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Found 7 results

  1. Canadians try ban ethnic-Ukrainian musician because of his anti-Junta sentences. https://twitter.com/ValLisitsa http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenslaurson/2015/04/19/free-speech-rachmaninov-and-twitter-posts-how-the-ukrainian-war-invaded-torontos-stage/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/2015/04/08/tso-sets-a-dangerous-precedent-menon.html
  2. Just wondering if anyone can help me, I've reached Canada and I have used the dragon shout and cupcake on Terrance and Phillip but when I use the sneaky squeaker the game goes straight to a loading screen and does't load. I've tried cleaning the disc and the Ps3 laser but its still the same.
  3. How to enter the white thing in canada map? It's located in top left side of the map....
  4. Basically, the Canada level is awesome, but it is also COMPLETELY game breaking - meaning you have to start again and pray and pray that it doesn't mess up. Start again from the beginning, I mean. Selecting your class again. Doing all the quests again. Going through hours of dialogue and battles just to get back to your same point only to find that the same thing has happened again. It's not just me complaining about it: http://steamcommunity.com/app/213670/discussions/0/558752449560612208/ Although, granted, that is me bringing it to light, but there are many others who play the game who have come across this, and have no way of progressing. However, it should be noted that my brother hasn't come across this - we got the game at the same time, downloaded it at the same time, got all the DLCs at the same time - yet he hasn't ever had to deal with this.
  5. Alright so I've come across an insanely infuriating glitch that I managed to pin point but can't figure out a solution to the problem or what exactly is causing it. I dunno if anyone else is having this issue but right after learning Nagasaki in Canada, the last three Chinpokomon (Beibersaurus, Mouse-Tik and Shoe) all disappear from the map and aren't able to be collected. I creeped my way through Canada and after every major quest point I saved the game and went back to check the sewers for Beibersaurus he remained there until I learned Nagasaki... right after learning the final fart he was gone. Is any one else having this issue and can anyone figure out a solution to remedy this? It's really annoying me and it's a game breaking bug that needs to be patched.
  6. I can not advance through the game. I received the letter from the girls and was directed to go to Photo Dojo to get a passport photo, then "head north" to get the letter translated. I went to photo dojo, fought the pedophole, and received my passport photo. Whether I try to enter the forest to the east of Kenny's house or try to "head North" through the farm, all of the entryways are still blocked by rats. I purchased SP: Stick of Truth throught the Playstation Store on a PS3 on the game's release date. After installation, I installed a suggested update. I did not start playing until after the update. Thanks.
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