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  1. before the trojan horse, the story o' pandora existed... and pandora were a trojan horse. pandora, a created being, were imbued with many gifts from the gods, but is hermes who made her, uh, well, a treacherous slattern. pandora were gifted to epimetheus so as to destroy man/men. HA! Good Fun!
  2. Aren't these two objectives mutually exclusive? not at all, particular for folks who is recalling how poe combat were first appreciated at the start o' the beta. one o' the most frequent complaints o' poe combat is related to pace-- is too frenetic. for those o' us who has played the game to death, such speed issues is forgotten or unnoticeable, but many players, particular new players, see poe combat as fast and unforgiving. having a dependable tank which needs less micromanagement (while still providing options if a player so desires to use 'em) is gonna be a boon for many. regardless, the objectives is not mutual exclusive. a low-maintenance class will not demand a player's constant attention, but labeling as such does not preclude the possibility o the developers having provided many combat (and non-combat) options for the player who desires more control o' the particular class. late edit: am aware 'o the tendency o' low-maintenace to seem boring. even with all the actual fighter options, if one simple uses as a low-maintenance meat shield, then the fighter very well could seem boring. however, with 11 classes, one need not like every class, yes? you wanna play more active tank which produces greater dps? is monks and barbarians and paladins and chanters which work excellent as tanks. Gromnir, for example, dislikes chanters. the chanter class is powerful and works as intended, but we prefer priests and paladins for support as we find the chants and invocations mechanics to be less than ideal to our playing style. 11 classes means roles should be more limited. more limited roles means a greater likelihood somebody won't like a particular class. however, eleven classes also means there is likely to be an alternative class available which should meet a player's expectations. This is my main issue. In the IE games, which PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor of, fighter-types were not only capable of holding back melee enemies, but they were capable of dishing out damage as well. Korgan dual-wielding the Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Frayer was a terrifying sight indeed. lord, save us from the "spiritual successor" stuff. it means nothing. while obsidian never promised such, whatever you mean by such a label is gonna be different than what Gromnir or maxquest or gifted might mean. whatever is the essential qualities and aspects o' spiritual successor is so elastic as to deprive the shibboleth o' any actual meaning. poe has classes and familiar races and an isometric top-down view o' a multi-character party. is many ways in which poe and the ie games were similar. why ain't the poe gestalt o' familiar ie features enough to be making it a spiritual successor? 'cause the poe fighter ain't enough like the bg2 fighter? is different for you than for many others. pointless to claim spiritual successor failure for a specific feature. (insert eye-roll here) poe fighters were identified, from the earliest days o' the poe development, as being different from the ie class o' the same name... which, ridiculously, is what folks is getting hung up 'pon. if the poe fighter were having been called a defender, and the rogue had been identified as a skirmisher, am suspecting most complaints wherein ghost o' ie were raised would never have happened. why should name be the problem when the developers made very clear the ie and poe versions would be different? nobody were snookered or tricked and nobody save for karakov complained... which ain't throwing him under the bus, but is rather an acknowledgement that he alone o' the folks complaining during the beta who had also posted in the fighter intro thread had some justification for doing so. you point to a horribly broken bg2 example o' a well nigh unstoppable korgan dual-wielding overpowered weapons as to what is wrong, what is missing, from poe. no. just no. HA! Good Fun!
  3. This is hilarious to me. am actual sympathizing. initially, bio romances bothered Gromnir only in the abstract. bio romances, being optional and tangential, could simple be ignored. wasted resources? *shrug* no biggie. the increasing numerous and vocal promancers, on the other hand, were a blight 'pon the bio boards. the inability to romance bethany hawke in da2 were serious debated? our initial indifference towards bio romances were indeed colored by the vocal proponents o' bio romances. sports metaphors don't do well in this place or we woulda' used boston red sox or dallas cowboy fans to illustrate. HA! Good Fun! ps the cowboys bit were included 'cause gifted is reading. mostly kidding. mostly.
