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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. The ending is messed up.
  2. Not all socialist would let people be lazy lowlifes. The USSR often had work quota's people had to complete... or else. Living in former soviet republic I know. Everybody worked, everybody was doing over 100% of plan yet there were empty shelfs in stores and everything was scarce. We had this saying "whether standing or laying 3000 we will earn". That sounds pretty bad.
  3. Not all socialist would let people be lazy lowlifes. The USSR often had work quota's people had to complete... or else.
  4. I'd certainly say this is quite naïve or at least ignorant. There's been the 'success' of the Nepalese Maoists in 08, there's once again an increase in Naxalite activity in India, people running around with red flags in Greece and so on. I do not expect these groups to "overthrow capitalism" or what have you however seeing that the "post-war boom" is long over I think its safe to predict that there will be a continued shift to the far-left and the far-right amongst large chunks of the population. We can already see it happening now in Europe. When I said that communism is a dead ideology; I didn't mean that there weren't still any communist parties out there. Only that they aren't major actors in the world stage anymore. BTW: What would be your preferred political ideology?
  5. I wasted time on the internet.
  6. To be fair; his mustache does make him look like a molester.
  7. Monte & Barothmuk. Perhaps this debate should be moved to the "Capitalism & Socialism" thread I made. It would be more fitting than the "What you did today" thread.
  8. I agree Hiro, but combat can still be improved. It just won't be as smooth as the IE games. Hopefully we can get at least a decent combat system.
  9. If you think communism has a future in the world stage you are going to be disappointed. Socialism perhaps, but not the communist variant. Obykven: I have a bit of a hard time understanding your post.
  10. The USA has poor excuse of a healthcare system. I feel we would be much better off if would just decide whether or not we want a socialist system. I feel that both the capitalist model from the past has merit and flaws. I feel the universal socialist model has merit and flaws. The combination we have now is basically the flaws of both and the strengths of neither. Obamacare is a slight improvement, but just barely.
  11. Becker; please actually discuss communism rather than trolling.
  12. Yes he was. Did you know that he actually said that communism isn't going to be achieved through a smooth transition, like through workers gradually getting more and more educated because of the ever more complicated machinery and eventually realizing what's good for them, but through a swift and revolutionary justice by killing rich bourgeois, forced expropriation and political repressions? He was expelled from Germany for that, among other things like sponsoring the assassination of King of Poland and the Grand Prince of Finland. Those two fellas could do so much good (they were initiating serious reforms at the time) had it not been for the bloodthirsty Marx and his mindless minions. While I don't know whether or not those claims are true; I do know that his character does not make his ideals any more true/false. To me; they are foolish and destructive, but I don't need to think of Marx as a good or evil man to feel the way I do. I know you don't like communism so let's discuss that. What aspects of communism do you oppose?
  13. Communism is basically a dead ideology so there is little point in comparing it to capitalism. Communism's mother, socialism; is alive and well. So I feel it merits more discussion. Not that I oppose discussing communism, but I doubt there will be much to say about it. I am in no way sympathetic to communism, but I do not believe that those were the objectives of communism. While I feel that Karl Marx was a violent and foolish man; I believe that even he would not have approved of the Soviet Union. Maybe I'm wrong though.
  14. Sounds hard. I know how it feels to work for so long. During the winter/spring I usually have to work like that. Lucky for me though I get to take it easy in the fall & summer. It sucks that your mom is incapacitated. I hope that she gets better.
  15. There was a bit of a debate on capitalism & socialism in the, "What you did today" thread so I decided to start a thread on it here. I feel a thread on it is more appropriate than a debate on the, "What you did today" thread. Go ahead and say whatever you want about either.
  16. I always played as Nightmare in Soul Caliber 2 as was well. I'm guessing your friends couldn't handle Nightmare's horizontal trips.
  17. You're pretty smart, Monte. I agree completely with this.
  18. That's capitalism. Not at all. Capitalism always has, and always will increase peoples wealth and standard of living. Under capitalism wages go up and living conditions go up.
  19. Finished the Neverhood. I was kinda bored. So I started to create a game with Game Maker. It's kinda like asteroids right now. Might end up different.
  20. I never cared for DOA myself.
  21. I've never played it. Care to let us know why it sucks?
  22. I think that would be neat. It would be 2D, but good 2D. It would have the same angle too. It would have the same attributes, but the word "wisdom" would be switched with willpower, and "dexterity" would be switched with agility. Don't wanna get sued. Just to be a tad bit of an evolution let's add a perk system where you get something really minor every 4 levels. Obviously it would be a new game world; though I'd take a similar world approach as the forgotten realms. That would be my spiritual successor. Basically, a BG3.
  23. It is, but it's equally horrible that every 8th Swede agrees with their xenophobia and anti muslim rethoric. Yeah, but their stated opinions, history and rethoric confirms it. Alot of the higher ups in the party has stated very interesting things in the past about different races and creeds. Atleast they are more subtle than they were under their previous names where they told Swedish women to "not sully their race, don't have sex with negros!". I'm ashamed of the fact 13% of Swedish people voted for them. Don't be. You are not them. They do not reflect upon you. I would advise that instead of feeling shame that they exist; you should instead feel contempt for them.
  24. The party has a Nazi background even if this is not usually spoken about. I wanted to avoid the word racist, that's why I used xenophobic. A Nazi background... That is REALLY disturbing.
  25. Yep, you can always count on Europe to go racist when there's a crisis.. I don't know if the said xenophobic party is racist or not, but being xenophobic doesn't make you a racist automatically.
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