Who wants blonde hair?
Sure, on some females it's okay, but guys with blonde hair look ... decidedly effeminate.
Seriously, it will be very, very difficult for eugenics to arise: there are too many safeguards. Eugenics has been around for over a century: Winston Churchill was one very vocal (pre-Nazi) supporter, for example.
Removing disabilities is one thing, and completely understandable; I'm more concerned about those "responsible" parents who think that giving their child a disability is a good idea.
The article was careful to state overtly that colour wouldn't be a factor, i.e. every person would be "coffee-coloured", resulting from the mixing-pot theory. (There is no way the article would have been published, otherwise.)
Some relevant links:
Genomics: We are all numbers
Hybrids: When two species become three
Did humans and chimps once interbreed?
Why we differ from our primate cousins
Chimpanzees show hints of higher human traits
Evolution gets busy in the urban lab