  4. Personally I agree. However, the actual length of NFL contracts are smoke and mirrors. The true value can be seen in the guaranteed monies. Everything else is fluff. players ain't going into these contracts dewey-eyed and innocent. is not as if players is getting the old bait and switch, eh? keep in mind that other than the superstars, players got extreme limited leverage save through collective bargaining. only the smallest fraction 'o college players end up being drafted, and a relative small number o' those actual stick with a team. the difference in talent 'tween your typical former auburn star (and future ups delivery guy) vs a 2nd string mike backer for detroit is gonna be slim. for over 50% of nfl roster spots, there is literal hundreds o' guys who can replace nfl players in an instant w/o any measurable decrease to the quality o' the product. furthermore, even for the rare college player who makes an nfl roster, the average duration o' an nfl career is just under four years. how many former college stars sitting at home on sundays would happily play for the league minimum and no guarantee money? imagine gifted trying to negotiate a raise from his boss under similar circumstances. even so, while the nflpa has been monumental stoopid on more than one occasion, they ain't weak. heck, if the nflpa weren't so concerned with avoiding olympic-style drug testing or making sure superstars still got their stratosphere contracts, the player's association could get any number o' concessions for its members. better retirement benefits? higher minimum salaries? etc. *shrug* pro football is a stoopid way to make a living. we feel terrible for the mike websters and junior seaus who suffered cte, and owners should be held responsible for their complicity and fraud regarding head trauma and pro football. the thing is, cte is no longer an unknown. the dangers o' playing football is largely known. the brevity o' careers is known. the ability o' owners to cut players is known. is not mephistopheles hiding stuff in the fine print kinda deception, eh? players is grown men making hundreds o' thousands to tens o' millions o' dollars per year to play football. am not weeping over how nfl players has been exploited. HA! Good Fun!
  5. no good reason for gifted getting a boat... unless. HA! Good Fun!
  6. Barring mental issues, evil kids are the direct result of parenting. Imo. our time working in a juvenile detention facility convinced us otherwise. yeah, most o' the evil kids had terrible parents. and a fair number o' the broken kids were also nuttier than a fruitcake. even so, we met more than a few bad kids in the hall, and we had a chance to meet their parents and lawyers and psychiatrists. before working at juvenile hall, we believed as did gifted-- bad kids is the result o' crazy or bad parenting. experience taught us there is actual bad kids. yeah, previous to a certain age a child's brain hasn't developed the connections to makes good v. bad a fair question. tn is at least partial correct. young kids ain't capable o' being good as they can't genuine understand the concept... regardless o' parents tendency to be projecting qualities onto their issue. as such, early childhood development and kiddie psychology is kinda scary when viewed objective. even so, when we speak o' monsters, am not talking 'bout the broken kids or the young kids who cannot distinguish right from wrong. there is fundamental flawed kids, and those children can come from homes with loving parents who is diligent and conscientious 'bout raising their kids. sure, it ain't common or ordinary, but it does happen. HA! Good Fun!
  7. Ive often wondered about this. Good ifo's. in the spirit o' full disclosure, we got no numbers to back up our impressions o' lakota christianity. nationally we got numbers that says 3/4 o' indians is christian and a majority o' those is catholic, but there is baptists and lds and methodists on the rez... or maybe lutherans. all those protestants get kinda jumbled for us 'less we got a specific case. regardless, gifted shouldn't take our impressions 'bout lakota christianity as... gospel. HA! Good Fun!
  8. gifted and Gromnir may not see eye-to-eye on everything, but we share your displeasure o' time travel. when used for comedic value, time travel is acceptable to us. groundhog day would be a prime example o' time travel-for-laughs which actually worked. the simpson's time travel episode were also kinda amusing. edge of tomorrow is perhaps the only somewhat serious time-travel entertainment from the past couple decades we enjoyed. very little science in their science-fiction mighta helped for edge of tomorrow. yeah, as with all time-travel, suspension o' disbelief becomes strained, but perhaps the willingness to not take time-travel too serious were helpful as we had a few groundhog day moments in edge of tomorrow. ... and as much as we like star trek, the willingness to use time travel is a shortcoming o' the franchise. is actual kinda a tough call for us to decide which were worse for the franchise: time travel or star trek v: the final frontier. as bad as were final frontier, it were only one movie outta many. time travel is the bell that cannot be unwrung. HA! Good Fun!
