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Everything posted by MunoValente

  1. Maybe instead of limiting camping supplies, they could have made them more rare and/or expensive not that that is a terribly realistic either, but might be a better balance.
  2. My biggest issue with Defender is that is doesn't stack with bunch of other good modals for fighters and there doesn't seem to be any good reason for this. This goes along with the general problem of it being difficult to tell which modals stack and which don't.
  3. Ranger with stormcaller, twinned arrows, driving flight and stunning shots is an unstoppable juggernaut.
  4. I have no idea what Reirnu Xalxijrei is referencing, so I could easily see how someone else could miss it as well.
  5. Having the summons be shorter seems like a good way to balance them relative to the other invocations, which were for the most part not as useful as the summons. Also because the invocations come faster now, you can re-summon more often to help make up for it.
  6. Sounds like everything you read was massive, overblown exaggerations. These might not be the most optimal, efficient things that you could do, but they plenty viable.
  7. I give most of my backliners the fast runner talent, that way they can take off and run if someone gets through my frontline, but it's best to have them start fleeing before they are engaged.
  8. One thing with monks I wouldn't mind seeing is perhaps a bonus to their deflection in lighter armor, perhaps shift some of their base deflection into the bonus, as it currently is, I think armored monks are a good amount better than more traditional light armor monks and crossover a bit much with fighters.
  9. I haven't played it, but to me it looked more like Dark Alliance or Dungeon Siege III, but not as good from what I saw of it. I like Dark Alliance and DS3 well enough, so if it was good game of that type, I'd play it, but I haven't heard much good about it. NWN2 with years of patching, all of it's expansions, and modern hardware is very good in my opinion.
  10. I think something like the injury system from DA:O would be good for making knockouts mean a little more. Pillars already has injury statuses related to the scripted events, seems like they could attach them to knockouts as well. Would make things like Wound Binding or Field Triage better as well, you could use those to eliminate injuries as well as health damage.
  11. It requires a high level chanter but They Shielded Their Eyes 'Gainst the Fampyr's Gaze is nice because you can have active immediately at the start of an encounter.
  12. So how much is all of this a problem with the fact that for Pillars -> hard is normal and Path of the Damned is the only way to play for something of a challenge? Or, in my favorite drum to beat, the fact that the upper levels don't have enough xp between them, so you can get over-leveled way to easily. Path of the Damned is more challenging, but in a way that is generally more tedious rather than tactically interesting. For me the biggest issue is encounter designed. White March is better here, particularly Lagufaeth and Mercenary Brawler encounters as those enemies are more dynamic than endless mobs that mostly just try to run up to your front liners and try to pound their face. In the main game many of the best encounters also involve enemies try to get around from frontliners in some way or another, such as spirits; I've also run into a few encounters where xaurips come at you from a few angles at once that I've likely. Encounters with enemy reinforcement mobs coming at you from a flank or behind I think would make battles more interesting. One thing I'm consistently underwhelmed with is enemy ranged attackers and spell casters, they just never seem powerful enough or smart enough as they need to be to be as scary as they are in a lot of games.
  13. One thing with the combat being repetitive is that it's probably more common on the PotD, because the enemies have so much more brute force and resistance, taking certain risks and experimenting with certain tactics and abilities and being lax with preparation and micromanagement is much more punishing. This isn't really a situation unique to Pillars either, even playing better tactical games like XCOM or Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13, I've found my biggest tactical adjustment to cope with the overwhelming brute force on the highest difficulties, is usually to play in a more cautious, more structured and more repetitive style and while it's more effective tactically, I find it to be significantly less fun than playing on a next difficultly down and taking more risks and experimenting more, so while the tactics may be good from an effectiveness stand point, they aren't good for an enjoying the game standpoint.
  14. Most encounters dont require nearly that much preparation. I think that if prepare that much for each encounter you are both wasting a bunch of time and making the game more boring by making easy encounters even easier. I feel like the game was largerly balanced for players that just kind of run around without much caution. If youre reckless, you're likely to end up interesting tactical situation, but if you're careful they are almost always easily avoidable. I do think the expansion encounters are better, particularly against the more mobile enemies.
  15. For me if you want to fire off multiple guns, that is what extra weapon slots are for. One thing that could be interesting to do with pistols though is make changing to and from pistol weapon slots faster than crossbows or bigger guns
  16. Should I hire a bunch of guys while I am low level to do stronghold adventures later? I don't know anything about the stronghold. No, your story companions can handle them well enough if you don't want to create any. But if you do want to create someone for short term help, it gives them something to do the rest of the game when you don't need them in your party anymore.
  17. Adding an extra front liner really helps there. A lot of the time I'll hire an extra fighter/paladin/monk type from the inn, use them for that dungeon and getting to the stronghold and then never use them again once my party fills out and just have them do all the stronghold adventures.
  18. There is a stairwell on the level where the pit takes you that directly exits the dungeon bypassing the other floors, just need to fight your way past a few Xaurips.
  19. Or you could just spray the room with one of those chinese repeating crossbows.
  20. The most frustrating thing about Defender for me at the moment is that you can't use it with Savage Attack or Cautious Attack and there is no good reason for those restrictions. Savage would be good for people that wanted stronger disengagement, Cautious for a more defensive character. This is compounded by the same issue most modals have where the game doesn't present you with any information about which modals do and do not work together or any kind of consistent rules that would allow you to figure it out.
  21. Enchanting to superb is possible, but the animal parts needed to enchant to superb are very rare, you get them from optional battles against strong unique enemies. In the case of the item to make armor and shields superb, if you can already defeat monster that has them, you are strong enough you don't really them anymore.
  22. While a lot of the weapons do sort of blend together in this game, I do think that are handful that still really standout like Blade of Endless Paths, Cloudpiercer, Stormcaller, Tall Grass and Tidefall. Personally I also really like the Grey Sleeper, although I know there isn't as much consensus on that. There also a couple early game weapons that are really good for when you can get them like Gaun's Share, Resolution and Persistence.
  23. How many of those people that bought SRS paid like $2 for it? I know that's how much I paid for it. Price of the game matters too. This game's sells should continue to go up once sees price drops.
  24. Aloth definitely has more dialogues after his quest is complete and pretty sure they tie into his ending.
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