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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Wouldn't that be contra-indicated for dental hygiene? I mean, surely the plaque-forming bacteria in between your teeth would be able to nourish themselves on the vetiges of entrail left therein? Now you're forgetting the magic circle. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, yes! The magic circle: the stress ball of the tehcnology age!
  2. Guys, you seem to be missing the point; it's not whether you like / want to play Tekken (I certainly don't), it's the attitude of Mr Harada, to wit: *applause*
  3. Hats. People aren't wearing enough hats.
  4. With or without the "hot coffee" minigame? It would only be a problem if the minigame allowed you to strangle and disembowel the girl, whilst raping her eyesockets. I think that should be at least a 13+.
  5. I don't think you could say the Civ series is dumbed down, either.
  6. Well, that is just another name for "passive aggression". In other words, Darque is accusing you of deliberate provocation through passive means (i.e. not an outright attack, but a threatening encroachment).
  7. ... I thought that was the Welsh? incidentally, genetic extrapolations have determined that the Welsh is the sole remaining strain of the Anglo Saxon race. (At least sheepshagging means that the sheep will be looked after, and de-dagged.)
  8. ... As does our wallet contents ...
  9. I thought it was something to do with finding lost golf balls ...
  10. :meta:
  11. I watched Spanglish the other day; it too was very unpredictable in its plot and refreshing in its tone. I highly recommend it.
  12. Wooosh! (*sound of words zooming over 's head*)
  13. Nice try, Mr Diaper. But you don't fool me. Bwhahahahahahahaha!
  14. Doesn't s/he want to work for them? :Darque:
  15. Why did all the peoples of Ireland and Scotland swap countries a few times in the last millennium? It must have been such a drama, moving everything over and back again ...
  16. But your opinion doesn't count because it's different from mine.
  17. What is it with dumbed down games? Don't developers and producers realise that the mean and median age of gamers is already in the tetragenarian decade, and trending upwards? And some of us are actually degree qualified?
  18. Hurry up and enter the market, so that it will produce better games *instantly*.
  19. Take that back! :Darque:
  20. You mean the audience isn't idiotic?
  21. It takes a concerted spamming effort, I don't think you have reached that level of commitment just yet ...
  22. I must be Cuba, then.
  23. You mean gameplay integrity will lose out to cost reduction?
  24. Two words: Invisible War. I agree, this dumbing down process is actually having an effect on the game mechanics, so it is counter-intuitive to continue it (except as a cost-reducing strategy ... hmmm I wonder which will win: gameplay integrity or cost reduction?) It's all well and good to minimise the colours and style that a new Ford comes off the production line with, but to start reducing the number of dashboard instruments and gear levers is not. R&D on the production process needs to keep the integrity of the product function sharply in focus, or else it in self-defeating.
  25. I think you two are in violent agreement. Me too, and I am unanimous in this.
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