  9. we will take any excuse to post clips o' chicago's 34. is kinda funny that in 2016, payton would not have been anywhere near a first round draft pick in spite o' the fact that one famous nfl scout once observed that along with anthony munoz and john elway, payton were the only perfect college football players he had ever witnessed. ran ~ a 4.6 40. seemed faster 'cause o' incredible vision, balance and explosiveness, but he didn't have top-end speed. regardless, is our pick for best all-time rb. not just 'cause he were a fantastic runner (would actually choose jim brown or barry sanders as pure runners before payton... maybe gale sayers too ) but as a complete back, we don't believe we has seen anybody in the same class. is an anecdote that john mckay, the former bucs and usc coach, showed his tampa bay squad film o' THE perfect play-- were a block by payton followed by a 3 yd pass reception. made 'em watch it over and over. lambert is actually the guy we modeled our own playstyle after even though we played safety and not mlb. intimidation and intelligence. in spite o' the fact that lambert were not the most physical gifted player, he always maximized his opportunities to make a play by being in the correct spot to do so. lambert played smart. 'course once he had a chance to make a play, he punished opponents, and then he talked trash... talked lots. regardless, once football season starts, we can't enjoy a "little obstacle course." we already admitted it ain't rational, but our contact sport bias is at its height in september. HA! Good Fun!
  10. from Gromnir's earlier post 'bout brain development in children, we would not hold the crumb-snatcher responsible for the injury and subsequent death o' the dog. intellectually we would not hold the child responsible. emotionally? can't unknow. would we treat the child different even knowing that the child was incapable o' understanding that what they did were wrong? would be difficult to treat child same as before knowing. heck, knowing that gifted is a cowboys fan is difficult enough to overlook. HA! Good Fun!
  11. a committee of fellow moderators. am also suspecting that not all complaints of individual moderators actual go to committee. if bob complains 'bout finovar to finovar, is up to finovar to bring that complaint to the review committee, yes? *shrug* is extreme rare Gromnir has an issue with a moderator which results in a complaint. one time we "complained" public 'bout a mod by expressing surprise at his/her being recent chosen to mod. the mod had recent been involved in a apoplectic confrontation with our self and the confrontation had shocked us at the time as we were, surprisingly, not being the least bit confrontational our self at the time. were some general anti-american rhetoric from the new mod and other nonsense. the new mod apologized retroactive for the post, but am doubtful the issue went to committee. another one o' our infrequent complaints were 'bout treatment of karzak by a mod, but our complaint were limited to pm 'tween the mod and our self. mod admitted the specific karzak behavior that elicited censure would not have been a problem if posted by many other posters, but given the mod's knowledge and past dealings with karzak, he decided to take action. we observed that application o' the board rules in such an ad hoc, personal and inequitable manner rendered the board rules meaningless. rules is different for Gromnir than for bruce? am having a hard time believing our "complaint" were reviewed by committee. we complained in a pm. the mod discussed briefly. the mod dismissed our concerns. the end. no doubt gifted can see the inherent flaw in the system that requires the mod to bring the complaint to committee, yes? *shrug* where does one direct complaints of mods to be ensuring they go to committee? am asking for future reference. am doubting an obsidian administrator goes through all moderator posts and pms to ensure that complaints is being proper routed to committee. HA! Good Fun! ps yes, Gromnir actual complained to moderators regarding karzak being treated unfair by mods. our defense o' karzak alone shoulda' given the mod in question pause.
  12. we watched a few stargate tv episodes with mcgyver staring in 'em. meh. the movie, with the 'girl' from the crying game and the computer who wore tennis shoes weren't much better. am not a stargate fan, so we got no horse in this race. that being said, we thinks ditching the tv show lore is a good idea, particular if your intent is to bring back professor daniel jackson, but no longer a milquetoast. have movies all 'bout prof. jackson subverting and neutralizing alien cultures. have an older and more cynical david spader channel his black list and ultron work. now that sounds fun. ... go heavy on drones to do reconnaissance and wet work. at the very least you get gifted to go see. HA! Good Fun!
