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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. https://dotesports.com/general/news/blizzcon-2023-tickets-still-havent-sold-out-but-is-it-really-a-surprise
  2. Not sure this game is good enough to deserve a second thread.
  3. Those layoffs seem to have been mostly about union-busting too.
  4. They already put OW2, so they may be just putting all of their stuff. Might be something Microsoft asked them to do. D4 sold really well AFAIK, on release at least.
  5. https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24009153/diablo-iv-coming-to-steam-on-october-17 EDIT: You have to buy it again if you want it on steam, even if you own it on b.net.
  6. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/09/oldest-unity-game-developer-group-breaks-up-over-lack-of-trust-in-the-company/
  7. Well, it's classic video game stuff, isn't it? Cutscenes uses "real world" -logic, where people actually just die if you throw a spear through their torso. When gameplay starts, it's gameplay logic, where they can take dozens of hits.
  8. https://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2023/09/rumour-netflix-interested-in-developing.html
  9. My youtube recommendations is filled with them doing interviews and whatever. This game must be a huge career boost for most of them.
  10. https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/19/23880111/microsoft-xbox-series-x-new-design-refresh
  11. He is. I think there's additional stuff in the game that confirms it 100%.
  12. Last time I checked, I still had a bunch of seasonal tabs that can't be deleted because they bugged out.
  13. https://www.egdf.eu/egdf-unitys-install-fees-are-a-sign-of-looming-game-engine-market-failure/
  14. https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/09/15/unity-closes-two-offices-amid-death-threats-ex-employee-says-those-of-us-who-care-now-leaving-company
  15. AFAIK, going there will auto-resolve the conflict between the goblins and the druids.
  16. Reading the article, it seems to me it's more about it not being enough to cover for the big failures before it.
  17. https://nordic.ign.com/final-fantasy-xvi/72690/news/square-enix-loses-nearly-2-billion-in-value-since-final-fantasy-16
  18. The two fights before the final fight felt really long and pointless to me. I ended up checking online how to stealth through the second one.
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