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Everything posted by Qxiili

  1. Yes, it is a very big difference in power. That was part of my point. There are tons of characters you could label "Sith", but few you could truly label a Sith Lord. In KoToR there were only 3. Reven(if you did DS you could label him twice), Malak, and Bandon. Bandon was powerful enough for the title, but it was like a newly raised Master. Some times your just not powerful enough. When I went through the second time DS my Reven would have made sure Bastila was Darth. He...I mean they...would have gone on to rule the galaxy as Darth Reven and Darth Plaything....I mean Darth Bastila. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would very much argue that Bandon wasnt strong enough, but he was "Darth Bandon" so I wont bother..as for you're point with Bastila on you're DS playthrough I'm not sure wtf you are trying to say but Bastila can hardly be counted as a Sith, she was Malak's apprentice for a very, very short time. #36-Don't worry about it, I helped her out. #37-I would agree that Yuthura was just an "experienced Sith" and Uthar as well despite it isnt stated or cant be proved that he wasnt a Sith Lord.
  2. To #55: It's Revan not Raven.. _______________________________________________ "At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I have to ask: why don't people think the Exile him/herself is Revan? I mean, you wake up on a ship not knowing who you are, who you were before. The records on the Ebon Hawk have been erased, giving you no idea about where you've been -- you could've been to places beyond the Outer Rim for all you know, but the records have been... removed. Aren't the Exile and Revan one and the same person? There are references to Revan in the third person, of course, but that might just be a reference to identity (one which you don't remember now, or have forgotten, or is acknowledged as part of a past you do not belong to anymore). Does Revan have the ability to form the same sort of bonds the Exile does? Was this bond a fundtion of Revan's personal charisma as a leader, or were the members of the Jedi Council of the opinion that the Exile drew on others the same way Revan drew on others? What gives? So.. um.. is it possible or has this question been settled already?" _______________________________________________ To #60: First, you dont "wake up" not remembering you're past... ... To think that the Exile *is* Revan is retarded, it only shows you didnt pay attention to the storyline and where OE was going with it..if infact the exile turns out to be revan (because KotOR III isnt out yet) then it will turn out to be a surprisingly un-creative plot twist.
  3. This is a question best suited for the spoilers board, I would ask you kindly move it there, lest someone stumble on this topic and learn something they dont want to know.
  4. #32- "Dark jedi can use lightning and gripping and other force powers to a certain amount but it are the Sith who have more knowledge of the dark side and fullly embrace it. Their force powers will be far more destructive than those of a puny little jedi." pfft, that's a highly unmotivated opinion..if Jedi are so weak compaired to Dark Force Users then how come DFU's havent managed to completely exterminate or purge the galaxy of the Jedi or their teachings? #33- "First, there is a big difference between being Dark Jedi, Sith, and being a Sith Lord. Yuthura, was never a Sith Lord/Darth. In KoToR I would never say Bastila was either. I haven't played K2 so who knows, but by the DS ending of K1 for me she would have been at some point later." Yes, there is a big difference between Dark Jedi and the Sith, Dark Jedi are simply DFU's that dont follow the Sith teachings and dont seem as self destructive as the Sith as a whole does. However theres not much difference between Sith Lord/Sith Apprentice's...being about the same difference in power as a Jedi Master/Jedi Padawan. All true Sith study the same teachings and follow the same religion.
  5. It couldnt have been Vrook because...
  6. Er, you do realize that the artists who make board avatars are not the same people responsible for tracking down bugs? Not every Obsidian employee is a programmer, y'know... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Appearantly he doesnt, and the fact that he quoted yoda in his insult to KotOR II is pretty sad..
  7. ?.....Fenris, you are refering to an optional part of the KotOR II storyline.. This "Sith Lord List" has proven to be a very difficult thing to put together mostly because the poster didnt give any guildines like they actually had to be trained, couldnt be redeemed ect...
  8. "Revan was redeemed or not redeemed, the choice was yours."I meant that for a period, Revan was redeemed from the DS and that wasnt the player's choice, the jedi council did it. Perhaps I should have used Kyp Durron for an example...Bah! It's been some time since I scowered the SW.com EU databanks reading up on dead Sith from years past. It also lists Darth Vader who if I am not mistaken is redeemed just before he dies, is he not? Anyway, I just relised that Nur Ab Sal posted Ulic Qel-Droma long before I braught him up...guess I should learn to read previous posts better.
  9. pffft, this thread HAS to be a joke...eventhough she's the game endboss she is weak even on the most difficult setting I would say Vrook was the strongest of all NPC's you fight (err, you dont have to fight Vrook though)...You dont even have to fight her stupid sabers, when they appear run off the platform and around the side then around the back, they usually get stuck on the side and she is left defenceless.