  13. am amused by self-made man stuff... seeing as how Gromnir had, 'ccording to typical socialist dogma, every excuse to be un-made. came from extreme poverty. were not raised by parents. went to historical worst elementary schools in the country. went to one o' the worst high schools in illinois. we purposeful refused to identify our ethnic background on school and job applications until we were in our 40s, so am not having benefited from affirmative action. am a member o' an ethnic group that has the highest rates o' alcoholism, illiteracy and suicide in the USA... and is some o' the worstest worldwide. etc. am not bloomberg successful, but am frequent grousing 'bout our tax bracket and our inability to get any additional benefits from ca for purchasing a tesla 3. https://cleanvehiclerebate.org/eng/information-fiscal-year-2015-16-income-limit-changes we earned our success. we worked hard and took advantage of the opportunities available to us. we also got lucky. *shrug* self-made man coming from any strata o' American society is hardly a myth, but it is hard. gotta lot o' well-intentioned socialists telling us how impossible it were for a younger Gromnir to succeed were not helping. and you know what? immigrants from se asia, africa and eastern europe typical outwork Gromnir. is embarrassing to recognize how hard the immigrants work while we complain. and guess what, the kids o' immigrants is unsurprising successful in the USA. wanna exclude such folks from self-made 'cause their parents made requisite sacrifices? so be it. ... am knowing just how hard it is to overcome initial income disparity in the US. the obstacles to become a self-made man is herculean. is indeed twelve labors kinda herculean when looking at challenges facing youths who is poor and from a non-traditional family (regardless o' ethnic group) who wish to better themselves. nemean lion is a "widdle putty tat" compared to the Certainty o' Failure. have circumstances and well-meaning educated folks convincing you at every turn that improving your lot is impossible? am not the least bit shocked that most o' Gromnir's extended family failed to improve their situation and we believe such folks need and deserve help. when we were making our self, we didn't want help. foolish pride. even so, am glad we made something o' our self. in the US, people make themselves and their children every day, and they do a better job than has Gromnir. is no myth. but again, once we reached our 40s, we has done a 180 regarding programs such as affirmative action. self made ain't a myth, but is idiotic to expect that every young native american is gonna be as stubborn and angry... and smart, good looking and physically gifted as we were. we prove that self-made ain't myth, but is foolish to expect every young native american to be like Gromnir... and such a reality would be a whole different kinda nightmare. a few folks overcome a hurdle does indeed prove that the hurdle is surmountable. the thing is, as hurl kinda implied earlier, is a fail to build a modern society in which only a small handful o' people can overcome ordinary obstacles. in the US we need millions o' engineers and scientists and doctors, not just a handful o' elite. speaking o' fails, if we gotta says "Gromnir" more than once in a post, we consider it a fail. apologies. HA! Good Fun!
  14. kaepernick is a classic gm/coach killer. am figuring one or two more teams will give him a shot based on his physical gifts and the promise o' his early career. is understandable why elway feels empathy for kaepernick-- a young nfl qb with a strong arm and incredible athleticism is taking heat 'cause o' his attitude problems... problems often linked to his public admission that he don't wanna play for particular teams. since becoming gm in denver, elway's qb instincts has been a seeming benefit. running tebow outta town were not popular at the time, but it were the right call. acquiring an old manning who were recovering from serious injuries were a questionable decision in 2012, but it paid dividends. could kaepernick have a second career in denver? it could happen, but the more common result o' taking chances on gifted young qbs who has already failed once is that they will fail again. am trying to think o' the bag o' money we could justify as trade value for kaepernick. ziploc sandwich bag full o' money? old lady change purse? as much as this fella can fit in his cheeks anything more than the peanuts zippy is trying to hoard strikes us as wasteful. HA! Good Fun!
  15. cory everson were ms. olympia during much o' the 80s. as an aside, it occurred to us that nowadays we gots actors/actresses/models trying to play action heroes in movies... and action hero movies is big money. we hear how so-n'-so spent 3 months training to play _______ or that _________ worked out a bazillion hours a day to get physical prepared for the demands o' their role. made us think o' musicals o' the 30s-50s... serious. is hard to imagine cyd charisse or rita hayworth being daunted by the physical demands o' any modern action role. the dancers o' the musical era endured rigorous physical training for decades. the actors and actresses doing musicals got their parts in large part 'cause o' how athletic gifted they were. it seems that hollywood has a demand for action stars now more than at any time since the swashbuckler films were popular, and is w/o question that hollywood is looking for more actresses who can kick arse. nowadays you can't turn on tv w/o seeing sports drink or workout apparel commercials. every mid-sized town in the USA has at least one gym and people is increasingly aware o' the benefits o' physical fitness. nevertheless, it were +60 years ago that hollywood were producing its most athletic and physically capable stars. just struck us as odd. HA! Good Fun!
