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Everything posted by DarthReliguim

  1. Been done before. I usually just use Visas and Brianna
  2. That is offensive to me. Mace's saber symbol his light and dark powers as Vaxen pointed out.
  3. Bastila=Brianna=Visas Atton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juhani >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Carth=Mical
  4. I want to hold you gland
  5. I'm a glad you see the light...er dark.
  6. I doubt the jal shey or baran do would fight.
  7. I'm tempted to say Revan, but I won't.
  8. If we get to fight descendants of the ancient sith race, I would like to be able to grab some Sith amulets, and blast my enemies away with my awesome amulet blasts.
  9. It had to be around the time of the GHW. The lightsaber isn't developed until after that if I remember correctly.
  10. Everybody has to die. That is the way of life. Don't see why you would want to make a big post just to show that.
  11. Perhaps by killing Nihilus, Exile healed the wound?
  12. The creator of Kun annd Ragnos said Exar Kun > ancient Sith therefore Exar Kun > Sidious.
  13. Why the hell should it? If the canon ending was always LS, you could predict how the stories go just by that and it takes all the fun out of it. I guess exile being female isnt so bad since we now have two lesbians in the story (atris and Exile) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think the DS ending here ends up disrupting some of the events in Star Wars history, (ie Dantooine being an abandoned planet [which it isn't]) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just because you're "evil", it doesn't mean you can't help khoonda instead of working with Azkul (sp?)
  14. I thought it was common knowledge that Exar Kun was the most powerful Sith and Exile > Revan. Dark Nest Luke is on the level on Kun so....
  15. Why the hell should it? If the canon ending was always LS, you could predict how the stories go just by that and it takes all the fun out of it. I guess exile being female isnt so bad since we now have two lesbians in the story (atris and Exile)
  16. cant edit. What items did you use for your lightsabers?
  17. The Baran Do Sage and Dark Jedi robes look the best
  18. Males are more important
  19. Jedi: Luke Exile Yoda Revan Jacen Anakin Mace/Kyp Plo Koon Obi Wan Kit Sith: Darth Exile Nihilus Ragnos Kun Pre suit Vader Nadd Sadow Sidious Kreesh Revan Vader Bane Dooku
  20. << >>>>>>>>>all
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