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Everything posted by sp3cw4r

  1. If you're on updated version of Windows 10 there is also game bar (win key + g) built in that will record. Good luck!
  2. Didn't I read that Sawyer was working on a revamp of the ship combat? Is that not happening now or what happened there?
  3. This is terrific, thanks guys. Questions: So my lvl 2 Watcher could possibly recruit 4 lvl 20 (previously exported) characters as hired adventurers? What about importing at character creation, it doesn't mention anything about native level. Can I import a high level character to start the game with?
  4. Icewind Dale expansions too, Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster. Guess those don't count since they were under the Black Isle flag...
  5. Good to hear this is gone. I've been having the same trouble, party members were not far at all, but far enough apparently.
  6. I love the main theme, opening the game with the Obsidian and Versus Evil splashes... pumps me up to get in there! Enjoying what I hear throughout the entire game. Both PoEs have top notch sounds (tracks/effects/ambient), all of it. Well done Mr. Bell and thank you sir.
  7. I'd say it's the best stealth system I've ever played, but there are a lot of games out there I've never played. I remember thinking the game SEVEN: The Days Long Gone had an interesting looking stealth system, but haven't tried it.
  8. Let's go boys!!! See y'all on the other side!
  9. Last game I was ready and waiting for on release like this was........ PoE!
  10. PoE II release!

  11. Exciting news. Only thing that bothers me is the fact that now I don't really want to play until all are released and it's a complete game. Hopefully we can continue from an end game save.
  12. Wow, another portrait from Jason, very nice! Hope he's not so busy that we won't be seeing anymore from him.
  13. Got my submission in as well, please let me know that you've received it Fluffle. If you don't get 50+ entries can those of us having fun with it get another 80 chars to either add to our first entry or do another one? I'd like that. Cheers,
  14. Working on mine this weekend, will have a submission shortly. Only 80 chars, but no idea what I want to do yet... hmm.....
  15. Single biggest complaint I have with the campaign was the lack of digital only rewards above the $99 tier. My pledge would have been 7.5x more if higher tiers were available without the physical goods.
  16. The problem with both whips and the macuahuitl is that the 3D assets do not exist. With the create an item pledge, we are forced to choose from already in game weapon types no?
  17. This totally fits the Huana/Archipelago theme. Very nice! I've already said this, but again, IMO this item is too perfect. It's unique—I've never heard of it, I can't pronounce it, and it's beautiful. Seems to fit the setting 100% and it's laced with Obsidian shards. Oh yeesssss, pleeease! I was also among the folks asking for whips in the game, so I really like your cat o' nine tails idea Boeroer. Still, my vote goes to the "Bastard Maker" macuahuitl.
  18. Btw, congrats to everyone!!! We made it! What a great group we have here, I'm proud to be a part of it. Thanks to each and every contributor, and extra special thanks to Cap Fluffle and our mysterious donor!
  19. That is way too awesome, this has to be it! Let's do it! This thing screams PoE. I can't even pronounce it, like half of the names in the game.
  20. Back in previous versions I remember seeing the Recall button, which was effectively canceling the quest. And that's fine, it worked as intended, no problems. Since White March II or last patch, I never see Recall, it's always Assign.
  21. This! Has got me, just once, now I know better. If it tells you a character is assigned to a quest—they are assigned! Do not click the button below that or it will cancel the quest. The button reads "Assign" but it should read "Cancel" because that's what it will do if you click it.
  22. I think this is an open secret, but whatever Yay for us! Actually I have no idea who that is (I mean on this forum). I can assure it is NOT me. Feargus?!
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