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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Thanks! <bookmarked< The one at Planet Deus Ex is corrupted and partially over-written with links to the walk-through of the sequel. I actually might read the walk-through soon, too ... :D
  2. Yep, none of that silly running about spell-memorization stuff.
  3. That sounds like a winner.
  4. Just reading the current PC Format (December) and it seems the Windows Vista technologies (Windows ReadyDrive: hard disks boot up faster, resume from hibernate in less time, preserve battery power, and improve hard disk reliability) will be a feature of new motherboards ... so not an external (Universal Serial) Bus device. This, plus the missing supporting features for Core 2 Duo, and the imminent arrival of DX10 make me think that I shall wait for a bit before making my new PC. There is a great article on the new technology in DirectX 10, too: unified shader architecture: vertex (integer) shaders get overworked outside doing trees and distances, pixel (floating point) shaders get overworked inside, doing oily / transparent surfaces, and the other types of shaders are idle; plus SM3 (floating point) fog effects. Added to this is (geometric) SM4 (little triangles, rather than just the intersection of two lines, like vertex shading). DirectX9.L will allow DirectX10 cards to run previous DirectX9 effects (and not vice versa), because DirectX10 is a complete re-write of the specification (not done since the invention of DirectX back in Windows95). Though the next DirectX cards (due out early next year) will be long superceded before DirectX10 games become common, ATi's R600 looks to be a much better interpretation of the standard than nVidia's ... so I might just see what I can build for
  5. Well, then, you should buy a new motherboard.
  6. I got past that fairly quickly, tbh. "
  7. Arrrggghh! Too many spoilers for me to edit!
  8. Main criticism about FF is that it infantilizes: it's not particularly enjoyable for anyone who likes some depth in their entertainment.
  9. No, it's flat out bigotry against gay people. Seriously, homosexuality is not synonymous with pederasty, and it is pure demonizing to make that claim. In fact, it would be more logically sound to claim that most of the marketing industry is over-sexualizing young girls in their products. Some extremists might even debate whether this is a cause or an effect in higher rates of p
  10. Without wishing to involve your family and personal affairs any more in this discussion, I would just like to point out that Terry Jones has contributed a lot more than "just" the Monty Python movies.
  11. That's your opinion as a non-scientist. Fact is you're wrong: Taks is oh so Wrong <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. I am glad the precedent was set against the political agitator. The veil is not meant to be abused in this way. The judge could have given her another option: her husband (or significant male family member, like eldest brother or father) could have represented her in court ...
  13. The chemicals are the same, and they promotes the same change in the brain as a drug, such as Lady Crimson said about antidepressants. If there is a smell that promotes universal happiness, the pessimist in me says it would be used for global domination. If not then I think it would numb people to reality. Speaking from the point of view of someone who thinks misery is needed to balance happiness. I think life would be a bit unbearable if everyone was walking around with grins <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's an additional supposition, though: no-one was implying a "universal mood enhancer" would be added to the water supply, just targeted to those who wanted it. I don't know too many people who suffer from depression (and about 15% of the entire population does) that would willingly choose to keep suffering from it. Me too! A joyful, righteous indignation! :D
  14. Using that logic they should prevent evil using the demonstrably overwelmingly predictive trait of all hardenened criminals (i.e. above 98%): masculinity. Just throw every man in jail: no more serious crime.
  15. Hee hee, I remember playing this at the local arcade when I was in secondary school (about 17). :D
  16. I'd take any of their careers!
  17. Does a HDTV card need a PCI-e slot?
  18. Firsly, comparisons are odious: that was my point. Secondly, you are completely ignoring his writing credits, e.g. just look at the stuff from the sixties: If you haven't heard / seen any of that, it's (probably) too late. But it was brilliant satirical, incisive humour, and I'd be prepared to argue that it had some impact on politics then AND now. So yeah, it's had a bigger impact than individual medicines, because we're all living in a political world. So yeah, it's more important than medicine, because not everyone needs a cancer drug, but everyone lives in the country when they take conscripts to war.
  19. Some. :D Actually, that is a good point. I still want them to do it, though. There are many different ways a post-apoc world can look; plenty more ideas out there.
  20. I didn't say it was officially endorsed.
  21. ... Unless you're a Scoutmaster. <_<
  22. Don't know that I have done that ... yet. Didn't notice the discrepancy, either.
  23. There? Instead of ? If you wait , then you get to .
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