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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Yeah, the latest patch tones down the dragontooth sword [] a bit. (My favourite trick was my first final encounter with Simons; I was carrying the TNT crate up and dropped it as he came in to attack me (with and on), so that he had his legs blown off. Then he was a sitting duck, while my healing restored my legs ...) :cool:
  2. Was it the chimp ninjas flipping out?
  3. Brontosauruses are in fact a myth. They are the misconstrued result of two different skeletons, made during some of the earliest dinosaur research, combining the Apatosaurus and the biggest land animal ever, the Supersaurus. The Ultrasauros is just silly. Edit: I have no idea why the ultrasauros is spelt with a final "o" vowel; perhaps they were very good stock market entrepreneurs before the mass extinction ...
  4. I eat babies for the Bishop of Bath & Welles.
  5. As long as they don't make them biomods for the arms ...
  6. Jinsu knives cut through cans! Imagine that power in an armed robbery or hostage taking situation! your kitchen.
  7. ... And short hair ...
  8. ... Wriggle little wormy on the hook ... catch me some good fishies ...
  9. Wait, as opposed to knife companies not being held responsible for illegal activities? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not to mention car manufacturers. Still, the Winchester heiress went mad and spent her rifle inheritance on building more and more elaborate "spirit traps" in her mansion, so that the ghosts of all the people killed by her forebears' firearms would not be able to get her ...
  10. Well Hot Coffee violates the agreement that rockstar signed when they submitted the game for certification. This may even lead to it being pulled in Australia (they have weird ratings). And being reclassified in other countries. It's the first time anything like this has gotten this sort of media attention and thats thrown up all sorts of questions now on just what sort of mods are being distributed, and how they can hold someone responsible for them. Favourite target right now seems to be whoever made the game. What no one seems to know is if this was a mod that created or it was simply something to unlock hidden content Rockstar slipped in. Rockstar are denying everything since the whole thing exploded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, but that is a slightly different legal point. If Rockstar put something in the game and hid it to get around the rating system, then they are rorting the system and need to be punished. If some modder puts something in their game, not only is the developer/publisher beyond litigation, but (as the modders are just fans doing their own thing) so are the modders. They aren't selling the mods. It's the equivalent to rating private websites for pornography; something that can be done by AOL, but nothing to do with the government. You'll end up trying to rate mods, and that's more difficult than preventing pr0n on the internet ...
  11. Can't do it: it's already in the public domain ... (But I don't care as long as they put the chimp ninjas in ...)
  12. I'm sorry, I don't understand. What is illegal (about hot coffee or whatever else) ? Regardless, Modmakers do not sell their mods, so they are exempt from licencing, unless the law is changed to include all (electronic) art ...
  13. What's the illegal act?
  14. I have highlighted the weakness in the logic of this statement. Whereas peer-to-peer software provided a means for piracy, games (even adulterated by sickos) are only going to provide images. Of virtual characters and objects. Who cares if someone crucifies Alyx? Why is that offensive? It's just boring. Talk about a slow news day.
  16. I might go and install Manhattan Project now ...
  17. Any hints, for the loyal fanbase? We won't tell anyone on the NwN2 forum, so it'll remain our little secret ... "
  18. From the looks of the E3 demo from years ago, they'll be able to sell it as a VR pr0n sim, if nothing else ...
  19. They're not? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (We're the ones that give them all their good ideas, from ninja chimps flipping out and killing everyone, to exploding barrels in NwN2 ...)
  20. You're not getting the whole deconstructionalistic leitmotif; it's all about mocking the stereotypes of other games, sending them up with pinpoint accurate black satire ... "
  21. What would constitute a good motivation for doing said crescent kicks? Or he'll stop posting altogether like the rest of the Obsidian devs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... Because, let's face it, the devs are here to banter inanely with us forum monkeys ... "
  22. Duke's not really Survival HORROR, is it? It's more Survival COMEDY ("Come get some!", deconstrunctionist misogynist stereotypes, etc).
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