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  1. Correction, that poll if for Objective XP, not Quest XP. Subtle but important difference. is not a meaningful difference. the current system is, for all intents and purposes, an objective xp mechanic. quibbles over nomenclature is silly, particularly when developers specific said that there would be no particular xp for "body count." in current build, folks got xp for simply entering the ogre cave. therefore, as can be seen, xp is not simple awarded for completion o' quest in even the current PoE builds. nevertheless, quibble over nomenclature is creating an issue that did not exist when the previous poll were formulated and is not meaningful now either. HA! Good Fun! edit: previous poll, not previous problem. Im not quibbling over nomenclature. In my borked game, I never received a single point of XP for any action. Other posters say they got XP for entering the ogre cave. So if that's how the system is going to work, incremental XP rewards doled out along the way vice one lump sum at the end of the "quest", then most people will be happy. Objective XP and Quest XP are completely different imo. we would be careful o' playing the slippery slope semantics game, 'cause it will become problematic for you. quest/task/objective xp does not discriminate against play-styles. at the time o' the previous poll, the developers had made clear that "body count" would not specific yield additional xp, but keep in mind that if a player does kill all enemies to accomplish a goal, then functionally they is getting xp for combat. at the same time, if a player uses stealth to avoid combat and then finds a diplomatic solution to the ogre problem, they is arguably getting xp for stealth and conversational abilities. argue semantics will not end well for you. furthermore, one need only watch the jorge and rose beta to see xp gain 'pon entering o' ogre cave. is admittedly a later build than the one you have access to, but you need simple watch the video to see objective/task xp being awarded... is not some kinda sneaky bit o' sleight o' hand that folks is trying to slip past gifted. you can see for yourself if you wish that PoE is awarding quest/task/objective/whatever, even if your build is complete bugged... such as is Gromnir's btw.. HA! Good Fun!
  2. ah, one of the parishioners at the church of cain is arrived. how amusing. we will note that more than one obsidian developer has made the observations we contributed in the post above... so we was hoping some fallout yutz would cry "sacrilege" at our blasphemies. try convincing josh that energy weapons is useful early and that skills is balanced 'nuff not to be punishing ordinary and intelligent gamers as well as "idiots and the lowest common denominator." josh, for one, don't think too highly o' fallout balance, and as you is a backer o' poe and this ain't codex, you ain't gonna be able to, "sigh, and, with a piece of scripture, tell them that God (cain) bids us do good for evil." pillars o' eternity is specific rejecting your viewpoint and is opting for making the catalog o' character generation options equal viable if not equal powerful. and you is a poe backer, so congrats and enjoy a game made for the LCD. heck, we didn't even bring up how poorly balanced is the gifted trait 'cause you can still have fun in fallout without it. see, we need not argue with the fallout zealots 'cause you has already lost. troika is dead and while cain is at obsidian, your idol were cast down by Moses some years ago... or perhaps it were that troika finally ran out of publishers after failing to finish games in a timely fashion and then public complaining about the guys providing the money. am gonna concede that we has seen the videos o' the ten minute speed runs o' fallout, so am guessing that getting energy weapons with enough regularity so as to be a viable main weapon is indeed possible "early" in the game, but only with the kinda bs pre-knowledge that kinda makes your suggestion as absurd as the quickie run of fallout. nevertheless, is curious that only from codexians and nma folks who has been preaching to the choir since before the turn o' the century that we is getting this nonsense. am thinking that is one o' the strengths o' cults. if you say something over and over again surrounded by other members o' the faithful, eventually you can make an absurdity into a Truth. you just gotta squint your eye up real tight and believe... or is that how you learn to fly... y'know, from peter pan? HA! Good Fun!
  3. what, so we is ignoring inherent bonuses from abilities? naughty. the thing is, only some serious fallout apologists is thinking gifted ain't broken. am recalling josh has mentioned this a few times, so if you really wanna slog through with gifted, give it a shot with him. he is the developer of poe after all, and his opinion is gonna have more relevance to poe. and small frame... you is joking, right? assume you is building a sniper character, or virtual any character. how important is a decrease in carry weight compared to a stat increase you can functional use on anything? between your pack mules (sorry, companions) and the car and other options, carry weight is a minimal important aspect. is not just str that impacts FUNCTIONAL carry capacity of your party. fallout guys is the only ones who can't see how woeful unbalanced it is. weird. HA! Good Fun!
