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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Obama can be pretty funny. Bad president, but decent comedian.
  2. Volo I have mentioned this before, you Canadians need to join the USA. Trust me it will only benefit your economy and political structures. You won't have Majors of towns, Rob Ford, smoking crack cocaine and keeping there jobs ...the USA will get the political discipline lacking in Canada working properly No thanks, Bruce. We don't want them. Shame ....poor Volo He wouldn't want to join us nazi sjw's anyway.
  3. Volo I have mentioned this before, you Canadians need to join the USA. Trust me it will only benefit your economy and political structures. You won't have Majors of towns, Rob Ford, smoking crack cocaine and keeping there jobs ...the USA will get the political discipline lacking in Canada working properly No thanks, Bruce. We don't want them.
  4. Well, it's possible a president would let them, but even if he did he'd just be impeached immediately and replaced by some one who wouldn't.
  5. The government would never allow it. It'd be war; count on that. The government is WAAAAAY more power hungry and committed to national unity than last time states tried to leave the union and they were willing to fight even then.
  6. There are plenty of people in certain states that want to leave and some are willing to sacrifice a few things to do it. The simple truth though is that it will never be allowed; ever. It's a moot point, "why" they want to leave. They don't get to leave. That's basically the truth. I should note that this isn't the way I want it to be. It's just the reality of the situation.
  7. I'd love that, we'd finally stop being a flock of sheep and secede. Edit: Btw, style point, "Sharia law" is redundant. You do realize that seceding would mean facing the full power of the US military which in the case of preserving the Union would not hesitate to resort to total war if it needed to. The Texans would be forced to stay, or if that became impossible they'd all be killed, by nuclear strikes if needed. No state leaves the union; much less with it's people alive.
  8. Something is funny about him saying that, but can't quite make it out. I'd say it's funny that some one with a religion would discriminate against another person because they have a religion. Ben Carson is a disgraceful bigot unworthy of being president or even being admired. Screw that guy.
  9. True, and I agree that Trump has no obligation to defend Obama from some moron spouting nonsense. I'm just saying that if during a rally some one said equally stupid garbage about Trump Obama would defend to look good. Remember the 2008 election campaign when Obama mentioned McCain and the crowd boo'd. Obama said, "No no, we don't need that..." kept talking about the subject for about ten seconds then went, "Just need to vote.". Obama lets others do the attacking, but not in his presence.
  10. I tried to find it but failed. Just tell us.
  11. If I know Obama he probably would. Obama's like that; he knows how to play the good guy.
  12. Agreed.
  13. "Obama is going to laugh maniacally and roll out Shariah law across the land " Can you imagine Obama going to congress and saying " in the interests of unity and a progressive future for the USA Sharia law will now be rolled out ...starting in Texas " I wonder what WOD would say about this ...mmmmm That doesn't sound like Obama. More like, "Starting today..... I uh, would just like to say that... Uhhh.... Sharia law is pretty good. So let's just... Let's just put in those laws and uh..... Stop using divisive man made law." That's what Muslim-Obama would sound like.
  14. It's even funnier when you realize what he really is. He's basically just an atheist who thinks religion can be useful for community cohesion so decided to become a, "Christian". Basically the near opposite of an insane Muslim religious fanatic. Side note: I'm not saying that Muslims are crazy religious fanatics, but the people that think Obama is a Muslim often paint him as some kind of Islamist.
  15. McCain lost, remember?
  16. That guy was a complete moron. He was impressively stupid. I'm sorry but how can Trump allow someone to say " Obama is a Muslim " and not correct them? Apart from the factual inaccuracy the insinuation is that somehow its bad to be a Muslim...or that all Muslims want to kill Americans? Come on guys....do we really need to have that type ignorance in the USA during what is suppose to be reasonable political debate ? If Trump had corrected him: A) It could become a nasty exchange. This is not a reasonable person; he won't change his mind, but rather throw a fit. Not good. B) It could turn off some of his nutty supporters.
  17. I agree with this, but there's nothing can be done about this issue by policy (not that I would want to).
  18. We have the most powerful military in the world... By a lot. By what friggin' metric are we "weak" (besides resolve). BTW: Our biggest military vulnerability is our over-spending. If he wants us to be stronger; he'd advocate for LESS not more military spending.
  19. That guy was a complete moron. He was impressively stupid.
  20. Not me. I like doing things myself with only one exception.
  21. How did the last two moderates do? Besides, even if he won; he'd be a terrible president. America needs real change; not the same old same old. Vote Bernie, only he is willing to stand against the TPP and the FREEDOM ACT(PATRIOT ACT 2 for those unaware). And Rand Paul. He is opposed to both as well. Rand is against TPP now? Last time I checked he was neutral. I hope that's true though. As for Bernie, Kainparker: I probably will if Rand isn't the GOP candidate. So basically I'm you in reverse. I'd prefer Paul (if what guard dog says is true), but Sander's isn't out of the question by any means.
  22. How did the last two moderates do? Besides, even if he won; he'd be a terrible president. America needs real change; not the same old same old.
  23. Screw dat prude. Sex robots for the win!
  24. Hey, I want to end the rest of the pointless spending too. So I can't be accused of not being consistent. If you want change; end the program altogether.
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