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  1. is there a good place to post bug reports for the ps4 version of the game? is there a separate company that obsidian hired to make the console port that i could report it to? also wondering if anyone has actually gotten feedback on bug reports recently or if im wasting my time. much as i completely adore this game, it wouldnt surprise me at all if they abandoned bug fixing it given the poor sales. the console release is so buggy it almost feels like a lost cause but iv noticed a few particular areas that the game has a very hard time with (tikawara is completely inaccessible in my game due to instant crashes), as well as a number of quests related to crookspur that seem seriously bugged. I would love to give some feedback if possible. Thanks!
  2. Serafen is bugged out. He is at random spots of the map and sometimes he isn't. There names and icons are duplicated as well when changing party members. It wont allow me to change party members as well. It just shows I have only 3 party members for instance even tho I picked Aloth and someone else. Sometimes I can pick different party members yet Serafen is randomly around. He was killed once , which is funny buy very annoying cause I have to reload. Is there any way to fix this???????? I cant post the picture cause its bigger than 507kb , which I also have to say is VERY IGNORANT.
  3. -PC Game Pass -Single Player Bug: Insects getting stuck in place even in large groups. Even when provoked ants will not move because they are stuck, still become hostile though. Aphids stuck to one activity -> don't run away. I also saw a pack of ants that were chasing a weevil but were all frozen in place. They still make noise and can rotate but they do not move. Link to reddit post with video: https://www.reddit.com/r/GroundedGame/comments/ly0upp/bugs_getting_stuck_aphids_stuck_in_routine/
  4. Every time I try to pick up the water skin in the intro scene my game crashes and drops me in the desktop, corrupting the save file that was used to try to pick up the water skin. any assistance would be awesome as I was looking forward to playing the game. I have tried two different new games so far to see if it was a one time thing and I lowered my frames to 30 to see if it was my computer. I am adding the crash repot to see if anyone can help check it out (as I'm pretty coding-illiterate). Thanks for anything! crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt report.ini
  5. hey I am on the Quest: Signal Point in Space I have done what I needed to do, all I have to do now is return to Sophia... but she is not there.What can I do? this is a main story mission Thank you
  6. Anytime I build something when playing online with my friend, he is unable to see what I have built and for him it looks like I am disappearing. Once he tries to walk onto a floor I have built, he will glitch through the world. You can see here on his game clips it happening: https://gameclips.io/Devil%20Sibby/77cce38b-bae5-4544-9ede-b08e6413bf89
  7. Whenever a container (canteen) is filled up with any form of liquid and is dumped out by right clicking it from the inventory it seems like it never actually works. It empties the value but once you throw it out of your inventory and pick it up again, you'd see it return as if it didn't actually empty the value. - something related to the values not being updated: whenever hot crafting, the quantity won't get updated. Thanks Devs. :)
  8. I'll cut to the chase. I think a aggresive centipede would be awesome. A lawnmower in grass areas would be epic. A neutral stick bug would be sweet. Lastly an aggressive garden snake would be fantastic. Centipede - Typically drier, flat, areas or underground. Hide could be used for better base upgrades like reinforced walls. The legs could be used for scimitars. Stick Bug - Wandering around a lot of places, but mostly the giant tree. Legs can be used to make the rod of a fishing pole to catch tadpoles, etc. Lawnmower - Leaves a trail of grass planks and either grass or dead grass chunks. The chunks depends on the area being mowed. Garden Snake - In thick grass or weeded areas. Can also be found exploring the berry bushes. Fangs could be used as upgraded spear ends or reinforced spike traps. Shedded skin could be used as a pitfall cover.
  9. When trying to build any type of structure or craft decorations, the item or structure slants to a side after pressing the build button. This is an issue that did not happen until the new update was released (Nov 10th). Very important to address this issue as base building is a crucial part of the game and experience.
  10. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but during the tutorial after walking into my first tent to the computer in the center and pressing the model against the table, I got stuck. I can’t jump or move but I can turn the camera, crouch once (can’t stand up again) and open the analyze menu. This happens with only Max and Pete (the boys’ player models). Another thing, when I gave up and switched teens, then respawned with someone different, I heard the voice of the previous teen I played and gave up with every time.
  11. When traveling using ziplines, if you press ALT or ESC then you are not able to see around anymore... Just up and down. It is not a big deal but a bug, nonetheless.
  12. Started update , it didnt work properly. Game would not load.... had to uninstal and reinstall. Next i had to thru 30min of countless game trying to load my saves from cloud....eventually it found them. N now to what this is all about. Im running on xbox one X and everytime i go to build ; foundations, roofs, floors and walls. My game crashes it wil either crash when selecting the item i want to build or when i press X to place the blueprint. PLEASE FIX THIS (ive tryd on both single and multi player the crashes either way when you try to build basic building peice yet i can build the new items ) At the moment from reading on the xbox feed that i am not the only 1 getting this
  13. I'm playing through Peril on Gorgon right now and everything was great, until now. I'm at the point where I need to acces the HIA, but the door is still "sealed", even though I have the passkey. I just don't have the option to open the door, it only says "sealed" and when I try to interact with it, it does the normal unlocking sound, but nothing happens. Here's a video showing the issue: https://youtu.be/JFJb1Xc6_B4 Did anyone else experience this issue? Is there a possible solution? Am I doing something wrong? Edit: I'm an idiot, I was using the wrong door. Feel free to ignore this post.