  4. is this the same thing as giving self a handicap? for example, many fallout traits had a bonus and a handicap. the thing is, the handicaps could frequent be nullified or ignored. sure, gifted gave you a penalty to skill points, which were easily overcome by putting some o' those extra ability points into intelligence. small frame would result in a decreased carrying capacity, but would boost agility by 1... and that additional agility point could actually be spent on any ability. giving self handicaps so as to be getting a "better" character is typical in pnp rpgs, but it always stuck us as a bit silly. HA! Good Fun!
  5. am much in favor of more balanced classes than were existing in d&d... and ad& d, and d&d 2e... and to a lesser degree, 3e, or 4e d&d. am using d&d, 'cause the example o' bg2 were being utilized. clear overpowered classes tends to make other classes, understandably, less appealing. under-powered classes has same problem. we beg folks not to go all argumentum ad abdsurdum on us. the impossibility to be getting perfect balance is Not an excuse to forgo balance. am not claiming that folks is asking for that... yet. nevertheless, is a typical ploy and we might as well head off before we hear it. that being said, different but balanced does not equate sameness.... not by a long shot. it woulda' been much better if all fallout traits, skills and abilities were balanced. not take gifted were voluntarily gimping your own character. take energy weapons at start were a wasted skill for 2/3 of the game. agility ain't That important for a combat focused character, is it? if all skills were genuinely of equal use in fallout, we woulda' been far more likely to build a character based on what sounded fun rather than what we knew were get us the most juice per squeeze. yeah, nothing is stopping us from making a gimped character, and after playing fallout 3 or 4 times, we probable is then looking for a challenge. but guess what, most people will not play a game 3 or 4 times. developers has revealed time and again that play once is typical.. that brings us to a second point and that is that usefulness is not always the same as power. you not need to make sure all skills and abilities is of equal power, but is stoopid to make some far more useful than others. if you feel as if the character you painstakingly crafted and spent tens of hours leveling is nothing more than your party's superfluous appendix, then you will be feeling justifiably disappointed. sure, you may be ultra-powerful for the final run at the boss, wherein you can diplomacy your way through all endgame content and get the Best results, but if you were relegated to gimp status for 75%-80% of the game 'cause you had largely useless skills or abilities, that ain't good neither. *shrug* balance is actual the OPPOSITE of sameness. lack o' balance results in a small handful of potential builds being actual played. balance has complete different result. if you were told that there were no best skill, ability, class whatever, then the typical player would be choosing for fun and style... far more variations would be probable, regardless of possible. HA! Good Fun! ps "Gromnir receives congratulations from Kjaamor. Kjaamor politely points out, however, that for all Gromnir's shoulder movements, Gromnir's assertion that a Quadratic equation results in a Parabolic graph was never in question." untrue. you used quadratic for party, mage and good v. evil. so how you meant quadratic was very much in question. as we stated in our initial post, we know what is difference 'tween linear, exponential and quadratic, and you seemed to be using at cross-purposes. so, in point o' fact, the assertion that quadratic results in a parabolic graph were very much in question... y'know, at the time we level'd the question.
  6. This seems to be the main argument from the boob armour crowd that I've seen. Regular use of ad hominem attacks simply makes the remainder of your argument completely irrelevant. am not sure people know what ad hominem means and why it is a fallacy. --Nietzsche? how can you take anything he said seriously? the rat bastard had syphilis. --the main proponent of the new dam project is cheating on his wife. perhaps he should fix his marriage before he tries and fix our community. as far as logic is concerned, is nothing wrong with being insulting. the aforementioned Nietzsche were less than gentle with his less gifted detractors and his barbs in no way diminished the validity o' his arguments. ad hom is problematic when the character insult replaces the argument, or when a person claims that an argument fails because o' the arguers's character flaw. destroy an argument And call opponent a "mouth-breathing troglodyte with delusions of consciousness" is not making argument fail 'cause o' use o' ad hominem. ... in fact, 'cause it is ironic and all, claiming that argument fails just 'cause person X is insulting is an ad hominem fallacy. isn't that funny? well, Gromnir sees the humor. HA! Good Fun!
