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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. Imagine being a 30-year old babyface who couldn't play games.
  2. It's basically there to get rid of using lots of buffing spells at the same time. Play the Pathfinder games to see the opposite end of the scale. Personally I like it. Most concentration spells are very good too, like Hold or Dominate. As for classes being boring, this is a big problem with 5th ED. Some classes are just plain boring to play. Barbarian comes out on top of that, imo. Fighters in PnP have a subclass that gets a lot of options, but they have a boring subclass too. In Solasta they're boring too. It's not that big of a deal when you control a whole party, though.
  3. https://www.pcgamer.com/your-ubisoft-account-can-be-suspended-and-subsequently-permanently-deleted-for-inactivity-taking-your-games-library-with-it/
  4. Blizzard is just itching for lawsuits, aren't they. Once again, Asmongold, sorry. TL;DR: purchase button that's easy to click by accident, but doesn't have any extra confirmation pop-up.
  5. They should have made it possible to pay to get early access to it. That'd distribute the player base.
  6. Probably, since you still need a b.net account. What I'm interested to know is, if they put paid stuff in there, will I have pay for it again like when EA's games came to steam. Not sure if I want to pay another 70e for D4...
  7. People talk about BG3 at least on diablo reddits, so apparently it's hype enough to be a contender, despite being in a different genre. I like that movement change too.
  8. Diablo 4 got it's first big patch ahead of season 1, and people are generally up in arms about it. It looks like it'll make everything more tedious and slow, while not addressing any of the most common complaints from players. Asmongold sums it up pretty well. (The patch is mostly about late game, so if you're looking to just play the campaign, not much has changed).
  9. Not much chance of it getting updated then. A few other annoying things: I have to click to use Jump instead of the game telling it's going to use it by itself. And even non-targeted abilities like Rage or Dash you need an extra click to make them happen. And Dash has an animation, why the hell. My favorite weird thing: I spent the first two rounds of the first combat encounter wondering why my attacks weren't hitting, only to find out I was targeting the floor instead of the enemy. Apparently even basic weapon attacks can target the floor, for whatever reason.
  10. The Vampire castle isn't that far in the campaign, maybe like 1/4?
  11. Played a bit of BG3 EA, and wow, the UI is way more cumbersome than Solasta. Hope it changes by release.
  12. The best thing about this is the Steam page for Divinity Original Sin 2, which says "from the creators of Baldur's Gate 3". Can we just not overhype stuff before they're out...
  13. https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/07/12/baldurs-gate-3-new-standard-for-rpg-genre-opinions
  14. https://gagadget.com/en/games/278439-a-reputable-insider-has-confirmed-that-blizzard-is-working-on-a-new-game-in-the-starcraft-series/
  15. https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/11/23779039/microsoft-activision-blizzard-ftc-trial-win
  16. Solasta's version of turn-based 5th ed D&D seemed to work well, in my opinion. Hoping BG3 is similar.
  17. Meant to post this here, but accidentally posted in the other thread... https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/nintendos-next-console-shareholders-ask-about-backwards-compatibility-and-more/
  18. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/06/major-sony-playstation-budget-figures-leaked-because-of-poor-sharpie-redactions/
  19. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/nintendos-next-console-shareholders-ask-about-backwards-compatibility-and-more/
  20. That's 6. Funnily enough, the Japanese don't seem to consider the FF-series a typical JRPG. For them Dragon Quest is more that. For FF, I remember reading they think there's more melodrama and everyone looks like a rock star.
  21. Diablo 4 servers have been mostly down for about 12 hours. DDOS attack apparently, so you're always a bit limited on what you can do, but yeah, 70$ game, always-online, blah blah.
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