  14. For some reason the north west ant hill, where all the ant eggs are, makes my frame rate drop like crazy! like I'm talking it takes me 5 minutes to get out of that 'zone' (150m radius of that ant hill). Anytime I get close to it I'm basically stuck with that high ping problem until I can get about 200m away from it... I've concluded it must be the epicenter of my problem. Extra Info: I'm on xbox one, and it's been happening since the last update.. I think it may be because of the sheer amount of ants that are in that cave that are causing it but I'm not an expert and have absolutely no idea tbh
  15. I'm trying to continue my game, but the cloud saves won't load! Don't know if it's because I cancelled the sync, but not sure. This is frustrating.
  16. Hello, Thank you very much for the great DLC “Peril on Gorgon”. After a few teething problems with the Epic Store, I have a lot of fun with “The Outer Worlds” again. I noticed that when I go to the Unreliable at the Sprat Shack, my armor disappears. I tidied up my inventory and sorted the things in refrigerators, lockers and the container in the captain's cabin, went to the workbench and the title crashed without an error message (crash to desktop). After restarting “The Outer Worlds”, 2 manual save points were always created and the armor was gone. When I quit the game, the Epic store gives me the following error message: "Files too big The saved data is too large to upload. Error code: CS-03 Search our knowledge base to find out more ”. If I restart the title and click on "continue", an old save is loaded onto Gorgon before I cleared up my inventory (manual and quick save points that I have created since then are still available, but twice) - the armor is still at the suggested save point there. Is that a mistake or have I already broken the universe? Thank you for your support and the wonderful, fun games from your house [translated with the google translator]
  17. I can not save my games on single or multiplayer, my friends world vanishes and has to reload the game about 5 times before it pops back up, but for me no saves at all, i do love the game, but this bug/glitch makes it so uninjoyable if i cant save
  18. While up on top of the fallen oak branch my toon is sling shooting off the screen. I'm in 3rd person. The toon is not 'moving' the character graphics keeps moving off screen then coming back. Rebooting the game seems to have fixed it.
  19. As the title implies, there's an annoying grass strand that re-spawns every day, right through my wall. My base is on the stepping stone near-ish the knocked over flower pot. Album with images of the strand and map showing the area: https://imgur.com/a/FHJFdHC
  20. Whilst trying to connect to a friends game the cutscene for the lasers firing was played. I connected in the middle of the cutscene and got to watch it, but at the end of the cutscene rather than loading in as Willow I loaded in as omniscient being. I could move through walls and after terrorizing my friends I floated around checking out the map. I found a drawing in the shack, a maze inside the hedges, and a secret base in also in the berry hedge. I didn't look through the caves very much as moving is very slow whilst flying. There are more pictures, but i can only upload 2
  21. Don't know if another topic has been made for this, but whenever I am playing with my friend in his world. Anytime we or myself place items such as workbenches, torches, chests, decor, etc, on either floors or walls, If I leave the area and come back, they all reappear under ground for me. On my friends screen since he is the host he does not have these issues. The good thing is that I can still access the chests from the original areas, but it makes it hard because they affect my movement when they are phased into the ground. Whenever we reset the game is a simple fix, but the moment i leave to do anything and come back, they all disappear again.
  22. When I was hosting a game with my friend, he had to reset his character because when he logged in he was falling through the map so he though re spawning would fix it which it did. Although he had re spawned under the bed so he wasn't going threw the map but he was stuck so I had to destroy the floor and the bed.
  23. I have been scouring the map for about 2 or 3 in game weeks, and I have yet to find a feather. Ive followed the crow around to its different perches and waited till it flys away, and no feather. I haven't seen it drop any feathers at all. I will also go several days without seeing the bird also. anyone know how to get this working or is it just bugged out completely?
  24. The 4 leaf clover is missing!!! Xbox One Console
  25. I made it tiny boys and girls! Since the game release, ant eggs were a problem for me, they never spammed. I tried everything and nothing worked. Well, this time it did. I found a bunch of worker ants around weevil meat and killing weevils. So, I killed them all and looted them. Big mistake, nothing changed. The second time the ants spammed, I again killed them all and didn't loot their bodies. After 1 in-game day, work ants were back to the Anthill and ant eggs were there. So my advice if you are having the same problem, find where the group of ants is (10 to 15 ants in my case), kill them all, and don't loot their bodies. Other things that didn’t work: - Kill soldier ants at the anthill, stuck or not, looting or not. - Kill worker ants wandering around the backyard, stuck or not, looting or not. Good luck and I hope it will help you guys.
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