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Everything posted by Amentep

  1. If I understand the statistics I've seen, registered Hispanic voters make up about 20% of the total voting population (despite having less than half the eligible voters being registered to vote) in Texas.
  2. Perhaps its just me being blindly optimistic, but I assumed "Mr. House" was a pseudonym as opposed to a real name. Like Mr. Big in those 70s urban crime flicks; dude wasn't actually named Eugene Robert Big or something.
  3. Apparently there was an ROTC student who got suspended for removing a Mexican flag which was flying above the American flag, which is a violation of protocol. I heard that on the radio but couldn't find the story to link to. Why'd the kid remove it instead of put them in their proper order?
  4. That's my way of thinking. Yeah this only effects sports games and online content now, but if successful its going to expand to all games and all content. As someone who routinely buys used games and sales used games to buy new games (and who above that still buys new games straight out if it something I'm particularly interested in) this worries me that its going to ultimately kill the used game market. If people aren't buying used games because of a ridiculous activation fee to access all the game content then why would used game dealers keep accepting them? It also makes me worried that game makers are a step closer to instituting monthly fees for all their games.
  5. EA tries to find a way to profit from used console game sales by limiting the ability to access online content for used game purchasers unless they purchase online access.
  6. I dunno, I never had it be a problem. In fact the only animal encounters that annoyed me was when the friggin' bloatflies could nail me when I couldn't even see where they were firing from (because a shrub was between us - I couldn't target it but it could target me?) Radaway is a rare item? Egads, not the last time I played it where I was carrying enough radaway and rad-x to be the main supply of a small army. My favorite accidental encounter first time playing was a random fight where I was walking along the wasteland in the middle of the night and found robots fighting mutants (at least until they spotted me and they all started firing on me - I was lazered and rocket launched into oblivion (not the game)). Good times.
  7. I'd leave mine with Katamari Damacy. Fun plus I'd at least know where all my stuff was (even if I had to go through 3.2 meter of other stuff to get to it).
  8. Never found the raiders or enclave fast to respawn. With Yao-Gui and radscorpions yeah, but outdoors it makes sense that animals might roam into an area you've cleared out so intellectually that's never been a problem. Except the Fallout universe has a magical pill that removes all radiation from a person. So any argument about what should happen with radiation is kinda moot. And everytime people come out of a vault into the wasteland they're bringing science, math, reading and writing with them. I wondered about little lamplights population. Its curious.
  9. I've never encountered instantly respawning enemies before. If I kill a Talon company group, enter the sewer and leave they're still dead. Even in the metro area, there's a group of respawning super-mutants near the area where the Jefferson Memoria/Rivet City road meets and they never respawn instantly. I agree this was an oddity; most places look like people just moved in. And yet, for example, the musuem where the ghouls live has been occupied since right after the bombs fell. Mind you, there's also the problem of dead bodies laying around for ages outdoors...surely something would scavange them pretty quickly (either people for whatever equipment you didn't pick up or animals for the food). Why wouldn't they be able to read? The Little Lamplighters, for example, seem to teach other to read before sending the old-ones out into the wasteland. There are still pre-war books around in other places. I'd think the level of knowledge and the friendliness would change from locale to locale though.
  10. I think the list just throws out everything that's been tagged as having a sci-fi element (which SF:tLoCL does) without regard to whether its really a "sci fi" story (or in fact any good). That said if you like bad movies, "The Legend of Chun-Li" is fun to watch. Chris Klien in particular is amazing to behold. Nash out!
  11. I don't think anyone is claiming that Mexicans can't be rasist or its okay for them to loathe the US. In fact several people have made the opposite point. I know I've made great pains to point out that I think its silly for anyone to be offended by the flag or for the administration to not find alternate solutions to a dicey situation.
  12. They don't know what caused the infertility, but to me the science fiction aspect is taking a possible scientific thing (biological infertility; there has been some press about modern males having less "capable" sperm and this is pretty much an extrapolation of those studies) and suppose what that does to society. In that sense its very much science fiction to my eyes.
  13. Why wouldn't Children of Men be sci-fi? Also along the lines of City of Lost Children mentioned above I'll throw out Delicatessen as another gem from the decade.
  14. Did you take the Grey Poupon from the French when you defended us?
  15. I'd be worried if it didn't outsell FO3 what it'd mean for Obsidian given the high expectations.
  16. But really, what would the moment have learned from the administrator's teaching? Ba-dum-tish
  17. I didn't like The Matrix - or I should say I thought it was okay and entertaining but frustrating watching at the same time.
  18. I have no love for anything with the title "Ghost in the Shell". That said the original film was in 1995, so outside of the decade in question in the original post.
  19. Regardless of what one of the kids sent home says about why the administration told them to take it off, the only reasonable reason why any administrator would have asked them to take the clothes off was if they feared violence. And there are better ways they could have dealt with that.
  20. So was the Tarkovsky original (and it was an hour longer!) Its still worth the slog through, IMO.
  21. How do you "inconvenience" the unreasonable group unless you wait for them to act on their unreasonable position? Answer this question understanding that allowing the students to act (ie fighting) when there could have been a way to prevent the situation escalating is pretty much asking for the school board to fire you (or at least reassign you to a lower position). There were a lot better ways to deal with this situation than the administration did but allowing the groups to fight so you could suspend the fighters isn't really one of them, IMO.
  22. Even though I didn't think it was as good as others did, I'm surprised that District 9 is missing from the proposed list. I, Robot was actually pretty good if you can get past the fact it isn't actually based on the Asimov story. I've always been fond of Signs While not as good at the Tarkovsky version, Solaris isn't a bad sci-fi film. Frequency is a good underrated sci-fi film. I thought The Final Cut was actually a pretty good film (even if it goes pearshaped in the end). Uneven The Signal was worth a viewing (the middle segment having some really great moments). Those are a few strong sci-fi films I can think of from 2000-2009.
  23. If the Mexican students started a fight, the Mexican students should have been punished. People need to learn that you need to rise above such petty nonsense. If the school has reason to believe that a fight is going to start over object "A" and the school doesn't attempt to diffuse the tension over object "A" and a fight starts, then the school, arguably, has not done its part to provide a safe place for its students. Agreed it is petty nonsense, but dealing with kids and parents makes you realize that the modern kid and parent seem to THRIVE on petty nonsense.
  24. I liked it as well but most people seemed to hate it. I liked Pandorum and Serenity as well. Didn't really like the Will Smith I Am Legend though
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