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Everything posted by MunoValente

  1. Some saying they can't use Eder again because he's useless is comment about viability. I think people are trivializing getting 10 wounds quickly. My experience with monks is if they get 10 wounds quickly they die not long after, because it usually means they are swarmed rather my formation holding up. I've also had plenty of the battles where the enemy largely ignores my monk for whatever reason.
  2. I started a new game today and Eder is at level 4 and seems pretty good. So far I've had him take knockdown, two handed style, confident aim and savage attack, and he's killing things good, but he's still pretty tough from the bump to CON and him not losing much from the change to PER. I'll probably have him take Soldier specialization and focus next. I have another fighter that is using defender, along with knockdown, two weapon style and ruffian, with dual sabres and fairly high CON and she seems to be doing pretty well too. Planning to take the rogue multi-class, the weapon specializations and probably savage attack, so I can dish a lot damage to knocked enemies and enemies that try to disengage. At least at lower the levels the bump to CON seems to make a real difference in it's usefulness.
  3. Sounds like great news if it's actually working like this.
  4. I went with Eder, Hivarias and Pallegina. Eder and Hivarias are fun and both seem like they wouldn't be in a hurry to settle down much (despite what happens in Eder's endings). Pallegina I think needs to be fleshed out a bit and another appearance would help with that. I like Sagani, but unless the setting is Nassitaq I don't think she makes sense to come back, she had been gone a long time and really wanted to go home.
  5. I really wish they would change how the high level per encounter spells work, 4 plus what whatever extras you get from abilities and gear is way too many. It would be better if you got only 1 or 2 per encounter then after that were per rest, or if they were per rest but you regenerated one per encounter.
  6. I was really pissed off at BG1 when I found out you missed out the Gauntlets of Dexterity if you talked your way past the Ogres at the Knoll Stronghold, just a terrible design decision. There were other times like this too, where they were very powerful unique items, that were only available by murdering some random NPC for no obvious reason. I liked loot in New Vegas, all unique items were fixed, other stuff was random.
  7. You can always use both with a ranger, guns for your first strike and your wounding shots and bows when you want to shoot faster. I really like Rangers with extra weapon slots, so you change guns without reloading, switch to bows, switch to melee if you want to do that, switch slaying enchantments.
  8. Potential disengagement damage works the same way, after your puny 3 might paladin with a hatchet hits the dargul and does basically no damage, the enemy should know the Paladin is not a real threat and move on to a target that is.
  9. I like GOG, I don't like needing to use the steam app to do things and don't like it running all the time. I'll buy some games on Steam, but usually only if they aren't available on GOG, used to be Steam's sales were better too, but GOG offers some pretty good sales now as well.
  10. I think estimating GoG sales as only 15% scales low. This game fits right in with their audience and has been a top seller there since it was released and GOG in general sells more new games and has grown in profile compared to 3-4 years ago. But maybe not, and without knowing for sure it's hard to get a clear picture of it's sales.
  11. Well that is the bigger problem, the enemy AI and path finding needs to get smart enough to not get bottled in when they aren't engaged and break engagements from the puny tanks that can't deal damage when they are. This is basically the single biggest problem with the game right now, I'm sure they know this and trying to trying to improve the game in those areas, if they do, engagement will be better and Defender along with it, if they fail then both Defender and Hold the Line will be pretty pointless, and combat of the game with continue to suffer from the same tedious tactics it often has now.
  12. FTFY. Strictly inferior to what? It gives you more engagements than Hold the Line and nothing else really gives engagements. The key for whether it will be any good or not is whether engagements are meaningful. For me the really weak fighter talent is Guardian, I can see a use for Defender in the new form assuming enemies are more active about disengaging; if enemies disengage more, then pure defensive power isn't as useful and being able to dish out disengagement damage is more important. Guardian is just kind of lame, large penalty, small radius and doesn't directly benefit the fighter. Wary Defender in it's new form is pretty weak as well, even if I wanted to use the new version of Defender, I'd skip Wary. Obviously it's not a talent designed for solo play, that should easy to figure out.
  13. I give pretty much everyone in my group Spirit Slaying, because spirits are the worst. Last time I played I also did ranger with guns in 3 weapon slots and different slaying on each and switched through them both to avoid reloading and to get the slaying type I needed.
  14. I assume it's selling pretty well on GOG on top of steam, it always seems to be among the top sellers there and the style of game seems to fit their clientele. I read somewhere that Witcher 3 actually did better on GOG than steam, don't if that is true of not but GOG sales might be better for RPGs than a lot of people assume.
  15. Shields are fine, shields should provide a large defensive boost, that is why shields exist, otherwise they are pointless and they are pointless in a lot of games. Defender isn't an ability for pure tanks anymore, it's an ability for fighter who wants to dish out damage with disengagement attacks. A more traditional tank fighter would use guardian and/or cautious attack. Maybe Guardian could be given a boost. Allowing cautious attack could be active with Defender or Guardian would help.
  16. Asking again are there any particular rules on this? I know the old version of Defender didn't combine with Cautious Attack, but other modals can combine with each other, but it seems kind of random sometimes. Is there any particular reason this new version couldn't be active at the same time as Cautious Attack other that than is just how it worked before? Has anyone tested it? If it can now be combined with Cautious Attack, it is basically a higher risk/higher reward version of hold the line.
  17. So has the attack speed penalty has been removed from defender as well? Has it possibly been changed so it can be used at the same time as cautious attack? What are the rules about what modals can be stacked or are there any?
  18. In the scenario where you'd be using defender gear and stats obviously matter, you aren't going equip your people the fighter is supposed to defending with heavy gear or pump up their RES/CON. Whether other classes can handle front line just as well is a different issue. The advantages fighter with have will be based on engagement, sustainability, and melee damage. Whether Defender will be any good with this change will depend on how important engagement is, which is probably too early to tell at this point.
  19. But when you factor in gear, stats and other abilities, the difference in durability usually isn't going to be close. Your cypher or DPS ranger isn't going to be wearing plate armor and a shield and will likely have lower CON and RES.
  20. It makes sense to me thematically, basically the fighter is protecting others at the expensive of themselves. A fighter with -5 deflection is still going to have more deflection than whatever back row character the enemy would be attacking if it got past the fighter. There are already a bunch of attacking abilities that reduce accuracy, don't see how this is much different.
  21. Fighters still can tank some and still have more attacking power than a paladin. I'm fine with the various deflection nerfs. Tank and spank was a really broken tactic and that was largely because the tank side of things was too easy with high deflection. When you could just sit in front of a dragon endlessly and almost never get hit, it's pretty clearly out of hand. Combat should now be more lethal for both sides, which I think is good, it picks up the pace in minor battles, but also makes them a little more dangerous and hopefully makes bigger battles more interesting without tanking being so simple and effective.
  22. These are things that I think could be linked to skills. Athletics could be used for movement speed or disengagement. Stealth could be used make engagement more difficult, Survival could provide bonuses related to fog of war or spotting enemies.
  23. I really only use it for the toughest fights, otherwise the game is easy enough and the effects small enough, that it's not worth the effort most of the time.
  24. I think the animal fatigue bug they fixed helped rangers a good amount. Also I think people have learned to play them better since the game first came out.
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