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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. SO TRUE!!! EDIT: Sorry about the double post. Multi-posting is a bad habit of mine.
  2. 20% is not accurate. 2% would be far more on the mark. It's just that those who favor secession are very vocal. Not that leaving the union would ever be an option. Even if it were 100% the US would never allow it. We had a war over this issue once, and the union won. Now Washington has the strongest military in human history; not to mention the capacity to kill everyone anywhere. The situation is totally hopeless for people whom want to secede from the US. Assuming a successful border fence is constructed is the only way the situation could possibly be any more hopeless for them. Edit: Spelling errors.
  3. -Having to switch damage type for trash mobs is tedious and should not be needed. At least not on easy/normal. -The DT bug is a part of the problem. -Again the DT bug is a part of the problem. -One should not have to deploy a good strategy against trash mobs. IWD2 didn't even challenge you that much, and this game is supposed to be easier than IWD2. Once the bugs are fixed the problem will be half solved.
  4. I just want to remind Obsidian (If they're reading this) that discovery xp would make a decent portion of the people unsatisfied with the current xp system happy. At least it would make me happy.
  5. Right now at least combat is VERY tedious. After some BB updates that may be corrected though.
  6. Don't you know Longknife? Only white people's misogyny or racism actually counts. Because as those "journalists" have said; gamer refers to white misogynists. Asians? Not gamers. Sorry Japanese people; you aren't gamers, because gamers are white.
  7. I've calling myself a "gamer" for years. I've been inclusive as hell to everyone I've ever known. These "journalists" are despicable, and worthy of nothing more than contempt.
  8. As the code exists now, my guess is it would be easier to streamline and augment the RTwP system. Going to turn-based would require a lot of new UI such as "action points", not to mention loads of balance changes. Yeah, you're probably right.
  9. TB is easier to implement than RTwP so maybe it would have been better implemented. That said; TB is lame and poe is better off without it. Especially if Obsidian wants poe to be associated with the IE games.
  10. How sweet. That'll show there aren't any childish posters.
  11. VERY TRUE! I was freaking out after first playing the beta; if that had been the real game I would have quit the game altogether. The key to not being upset is to simply ignore the idea it's a "spiritual successor" so you don't have expectations that are too narrow. Obsessing over the "spiritual successor" title was my mistake and it was better to face reality sooner rather than later.
  12. I'm not sure how you managed to do that in every battle. Take the encounter with the Spider Queen, for instance. There are a number of spiderlings that mob rush you as soon as combat starts. I'm not aware of a spell or ability that will CC all of them as well as the Queenie and her 3 or so underlings without your party getting swarmed. And if you're swarmed while trying to fight with ranged weapons, you're gonne get butt-raped by regular attacks as well as poison. Maybe there are some CC spells/abilities I've not realized fully? The Spider Queen would be the big ass spider in the cave right. That one died super fast. I was a bit underwhelmed when it happened, I was expecting a boss fight. I might have hit a bug or was super lucky, I don't know. I didn't get swarmed and binding web, rogue's crippling strike and the Priest's Halt were super effective. Prepare for a lot of that. The bosses aren't any different from random fodder in terms of difficulty.
  13. That is literally the opposite of me. I think quests are lame and avoid most of them. That's part of why BG1 is so great; you can mostly just skip quests if you want. You can mostly skip exploration if you want. In either case you'll get plenty of xp. Try skipping quests in poe and see how many level up you'll get. I never really enjoyed quests, but if Obsidian had taken quest-xp I'd have been against that too. No one thing be it quests or combat should have a monopoly on xp. It's needlessly restrictive.
  15. Trash mobs were never lethal to a mid-level party in BG1/BG2; even if it was your first time playing. Now, even on easy mode; if you aren't careful those stupid beetles can wipe your team. If this remains the case exploration won't be as much about atmosphere and discovery as much as it will be about combat. To those that think the trash mobs aren't tactically challenging enough: Trash mobs are NOT supposed to be challenging to a mid-level party! If a mid-level party has to take trash mobs seriously, the game isn't going to be exciting; it's going to be tedious. Trash mobs are NOT engaging; ever! Making trash mobs harder only takes away the little bit of fun they can provide while at the same time ruining exploration. I'll put it this way: When I fight a boss and they're easy; I get very frustrated. When I fight trash mobs and they're not easy; I get frustrated. Let the bosses and special battles be special by making them challenging. Not when I'm just trying to look around and some dumb bugs attack me.
  16. Josh has already stated that poe will be about as challenging as BG2. Right now it is much tougher than that. Josh should live up to what he said, and I think he will.
  17. For me, it seems way too difficult right now. Im in Dyrford ruins, fighting 1 archer of some kind near a bridge inside it, and even if I manually cast all spells and such, my whole party dies to it, even if im fully rested and my main character is a level 5. The others are still at their starting level. My faults im pretty sure, but still its nagging me; how can it possibly be? Its only one! And i got 5. And I die to many others too. Oh well, i guess thats something that will be tuned or fixed or I have to learn to live with it somewho - although I wonder how the difficulty level will be in "suicide" mode.. Right now poe is MUCH harder than it's supposed to be. Josh has said that he wants poe to be around BG2 difficulty. That said, keep three things in mind: A) You are using lower level gear than what you would have in the game at this point. B) The game has bugs that make combat tougher than it should be. C) Some people think the difficulty is higher in the beta than it will be in the game to better test mechanics. I don't know if this is true, but it could be.
  18. At the moment poe could go either way to being an IE successor. If the attributes get boosted and a more passive fighter build is possible than I can see it happening. The promise of the "epic exploration of BG" is probably not going to happen though. Will poe be as good as the IE games? I think poe will be better than IWD1/IWD2 but worse than BG1/BG2. Honestly though I know not to think of it as a spiritual successor. Doing so was driving me crazy. Best to just appreciate the game for what it is rather than how it fares as a spiritual successor.
  19. Are you implying that you aren't human? Are you an ALIEN!? WHY DOES AN ALIEN PLAY VIDEO GAMES!!!!????
  20. If Something Awful don't like self-indulgence; I will poorly receive them. Self-indulgence is a wonderful thing far as I'm concerned. BTW: It's not just how you labeled your suggestions. It's how you clearly showed what you meant in a logical way through your videos. It wasn't whiny (Like me sometimes), it was just fantastic.
  21. What definition? That's easy, they should see what was fun and if changing some part of it would make it unfun. I feel like PoE would be a better game if they followed that simple rule from the start, instead of changing unnecessary things. What is "fun" varies from person to person. Far as we know poe could be even farther from the IE games with that rule.
  22. I bet Sensuki's feeling pretty awesome with everyone always saying how great he is. Well Sensuki, you deserve it.
  23. Tell us more!
  24. As is "objective-xp" among others. Some (including myself) felt they were cheated by Obsidian by how they interpreted those words. I realize now I was hearing more of what I wanted to hear rather than paying close attention to what was really being said. Obsidian used a lot of lines like, "The epic exploration of Baldurs Gate" that can be taken different ways. That makes it very easy to misunderstand what they mean. I don't really blame them anymore though, or rather; I don't blame them much. I feel the misunderstanding is: 70% our fault for not paying close enough attention to what was being said during development. 30% Obsidian's fault for how they stated their design goals.
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