overwrite, the game shows me up a message saying that the disk is busy, or something like this. When this happens, I can click "OK" to dismiss the message and the game got back to pause menu. But, is is freezed, I cannot click or press any key. I have a slow hardDisk and I think this happens when I do the commands so fast (open the save game menu -> double click in save game and confirm the overwrite the previous game) Maybe the program is trying to save the game in the same moment that is reading the save thumbnail, well, I dont know. Thanks! William Borgo - Playing the game in "Brazillian Portuguese" language.
  22. I recently bought South Park the Stick of Truth for Steam, when I first launched the game and it was fine. But when I launched it a second time, it tried to create Direct3D again. Can people please tell me how to fix this or if this is a bug that needs to be patched.
  23. I'm having a bug in the abortion clinic... I'm stuck there and there is no way to go further. Are there more ppl having that problem? See the youtube video to understand the bug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW4iXJPZe7E&feature=youtu.be Could the tech support plz help me? or at least give me a save file that could let me play still... thank you
  24. Hi, I had a problem to past the second QTE when I taps the button A to destroy the sonde anal.
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