  7. But not at the cost of the other classes, or the overall fun game. depending on your pov, balance is always at the cost of other classes. if class A becomes stronger, then class B is necessarily Relative weaker. if class B is nerfed, class A is Relative more powerful. if you change some fundamental aspect o' combat to benefit Class A, then chances are all classes will be affected in some way. this stuff ain't insular. balance is a comparative analysis, so it can't be kept insular. as for fun, we complete agree. sacrifice fun on the altar o' balance is stupid. the thing is, Gromnir don't have any idea how to be defining fun. your fun is likely different than ours. hmmm... maybe an illustration. imagine a game o' computer chess. your computer opponent is stuck with a standard array o' pieces: 1 king, 1 queen, 2 bishops, etc. you, on the other hand, gets to choose your pieces. some joker chooses all queens-- every single piece is a queen. he then complains that game were too easy. another guy chooses all pawns. all-pawns complains that the game is too difficult. was letting these guys choose making the game more fun? what if you had never played chess before and weren't shown rules ahead o' time? you chose all pawns 'cause you think the pieces looked kewl. with only experience to guide you, how many times would you need to play to find a genuine challenging/fun distribution o' pieces? will a first time player o' poe genuine be able to distinguish pawn characters/builds from queens? perhaps a more obvious example. the first time we played fallout we were unaware that it were stupid to choose energy weapons at start, and we didn't realize that gifted were a no-lose choice. it were very easy to make a pawn character for fallout. if we had chosen energy weapons, first aid and barter, and put most o' our points into agility (a reasonable sounding build) after a dozen hours o' frustrating gameplay, am doubting we would thinks fallout were fun. am getting that some folks wanna chance to play powerful or gimped. a balanced game seeming diminishes the possibility o' playing superman but what about the folks who don't know they is playing gimped... get stuck playing as dazzler or skin? where is fun for those folks? HA! Good Fun!
  8. have not played an mmo in over a decade, so am a complete n00b with such stuff. we noticed at the swtor board there were mentions o' class skills... but such skills didn't seems to work as kotor, nwn, d&d or other crpg skills we is familiar with. can somebody explain or link us to an explanation? also, we read some blogs from folks who has played and a recurring complaint we saw were regarding customization-- the lack o' it. appears that physical customization of avatar is limited, and that abilities/powhaz customization is also pretty limited. meet one 23rd level sith sorcerer and you has met virtual all 23rd level sith sorcerers. advanced classes bifurcate the core classes, but is that enough to keeps interesting? anybody that has played got an opinion on swtor customization? we got some time-off in the near future, and we has been gifted with a copy o' swtor, so we will probable fiddle with the game a bit, but am looking for feedback... feedback w/o having to deal with the bio/ea/lucasarts boards. HA! Good Fun! ps we sure as hell ain't gonna take oner advice to play for an entire month before judging.
  9. same here. i can't get tired of it. it's just so hilariously perfect in it's inanity. ya gotta love Bethie. you know what would be really funny is if Obsidian fixed SPECIAL and made it meaningful again...so that a low intelligence would give that modifier [intelligence] and all your responses would be as idiotic as that one. just simply repeating what the NPC says back to them. oh joy would that be ultimate lulz! special were meaningful? when? back when outdoorsman were virtual pointless? when first aid and dr. were split? special is so kewl; the system lets you play as you wish. right. how many folks start off with gifted perk and tag small guns? more than half? how many o' you said, "agility is my dump stat,"? etc. special had loads o' potential, but it were a mess from a balance pov and it were less meaningful than you suggest considering there were maybe a handful o' builds you see repeated +80% o' time. ... am sick and tired o' the Church o' Cain preaching a return to goode olde tymes that never were. special were a pretty nifty system and we like it loads... but we sure not wanna resurrect. Gromnir gets criticized for being old fashioned-- the word curmudgeon has come up more than once in polite conversation. even so, the fallout faithful makes even Gromnir seems downright progressive... revolutionary even. am also not quite sure why the idiot's response from fallout is held up as some kinda proof o' gaming goodness. if special were balanced proper then you makes int meaningful via skill points n' such anyways. typical obsidian game invariably gots a few unique Intelligence dialogues that is available only to the smarties... such stuff were available in fo3. but have moron dialogues for every encounter seems likes a whole lotta work for relative nil payoff. make int. meaningful by actual balancing o' special rather than cheese o' idiot's response? would be a novel addition to fallout franchise as fo1, 2, and 3 not do a very good job o' balancing special. HA! Good Fun!
  10. well, aren't those cute. am recalling that there were a bit pf a stink 'bout how the designer of the new brit carrier were kinda gifted the contract, 'cause the competition were too... french? is disturbing how often politics is so important when it comes to awarding contracts for weapons. am s'posing you has seen the Gerald Ford class carrier? the thing is a an absolute beast. too much automation and hi-tech doo-dads for Gromnir, but a beast regardless. HA! Good Fun!
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