  16. is relative off-topic, so we will be brief... as brief as we is able. in a nutshell, the Court observes that recognized (such recognition is more complicated than you might think) Indian tribes is deserving o' "dependent domestic nation" status. as such, those tribes got sovereignty that trumps individual state law, but fed law can diminish or even eliminate such sovereignty. the tribal dependence on Fed government and the limits placed on tribal sovereignty create a trust relationship between the Fed and tribes. am suspecting that don't clear much up for gifted, but truth to tell, it ain't much clearer to experts. http://www.truesiouxhope.org/need/ is embarrassing. and as for hurl comparing kp to college students in the quad, we see as appropriate and not necessarily a criticism. is a good thing that american university students is encouraged to challenge the dominant paradigm. those university students is often integral to social change. the thing is, as we has noted before, there is few creatures more naive and ignorant than a first/second year university student. college is a new world, and with a mere few dozen credits to their name, the largely ignorant students thinks they got answers. *shrug* is a good thing to have young and intelligent people who is not daunted by the magnitude and complexity o' real world problems. naivety gives the college student protesting in the quad a kinda power that more educated and mature minds is incapable o' recollecting. the older and wiser mind understands that the problems is rare so simple and easily corrected as the college student believes. the older and more jaded realize that the villains that college students sees as obvious don't really exist and neither does most o' the heroes neither. the college student protesting in the quad is a blessing... if a bit comical. the college student is ignorant and naive but the paradox is that their lack o' awareness makes it possible for them to demand change that wiser minds would dismiss as pointless. and sometimes, those smart and ignorant college kids who has no reasonable chance to bring about meaningful change... succeed. oh, and as for leferd being a lazy uc student http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/profiles/ other than at merced, even the mediocre uc freshman is academically impressive. HA! Good Fun!
  17. oh boy here we go.... Not even trying the full game because of a beta? Hate to be rude but this is pretty ignorant imo. I can't remember how many times over the years I have tried a beta or alpha and it was average, only to try the full version and its fantastic. Sounds like you are deluding yourself or just outright lying. Apart from polish, there's probably 5% difference between a beta and final. between beta and full release, there is a good amount that is different... and in some ways the differences were not good or expected. heck, pervasive stacking bug were new with the release version o' the game. never had a problem with reckless assault during the beta. also, we weren't able to over-level in the beta as is possible in the full game. that being said, as much as we disagree with more than a few o' gited1's frequent irrationalities, am thinking it were perfectly fair and reasonable for him to forgo poe based on the beta. yeah, the developers has made many post release balance adjustments-- some good and some bad. and heck, you got gifted1 mostly to blame for the addition o' flames o' devotion... freaking all the unnecessary balancing, rebalancing and bugs related to flames o' devotion got their origin with gifted's mewling desire for the poe paladin to have an ie analog to holy smite and he don't even play the actual game? HA! good on him... last laugh is his. regardless, playing the beta for months, and seeing the kinda changes obsidian were willing to make were more than just a fair shot for poe. he didn't like the beta after months o' beta play? that is more than fair. differences 'tween beta and full is noteworthy, but folks like gifted1 got a reasonable clear notion o' poe from the beta. actual, we find gifted1 far more reasonable than the peoples who played the beta for months and genuine expected a complete different game at release. the people expecting a mystical day 1 transformation were/are the nutters, not gifted1. go figure. HA! Good Fun!
