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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. The name sounds familiar. Where's Darque when you need her? Insufficient internet connectivity producing irregular posting.
  2. I think this will be better in the Developers' forum.
  3. Is it in bad taste to take bets on how long ED'Oh has to live?
  4. I challenge you to determine how much corporate tax he pays. I doubt HE knows; the hundreds of corporate entities that cross-invest in each other defeated international financiers years ago when he bid for some new asset ... But I'm more interested in your definition of nationality, if it isn't citizenship, what is it?
  5. Mental health is woefully under-appreciated and completely insufficiently dealt with by (as far as I can discern) ALL societies. That's where the solution to this issue lies, and only when societies address the elephant in the middle of the room that incidents like this will be consigned to history.
  6. Can you honestly be so bereft of both honour and compassion that you can calmly turn your back? Point of order: Sand can't be bereft of honour, as bereavement implies that he had the quality to begin with, then lost it. "Devoid" is a much better adjective. Supposition. If nothing else, the US is getting a crash course in armed conflict in urban environments. Your myopic philosophy doesn't allow for the introduction of a steady-state via some force external to the system, for example providing Marshall funding to the post-war German nation to ensure that they could use their efforts to become useful members of the international community, rather than disappear into a self-destructive, Hobbesian pre-civilization anarchy. Also, creating an exit statement isn't restricted to before the conflict. (It is certainly advisable to have it beforehand, but its absence is does not prevent one from being devised during the engagement.) Your "get out NOW!" bleating is an example of a post-invasion exit statement, for example. Other, more sober voices, are just trying to incorporate other factors, rather than your single dimensional approach, namely "harm to US soldiers and cost to US Balance of Payments THIS YEAR". Like the fate of the innocent women and children who just happen, by accident of birth, to live in Iraq. Just like you, by accident of birth, happen to live in Iowa.
  7. the UK has had seven teenagers knifed to death in the last couple of weeks. Fantastic. We now have ED'Ohlogic.
  8. The cat will (hopefully) return as soon as it gets too hungry to stay away. Hopefully. If he hasn't been spayed, then he might be having a load of fun with the locals. If he has, he might be living up to the worst fears of the environmental conservationists and eating rare birds.
  9. I was under the impression that the Socttish character is not fictional, though it is an amalgam.
  10. Oh, I bought it. I just haven't installed it yet (I fear it will not run well on my poor little laptop, so I thought I'd wait for a new PC.)
  11. Thanks, it indeed looks interesting. (Even if he is a bizarro foreigner. *spit* ) Nearly finished Bertrand's ego trip.
  12. I'm not sure if he even pays tax in ANY country; he's the closest I know of to an "international" person.
  13. What colour is the sky in your world?
  14. The worst of the series, but I still kind of enjoyed it. But then, during that time we were on a heavy TR kick, buying 2 copies of almost all the TR's so we could play at the same time etc. Maybe it's more fun when you can holler/laugh to your spouse about something in the game. I finally gave up when I had to attack the wolf with that guy (with the pizza-cutter weapon that I couldn't use for the fight). I've never had to stop a game due to the controls before. Or since. I *am* a Tombraider fan, too. I went out afterwards and bought a PSone and the original game.
  15. I agree. Just put your fingers in your ears and sing "lalalalalalalala".
  16. Humans would die without the aid of some of the 400 as yet unclassified microbes in our guts that (among other things) help break down nutrients in plant and animal tissues, and release chemicals like nitrogen. What was the question? Oh, yeah. It's entirely possible that there is an ecosystem built around the chemosynthetic organisms, such like the single-celled amino-loaded food eaten by the residents of Zion in the Matrix. /nerd
  17. It was Rumsfeld's direct control of the Pentagon I was talking about.
  18. I think a lot of the blame falls at Rumsfeld. He was left in charge of the "operation" (and he had some pretty impressive credentials); it was his decision to dismiss the Iraqi armed forces, for example, and keep the British forces at arms'-length (and not involved in any decision-making), etc.
  19. Murdoch isn't Australian ... he renounced his Australian citizenship in favour of US citizenship, to purchase a US media empire, as they have more stringent media ownership laws than Australia (which allows foreigners to own significant fractions of their print and tv media).
  20. You are assuming that the girl had a non-dysfunctional relationship with her parents. Which I don't.
  21. And when you say "drop female friend home", you really mean have snugglebunnies with her, amiright?
  22. They'll run at the lowest common speed.
  23. Yes, spearmint makes all the difference. A man can go from here 'til doomsday if he has enough spices.
  24. Rupert Murdoch is feeling very sorry.
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