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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Yah! Targeted adverts to my own very special Sony® Handle!
  2. Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Wednesday March 15, @07:16PM from the whole-new-levels-of-addiction dept. Wired News is running a story about a new approach to crossover working and gaming turning your coding into a MUD-style adventure. Playsh is a "narrative-driven 'object navigation' client, operating primarily on the semantic level, casting your hacking environment as a high-level, shell-based, social prototyping laboratory, a playground for recombinant network toys." Great, now they are combining two of the most horrible addictions in my life.
  3. So we see the two behemoths sizing each other up to try to snatch the PVR market place. PS3 - Lateness With Linux? Posted by Zonk on Wednesday March 15, @04:15PM from the world-turns-upside-down dept. ZombieRoboNinja writes "The New York Times is reporting that Sony's press conference has confirmed the delay of the PS3, which is now slated to come out in November. More interestingly, the article claims that PS3 will ship with a 60-gig hard drive, built-in network card, and Linux!" Serious stuff here, with Sony's shares falling on the delay confirmation. There was a lot more news handed out at the conference than just the delay. Next Generation has details from Ken Kutaragi's 10 Point Breakdown. From the NYT article: "'We were discussing selling it in September, and some even said put it out in July,' Mr. Kutaragi said. Some analysts were immediately skeptical of this explanation, saying Sony needed to get the console out as soon as possible to combat Microsoft's head start, and the expected release this year of Nintendo's next game console, Revolution. They said Sony may be trying to buy time to bring down the production cost of key components, particularly untested technologies like Blu-ray and Cell. While Mr. Kutaragi did not reveal a price on Wednesday, analysts say Sony will likely try to sell PlayStation 3 for about $500." Please see related links and commentary below for more coverage. Related Stories Offsite: PlayStation 3 to launch worldwide in November Offsite: Can Sony manage a global PS3 roll-out? Offsite: Sony Meeting: November Global Launch Offsite: PS3 Conference Report - Date and More!
  4. Meh, Alienware are overpriced toys for scriptkiddies. Much better to make your own. And if you can't build your own, then ask a geek! Support your local geek!
  5. Posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday March 15, @03:22PM from the now-only-one-marketing-dept-will-ignore-my-emails dept. An anonymous reader writes "Well, looks like rumors are flying, and Dell may have bought Alienware according to an article on cnet. It really would fit Dell well. They are the last big manufacturer not to use AMD, and this would fill that void. Acquiring this company would also help them grow their business to where they want it to be ($80 billion anually). One can only hope that Alienware support and hardware won't be ill effected by this acquisition." Edit: added link to blog post.
  6. You are still looking at the console market in one dimension: it's not about games! The XBox 360, for example, is a much better PVR than anything else on the market: that's M$'s beachhead strategy to pwn the living room. Sony is betting on the Blu-Ray loss-leader to establish a bigger, more unassailable beachhead in the living room: good games are a secondary consideration, and precisely why Ninty has no way of pwning the console gaming market because they just make good games consoles that do nothing else but play good games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  7. But ... don't all US tourists pretend to be Canadian whilst they are overseas oot-'n'a-boot? "
  8. I occassionally keep my mobile on in the cinema (never in the opera or theatre) because I AM SO BUSY AND IMPORTANT. I do, however, only use vibrate, so that I do not disturb anyone else; I take the call outside. Cars are, amongst other things, steerable, lockable compartments. A few journeys on the lovely British Victorian-age mass transit system is enough to demonstrate its many flaws. (Chiefly punctuality, cost and convenience; but apart from that it is great.)
  9. I had just begun a five-year-long period of no games, iirc. Previously I had just been playing PSone stuff (like Tombraider and Crash Bandicoot ... the sequel pushed me over the edge, I think).
  10. Mob rule is a beautiful thing to watch.
  11. Playboy Mansion and Leisuresuit Larry: Magna C
  12. fanboi?
  13. You are still looking at the console market in one dimension: it's not about games! The XBox 360, for example, is a much better PVR than anything else on the market: that's M$'s beachhead strategy to pwn the living room. Sony is betting on the Blu-Ray loss-leader to establish a bigger, more unassailable beachhead in the living room: good games are a secondary consideration, and precisely why Ninty has no way of pwning the console gaming market because they just make good games consoles that do nothing else but play good games.
  14. I don't even want to think about what you need a phallic keyboard-substitute for ...
  15. As soon as I read my way out of the barrel of books I have just purchased in my latest frenzy ...
  16. Do we get to work out the damage ourselves ... shock, loss of blood, septic
  17. No, but the "Rich and who-gives-a-stale-f
  18. Sounds pretty exciting ... :D
  19. Only for the true geek. :D
  20. Remakes of classic films.
  21. Latin is the basis of ALL the Romantic languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, which are all just modern local dialects of what classical latin has become), so it makes sense to teach that ... additionally, it has also been a major influence on English, first through the Norman conquest and the use of French at the beginning of the last millennium, and subsequently, during the renaissance when vocabulary was borrowed directly from the classics to help explain the latest inventions and discoveries, to supplement the germanic Anglo-Saxon base. Biggest mistake of the hippy-touchy-feely 70s, when "teachers" decided that, to learn English, students didn't need all that unnecessary grammar and silly rules. Stupid morons.
  22. Different tasks require different RAID solutions. But remember, RAID 0 doesn't provide ANY redundancy, and in fact makesw the data more vulnerable. RAID 0+1 stripes and mirrors the data, but your are really trying to speed up the mirror rather than vice versa. If you want the ability to recover from a disk crash, i.e. if the data is MISSION CRITICAL, then RAID 5 is really the only option. Comapq made their drives hot-swappable to meet the demand. Responding to a large volume of write traffic is a different ball of wax, and needn't be handled with the hard-drive technology (batch writing from memory, Flash-RAM cache, etc). The solutions I designed didn't need speed over data security; we weren't doing a bajillion credit card transaction a minute for Visa ...
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