  18. it is funny that you bring it up, even in jest, 'cause matt's example o' bg shows us just how disruptive the bg style scheme actual were. Gromnir typical hit the bg level cap shortly after arriving in bg city. am not sure that using bg as an example helps matt, and it sure don't help with what should be the obsolete fixation gifted had/has with kill xp. your math is undeniable, but the above is simply wrong. in ps:t, thanks to respawns and kill xp, you could reach ridiculous levels before leaving sigil... could effective have 25s in all abilities before plane hopping. iwd and iwd 2 didn't have side quests, so those is not analogous to poe, yes? the available xp from side-quests in iwd and iwd2 were negligible. it were not the scheme that resulted in predictable xp growth in the iwd games. so, bg and bg2... *shrug* bg had a level cap that had most characters reaching 6 or 7. so, the fact that Gromnir reached level 7 soon after we first arrived in bg city (no doubt thanks to the abundance o' kill xp in the bg hinterlands) resulted in us being no more than ~three levels level'd above and beyond the critical path folks. we hit the level cap extreme early in bg, but the disparity in power were not as obvious simple 'cause total levels available were fixed and low. bg2? *chuckle* chapter 2 could see us much over-level'd in that game as well. hell, we could have end-game gear before going to spellhold and gear were more important than attributes in bg2. ad&d also were rather quaint in that while we could continue to gain levels, our effective power increases after level x diminished to near negligible quantities. unlike poe wherein we have opportunities to improve our character every level, that weren't the case with bg2. the effective difference 'tween a level 20 and level 30 character were not near a significant as the relative power increase from level 1 to 10. the ie games is not good examples for matt. the math may work in your favor, but the ie games ain't fertile soil in which to build this argument. two games is completely non-analogous (iwd & iwd2) and in three o' the ie games (bg, ps:t, bg2), we could either achieve extreme disparate levels depending on the amount o' side-questing we chose to undertake, or alternatively, we hit a level cap 1/2 to 2/3 o' the way through the game. actual, for all the "spiritual successor" mindless parrots out there, poe's experience issues should be a boon, no? bg had us hit the level cap at roughly the same point in the game as we did in poe, perhaps a bit earlier in bg as a matter o' fact. HA! Good Fun!
  19. yes, but we thinks the developers is having a little laugh at the expense o' folks like gifted. the total amount o' xp garnered for mindlessly exploring every building on a map is extreme small compared to the objective or quest offerings. bestiary is similar but not quite as bad as exploration. to appease the folks demanding _________ xp, the developers throws in what amounts to joke xp, but some folks don't seem to realize that they is being laughed at. pop open a chest and get 150xp. complete an objective and get 12,000 xp. the objective xp in the beta is incredible inflated. so, perhaps if xp for opening locks and walking through a doorway remains unchanged in the release, then such awards will be proportional more significant in the actual game, but at the moment, what we got is the developers having a laugh at the expense o' some folks. developers throw in insignificant token rewards and that satisfies the loudest advocates o' ________ xp? am suspecting that some obsidian is chuckling about exploration xp. woody. HA! Good Fun!
  20. Base Concentration is 50 for all units AFAIK. So it's 50 * (1 + [{(Resolve - 10) * 6}/100]) 15 Resolve - 10 = 5. 5 * 6 = 30% 30% of 50 = 15 Concentration = 65 correct. then we end up with an equal bad situation if we use 68.8 for a 22 perception archer when needing counter the 86 concentration for 22 resolve. *shrug* we see what you is saying. 72% o' 40 is 28.8. unfortunately, based on the new calculation for resolve, would that result in a marked improvement for interrupts compared to old formula? perhaps it would be too obvious to make an average weapon have a base value o' 50 instead o' 40 and adjust everything else accordingly? HA! Good Fun! The base interrupt of 'heavy weapons' is 50, so you should get 68 vs 68 if you with 22 perception take on a high (22) resolve enemy with a greatsword or something. But you'll be attacking less often. The base is 30 on things like daggers, so you'd get 40.8 vs 68 if you were attacking with them, but you'd attack so much more often it isn't clear without simulation to me which way would grant you more interrupts in the long run. Plus there's always the talent Interrupting Blows which grants an extra +15% interrupt chance. Though whether that's relative or absolute, I've not checked. there is a good experiment to see practical implications. go to dyrwood ruins and using a bow, sick your bb rogue on a skaen healer or spell caster. have other party members avoid attacking the heals... fight in a doorway. this scenario can result in a very