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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. Yeah, a lot of names I'd forgotten about.
  2. I noticed Imoen made a post on the Baldurs Gate Forums a couple of days ago. I assume it's the same Imoen. http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/5177/anyone-here-from-the-old-black-isle-boards#latest
  3. Since I pre-ordered the Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition, I've been reading the old avatar series and wanted to go back to where it all began. Have finished Shadowdale and Tantras and now reading Waterdeep. Haven't read these since the early 90s. A lot of small things I'd fogotten and it's great reading a low level adventuring party and knowing what they eventually become.
  4. I was thinking the same as Raithe. They probably had a plan to retire, made a deal with EA to continue with their studio and were waiting for their agreement and stock options to vest as the EA acquisition was 5 years ago next month. They deserve a well earned rest imo.
  5. Great memory. I would never have remembered his name. That was funny back then and the whole community was in an uproar over that. I remember taking a screen shot of the incident as well. Wouldn't be surprised if I still had it stored with some old files that I have. More than likely I've lost it. I was debating whether to comeback and decided to after a couple of months. But I mostly lurk now.
  6. I remember posting about 20 posts on Missy's Lair and then stopped posting altogether due to moving to another state with the job I had at the time. Three years later I changed jobs, moved back home to Sydney and noticed Missy's Lair was gone. Would've been good if there was a database stored somewhere from the old BIS forums. There was some great stuff on it. I've mellowed out since the BIS forums. When looking back, one thing I realise now is the years of arguments by the forumites in the Poltical Forum pretty much amounted to nothing.
  7. Wasn't that Missy's Lair?
  8. I remember when the BIS boards were closed and went to the new Interplay board, and some Interplay employee decided to get the ban hammer out or something like that. Fun times.
  9. I remember the Dargoth vs Yrkoon threads in the Ye Olde Political forum.
  10. The world didn't blow up. So I guess everything is okay.
  11. Got around to watching John Carter with the gf. We both loved it. Fun action movie. I had to tell the gf who Edgar Rice Burroughs was as she's never heard of him before.
  12. Yes. Apparently, Sylvester Stallone is quoted on aint-it-cool with this quote '...it was explained to me by the writer is you hold two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what
  13. Photos I took of Dolphins racing alongside our boat at Milford Sound New Zealand. 11th Sep 2010. Girlfriend looking on in the last photo.
  14. Haha. I'm actually doing something that I'm not supposed to do which is why it's creating that effect. I was doing panoramic shots all day and decided to do something complety different and that's how I stumbled onto the 'blocky characters' effect.
  15. I was in China last month playing around with my camera making weird pictures by capturing people as block characters. The photos haven't been photoshopped or manipulated in anyway. It's just one photo being taken while I do a vertical panoramic shot. The background is okay but the people at the front turn into block characters.
  16. Watched Chronicle last night. Thought it was a good movie except for the shaky cam. I wished they would get rid of the shaky cam technique. Very hard to pull off and do it right imo.
  17. The latest episode I was a little disappointed with the Shadow Creature. The last episode built it up at the end. This episode, it happened so quick and was all over in a couple of seconds. Maybe I was expecting a bit more.
  18. I thought it was maybe to highlight the difference between Joffrey and normal teenage boys. A normal male teenager would dream of having two young women in his bed, whereas it showed Joffrey to be a downright psychopath. Although disturbing, the scene showed this very well.
  19. I'm reading The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governer. About 1/3 the way through it and it's great. I like how it ties into the comic although you don't see Rick's group, the events usually happen just before Rick's group turns up at certain points. Little things that you see in the comic are explained in the book. Great stuff.
  20. I'm in China at the moment and it's interesting to see what the Great Firewall blocks out. Seems Facebook is blocked from it's citizens. The Chinese government is actually doing something good for their people.
  21. Watched the Norwegian film Dead Snow last night which was surprisingly good. Although I was expecting a lot worse. Here's the summary from imdb. A ski vacation turns horrific for a group of medical students, as they find themselves confronted by an unimaginable menace: Nazi zombies.
  22. One of the guys in our D&D group emailed this video from Youtube to the rest of our group. Great Stuff. Edit: It's a parody of the song Like a G6 by Far East Movement.
  23. Found out this morning Elisabeth Sladen has passed away due to cancer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13137674 I grew up on watching the last season of Jon Pertwee and all of the Tom Baker run and the first season of Peter Davison, so she was the first companion I came across. Didn't know she was that old. Not too many around now from the first three doctors. I'm usually not that emotional when actors/actoress pass but this one is definitely sad. For those of us of a certain age this is an axe blow to the roots.
  24. That's a great movie. Especially when they're taking stuff off each other and other companies. Apple takes the mouse from Xerox, Windows takes the gui from Apple, etc. And the differences and power play between the two. Haven't watched it in years but have been meaning to watch it again.
  25. True Grit (2010). Good movie. Liked it and had a nice ending. Though, I think I prefer the original with John Wayne. I should go back and watch the original in case I'm seeing things through rose coloured glasses.
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