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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Hobbitist!
  2. Must be one of those subjective definitions ...
  3. I heard that SEGA and Obsidian are making a new RPG from the Alien franchise.
  4. I thought the story in itself wasn't particularly good. What made it stand out was the way the narrative was integrated into the game, instead of being developed through a cutscene or just written in the readme. It made you feel part of the story. I didn't even play Half-Life until about five years after it came out, and it blew me away. (I still get vertiginous when Gordon climbs the cliff.) I think the first scene, where Gordon rides the monorail into that cool Black Mesa super-secret government organisation, where he is just an information-grunt, a white-coated beaker-pusher on the bottom-rung of the test-tube food-chain, only to have to show some innovation as well as talent with a gun to solve the story. I think someone's in love. With Alyx.
  5. I saw a Sony (50"?) rear-projection tv for about
  6. Ah, that's easy: A Great Cretan.
  7. What a great idea! See, this is the problem. If I plan to go nuts, I'm hardly going to prevent myself by doing something illegal before the big crime. Kinda like being a Jedi all the way up to Korriban, and then turning to the Dark Side and becoming a Sith for the rest of the game. This is where some form of provisional licencing would be useful. Even having a gun club (for example) sponsoring people, like a co-signatory on a loan. It is a bit silly in the UK, however, as the Olympic Pistol team have to travel overseas to practice ... The problem isn't the prevalence of guns, it is the poor management of the purchase. It seems more difficult to get a licence for a dog.
  8. Combat-kick-boxercisey-type aerobics class.
  9. See, I find most exercise therapeutically relaxing, too. When running, or swimming especially, the rhythmic breathing (the primary component of meditation) and gentle exertion puts me into "the zone".
  10. They pushed me QUITE hard to get me to drink anything. (I've an addictive personality so I don't touch things that are mildly addictive except caffine.) and i've got a friend who was nieve and a bit of an idiot, He didn't know what a controled substance was and ended up selling his ritalin in high school (got caught too). Then he joined the army and promptly became an alcoholic. its... not pretty. Ah, na
  11. Everything on the soundtrack from Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket and Good Morning, Vietnam.
  12. I did a new combat course today. I thought I'd have to go for a run afterwards to get some cardiovascular exercise, but then it got good.
  13. I was being unkind, there.
  14. At last! A clue! So Ed-D'Oh, what war did you grow up fighting? Congratulations on displaying the empathy of a psychopath. I suppose you would extend your philosophy to others butchering you for small change, raping and murdering your loved (a big assumption, I know, but I'm talking hypothetically and assuming you have a shred of humanity) because you matter not at all. Or are you a hypocrite as well? And now I wonder why anyone would want to live in the same society as you.
  15. I liked the story of λ.
  16. You can't. But I can. And I have. And I added six votes for Freedom Force (and three each to the "Yes" and "Indifferent" first categories). Because I can.
  17. Yes, the burnt baby fears fire, long after the memory is gone. Still, I enjoyed swimming in a more leisurely environment, even though I spent a large amount of time training in a 50m pool when I was young. (Part of the enjoyment, I found, is being able to get out whenever you want, so that you are only swimming against yourself.) Makes for a nice adjunct to gym training on a hot Summer's day at university, I can tell you.
  18. So you were ignoring him?!?11/1!?one1/1!
  19. We were being kind.
  20. What number series are the Simpsons up to, twenty?
  21. Yeah, I liked it. (Though Xen can go to a special hell.)
  22. You need more telephone lines.
  23. Yeah, but swimming has the added incentive that if you don't swim, you'll drown. Always ensures a high minimum effort, I find. Also good to be around a pool in a sunny clime, with lots of members of the appropriate gender wearing not-very-much for the obligatory post-dip chat ...
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