long battle. even with a near guaranteed chance o' interrupt, the enemy spell caster is able to spam heals like a cornered gifted posting. as for quick attacks, they ain't a be all and end all. in the meredeth's (sp?) group there is a spell caster with a 72 concentration. we put a stiletto wielding priest o' skaen with ruffian weapon focus on the caster. our priest had the best accuracy in our little band o' misfits and an interrupt o' 79. the enemy caster were not rendered impotent simply by having us attack him. go ahead and try it out a few times. perception is mechanical near-useless w/o interrupt. am not averse to making it a bit more effective than it has been in the past. oh, and sensuki shows a video with ogre and bears, but is anecdotal and limited to one situation. if one bear doesn't fail a reflex check, sensuki is likely kibble. once the bears is prone, even a terrible interrupt chance is likely to be successful due to condition adjustments. scenario presented is the complete ideal, and not necessarily likely, application o' slicken that makes that resolution possible, not the interrupt chances. as for large/strong weapons, well, with a dex o' 18, they is still having a relative slow attack rate. heal spells, in particular, has very fast cast times. am finding our self unable to interrupt most enemy knockdown attempts with a greatsword. even so, am not thinking that the weapon interrupt chances is scaled appropriately 'tween weakest and strongest, but that is mere gut reaction based on only Gromnir's gameplay and not having the benefit o' seeing game testing first hand. use 50 for average and scale up/down 5 instead o' ten? as we say, just gut on scaling. as to beardless asians and native americans, it is difficult to make blanket statements, though we has done similar in the past. Gromnir can't grow facial hair, but that is common amongst the lakota. graham greene, the guy from dances with wolves, is... kanadian. am not sure what exactly his heritage is, but he sports very impressive facial hair when he chooses to. jerk. http://www.ainu-museum.or.jp/en/study/eng01.html HA! Good Fun!
  21. at the risk o' repeating our self like karzak and his dual-wield thief fixation, or gifted's spam love for that matter, we will again observe that the dryford weapon merchant could be a bit better supplied, particular now that the goons in the dryford ruins has less o' a selection. for example, priest characters gots a kinda built-in weapon focus talent and we is curious to test such weapons and builds. the ruins goons no longer have any flails, so am thinking we is sol if we wanna try a wacky priest o' eothas who dual wields flails... which may be ludicrous, but given the current interrupt mechanic, it would appear to be not only viable character option, but an effective one. oh sure, we know where to find an estoc in the game, but we gotta play through a substantial portion o' the beta to get to it. flails? am not thinking there is one beta flail, much less two flails for dual wielding. is more than a couple very rare/non-existent weapons in the beta. the beta could benefit from a better supplied weapon's merchant. thanks in advance for considering our suggestion. HA! Good Fun! ps thanks also for so quickly addressing the aforementioned dexterity peculiarity.
  22. I literally just went through this. Got wiped like a nerdy kid with glasses playing kickball. Or dodgeball, I can never remember. ah, good times. we were home-schooled for the most part. our grandfather inspected the local rez school and refused to allow us to be educated in such a place. there were a short-lived experiment that involved having us attend the local public school, but that didn't work out so well as it were too distant for regular attendance, particularly during the winter when the rez roads were covered in +8' snow drifts. even so, we loved dodgeball. we were as athletically gifted as we were spiteful. whatever abuses we suffered from the townies at recess were delivered back unto them three-fold during PE, particularly on dodgeball days. good times. high school were even better as football allowed us to actual hit people... we got to hit people frequent and forceful, and we were encouraged to do so by coaches. took us a bit longer to embrace the team concept, but as long as we still got to hit folks, we were happy. good times. HA! Good Fun!
  23. ah. well, at least now we is on same page. is settled then that gifted likes to dish out spam. gotcha. HA! Good Fun!
  24. we know how much gifted likes spam, so, just for you, http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66368-wasteland-2-kickstarted/?p=1515803 HA! Good Fun!
  25. it doesn't matter. Gromnir and others has suggested that real estate ownership is a factor in determining millionaire status. gifted rebutts by saying that one o' his linked articles says the money is "wall street-generated" which is meaningless in and of itself, but again, he were rebutting gorgon and others who said that real estate ownership were a factor. he has gone to a bad place. HA! Good Fun!
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