  10. "Yeah, I pimped her out. In two visits I had remade the 2000 credits it took to buy her. Guess Obsidian couldn't resist taking a hint from Grand Theft Auto." -Bwah, I was DS..I didnt buy her, I won her in a hand of pazaak. "exorting the Crimson Sun slavers" -....Are you refering to the Red Eclipse? "Although getting and installing the HK Pacifist Protocal Upgrade into HK-47 was a hilarious benefit for being LS with Greeda on Nar Shadaar" -LMAO, I've never seen that..next LS game I do I'll have to see about making HK-47 a pacifist.
  11. I would feel more ashamed to have written that post, then to have asked the question Tyrell did.
  12. You aren't Revan, that's a ridiculous claim..You are portrayed as standing next to Revan to symbolize that you once stood with s/he during the Mandalorian wars (part of you're past/future which was the whole idea of the tomb) Whoever suggest you're Revan obviously hasnt payed close attention to the KotOR II storyline.
  13. Oh please not ANOTHER KotOR III thread, dont you bother looking? there must be three or four still active..
  14. I happen to think a SW MMORPG set up right would be a great game, of course I have yet to play a single MMORPG I would consider 'good' or worth the monthly fee's but the idea is something I believe interests alot of gamers. No, I am not defending the idea of a KotOR MMORPG and I'm certainly not defending SWG, simply the idea of a SW MMORPG that works,isnt a grind and is widely accepted. The idea of interacting with other gamers in addition to NPC players, exploring vast worlds that if you didnt have a map in you could quite possibly get lost in and a well balanced combat system/leveling system with a good social community, appearantly not many people do but I think that would be one great game.
  15. I wouldnt call optional and extensive new choices of dialogue a "problem". If anything, I think it brings alot more to the game (for example, instead of playing the game through once or twice and grasping every aspect of it, now you must play from many angles many different times to grasp every aspect of the story).Or if you dont want to do so, then I suggest saving before party member conversations so you can re-load and explore all options. And, I am very sorry to hear that you miss the old, restrictive, obvious dialogue choices and game development that plagued KotOR.
  16. Wow, no kidding...and I thaught some of my posts where too long.
  17. Double posting on this matter shouldnt be allowed, but if you would listen to the advice I gave on you're first thread you would get it done.
  18. She only does that when you are far enough along in the Ithorians/Czerka quest lines, otherwise shes like "you're drinks are on me handsome" or something like that, which is why I suggested doing quests for Czerka/Ithorians.
  19. *sniff* Hades and Vol? Still you mention them after my valiant attack on this subject of KotOR III-MMORPG?....that truly hurts
  20. Concur. Totally randomized items have been more of a hassle. Finding medpacs when you break into Nadd's tomb is annoying. I like the idea of localized random items. I'm still hoping to run across white robes to make my character look like the one on the back of the strategy guide, but no such luck. Sith assassins are the biggest disappointments in item giving that I can recall; I don't remember ever getting anything off of the hordes of them that I wind up slaughtering over the course of the game. The Qixoni crystal is available from the woman in the Onderon cantina who wants a starport visa. Light or Dark, it's worth getting, even if it does give Dark Side points to acquire it. I made the mistake of not doing that, and now I regret it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Qixoni crystal is NOT worth getting if you are LS because guess what? *drumroll* it is restricted to DS, you would know that if you got it.
  21. I pretty much felt the same way, but I played it twice more and it doesnt seem so bad anymore, its not KotOR and it doesnt have a great ending cinematic (or much of one at all) The story is there, you just have to squeeze it out of you're companions. And (not to turn you're threat into a KIII thread but..) perhaps OE purposely left the storyline somewhat vague leaving ample room for KotOR III.
  22. Work with Czerka or the Ithorians and their quests will lead you where you need to go. ...that Rodian guard is cool, you can loot some decent things off him and he respawns.
  23. I think it would leave readers thinking about exactly why the PC would die when Traya does, or rather who Traya is. Back on topic: Plot device? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It might be best to change the thread title as this isnt the spoiler forum..
  24. That's exactly what SWG is, fun for awhile (like, say a few weeks) and then it reveals itself for what it truly is, one big grind that is based on how much time a player spends online rather than their talent at the game.
  25. ARRRGGH! This has come up before as I am sure it will again, and it has to be the most horrible idea I have heard in a long time.. Do you remember SWG and what a flop (for most ppl) it was? After that atrocity I doubt LA will attempt another SW oriented MMORPG anytime soon..How would it be possible to take a small, strict story like that of the KotOR series and develop a MMORPG out of it? Not possible..Unless you are suggesting they simply make it set within the KotOR 1/2 timeframe which would be SWG -5,000 years.
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