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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. I think you should meet some finnish women.
  2. I have never been so drunk I can
  3. Nethack with GRAPHICS!!! (w00t)
  4. Eh? It was goddamn awful.
  5. It was... strange video. :D
  6. Why would they start to compete with their own product? They
  7. Happy Birthday Eldar. Leave those younger women to us younger men. Competition is already quite bad without you.
  8. I post this conversation in proof of my not gayness. Kirottu: Hey Luc, I guess they actually are all gay. Kirottu: http://www.n00dzplz.com/msgboard/viewtopic...er=asc&start=15 Lucian: I was right? Kirottu: Yeah, it seems like. Lucian: I'm so joining. Lucian: Because of how not gay I am... Lucian: Yeah... Kirottu: I'm cool with you being gay man. Lucian: I'm not... Lucian: Ha ha Kirottu: Are you sure? Kirottu: Because if you are. Lucian: That's crazy Kirottu: I'm totally cool with that. Lucian: I'm not gay. Kirottu: Well if you ever decide you are... Lucian: Are you gay, Kir? Lucian: Kiro-chan? Kirottu: No. Lucian: Because, if you were gay, I'm totally ok with that. Lucian: Because I'd be gay with you. Kirottu: Except that I'm not gay. Lucian: Ok, I'm ok with you not being gay. Lucian: I'm not going to judge you. Kirottu: For being straight? Lucian: Yes Kir, it's ok to be straight. Lucian: It's not a bad thing or anything. Lucian: I'm not going to judge you for it. Lucian: I'm not like that. Kirottu: ... Kirottu: Okay. Kirottu: So why you wanna see that movie about Cthulu pirates so bad? Lucian: Because I liked the first one. Lucian: And Johnny Deppp is hot. Lucian: I mean... Lucian: I'm not gay. Lucian: The chick is hot. Lucian: You know, the one chick in it... Kirottu: The aneorexic one? Lucian: Yes? Lucian: Wait, the not anorexic one... Kirottu: ... Kirottu: So you mean Johnny Depp? Lucian: No...\ Lucian: Yeah. Kirottu: So you are gay? Lucian: No. Kirottu: ... Kirottu: Yeah you are, you totally are. Lucian: I don't think he is gay, Kir. Lucian: Kiro-chan. Kirottu: Yeah but you want to see the new Pirates movie to ogle him. Lucian: I don't think he is hot either. Kirottu: Lucian: And Johnny Deppp is hot. Lucian: I meant hot as in funny. Lucian: You know, like how Johnny Depp is hot. Kirottu: Whatever you say Luc. Lucian: He is funny. Lucian: I'm not gay.
  9. That must be the most ridiculous Windows crash. Plugging in the speakers. Holy lol. Oh, sorry, I don
  10. Somebody somewhere pointed it out to me, because I
  11. Carlton and his dancing erection.
  12. Ok. If you want to use it you need to know how it works, when, where, and who can use it. Ok, let
  13. The Big Lebowski Good fun with Darth Drabek moment.
  14. I read the wikipedia entry and I must ask has the Q
  15. It seems we have totally different perspective of what is and what isn
  16. What do you mean by "downloading"?
  17. Rather impressive looking even without weed.
  18. My body eventually returns to it
  19. Linkage. "Basic Twirl" is my dancing move when I
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