Context is everything. There are certain conditions under which thinking slows to the point that words may issue forth faster than the synapses fire ...
I have been playing a lot of Splinter Cell recently; I was walking down the street the other day and I saw an air conditioning grate and immediately thought about crawling into it ...
I wouldn't regard Smeagol as a willing hero (sure, he was a reluctant hero: moreover a unknowing and unmeaning hero); Frodo didn't really sacrifice much (except his optimistic worldview, ancestral home, lifelong friends, na
Not you.
oooo...that's just embarresing for meta.
Not my fault people aren't following netiquette and posting the topics they are replying to when replying; I was just being sociable: no burnies for me (as I don't even know who Maximilian Pegasus is; I just googled and guessed, heretofore known as g&g).
My wings are like a shield of steel!
Well, it also underscores goodness of character: anybody can be a winner if one allows cheating and selfishness; it takes a real hero to pay the ultimate sacrifice for others, especially when they are not personally at risk without consciously stepping in harm's way.