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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. You can still search for random players for the custom games, and there's a few standard ladder maps available. Unless you have Terran-allergy, there's not much reason to not try it.
  2. Look, it has enemies jumping down from roofs!
  3. That has to end some day too. If Blizzard would have had their way, it would have ended already and they'd all be playing SC2.
  4. WoW is, what, 7 years old? It has to go down at some point. While even Ultima Online is still alive, the popularity of WoW has to peak at some point. Seeing as Blizzard is already developing other MMOs, maybe they themselves have realized the peak is going to be around soon, and it's time to move the big money on.
  5. Is it some kind of fact that Blizzard is losing fans, aka buyers? Or is this the usual logic of: I don't like the game = others don't like the game = they're losing fans!
  6. Here? Yes. In the world? Lots of people. That's just a renamed demo. It's nice that it allows to try some basic multiplayer but the full game is still blizzard-overpriced. Some retailers had it at about 10-20 US$ or EU? on release, and it's been on sale at various places since. You'd have to do a bit of searching, though.
  7. For those thinking about playing SC2, there's a free "starter edition": https://eu.battle.net/account/sc2/starter-edition/index.xml
  8. More significant than anything in DA2? But, it's all speculative.
  9. Dunno about Craster, but since they're only going to have 10 eps per season, they're going to have to ax a lot of stuff or spread one book over more than one season. Which they don't seem to be doing, since GRRM wrote an ep for season2 that happens in late book 2.
  10. Bioware has said it's a few hours long.
  11. What 4% are you referring to? 13% who play default shepard 83% who custom, including the ones who play femshep 100-83-13 = 4 So what does the 4% do? Quit the game before character creation?
  12. http://www.vg247.com/2011/07/19/loving-fem...-steps-forward/ The only thing I want to know is, what does the 4% do?
  13. Bioware is going to reveal or something the first story-DLC at san diego comic con, 21st-24th of july. I think there's supposed to be a trailer before that, though.
  14. I bet the new guy is the gay love interest.
  15. Also: http://videos.nymag.com/video/What-If-Game...9ZH3&t=What If 'Game of Thrones' Was a Buddy Comedy?
  16. Fire cannot kill a dragon... or burn her hair, apparently.
  17. Nah, he's more like "Yay, I get to do cool stuff cause I'm king!".
  18. Charles Dance and Peter Dinklage not good enough for you?
  19. I though it was rather corny compared to how it was portrayed in the book. In any case, if that kind of magicky stuff works for you, you'll love the rest of the series.
  20. Kinda pointless with one ep to go, and a year's(?) wait after that.
  21. Watching game of thrones with nonreaders From: http://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comm...ith_nonreaders/
  22. The hexes, one unit per hex, and 2 movement points per unit together are enough to make Civ5 a better game than 4 in my book. Warring was really tedious in 4.
  23. DA:O Ultimate has all the DLC except for promotional items that were available if you bought from specific shops and the like. Most likely Bioware was restricted by the contracts made with said retailers. When the ME2 ultimate edition, or whatever it ends up being called, comes out, we'll see whether Bioware/EA has changed said contracts.
  24. The Exiled Prince came only with the Signature Edition (aka collector's edition). The Black Emporium DLC was the free DLC available on release. You can still buy both separately, of course.
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