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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. War of the Worlds is brilliant, too. Nice little antidote to the British and their Empire building ...
  2. And a little angel just died.
  3. Well, if new games don't satisfy graphics whores, then they complain, so it leaves the developers in an invidious position. Still, I think it's safe to say you will eventually get a better graphics card.
  4. Run (backwards) Zagor, run!
  5. That documentary wasn't suggesting that squids would take over the world; it was merely speculating on what other creatures might have the wherewithall to become dominant; cephalopods are very intelligent and could quite easily do so (IIRC the target of the show was 50 million years in the future, too). Of course not. Just for your own benefit: it's your loss.
  6. Yeah, I usually have a high collateral body count. (Though, to be fair, I use the tranquilizer / riot prod on everyone except the really bad guys.)
  7. Apollo 13
  8. Who wants blonde hair? Sure, on some females it's okay, but guys with blonde hair look ... decidedly effeminate. Seriously, it will be very, very difficult for eugenics to arise: there are too many safeguards. Eugenics has been around for over a century: Winston Churchill was one very vocal (pre-Nazi) supporter, for example. Removing disabilities is one thing, and completely understandable; I'm more concerned about those "responsible" parents who think that giving their child a disability is a good idea. The article was careful to state overtly that colour wouldn't be a factor, i.e. every person would be "coffee-coloured", resulting from the mixing-pot theory. (There is no way the article would have been published, otherwise.) Some relevant links: Genomics: We are all numbers Hybrids: When two species become three Did humans and chimps once interbreed? Why we differ from our primate cousins Chimpanzees show hints of higher human traits Evolution gets busy in the urban lab
  9. As it is a bacteria, then it may have come from a normal bacteria, OR spontaneously from some proto-life organic molecules, like that from which bacteria originated. It will be interesting to sequence it.
  10. Yeah, I'm not keeping the spoilers out of this thread as assiduously as normal, because I haven't seen all the shows ..!
  11. I was thinking about the re-evaluation of "fair use", to something akin to the GNU Creative Commons. After all, even at the moment the terms are pretty arbitrary: I can go to a shop or even my local gym and listen to a tv station blaring out music videos ... none of the artists are getting any direct reimbursement from me, merely indirectly through my gym membership, to the corporate cable tv subscription, to the cable tv channel's fee, from which the artist's production company can be paid. Oh, and they might give some to the artists, too. Maybe.
  12. But the question now is whether is the author of both reviews is the same person. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah, I don't think that should be necessary: if a magazine endorses a score, then that should provide confidence that their internal processes are robust enough to be consistent. Also, I've been reading this magazine for a number of years, and I find their reviews are pretty close to my own tastes, so I am quite pleased that the game has scored so well.
  13. I wonder how long it is going to take until the whole copyright model is rethought.
  14. She does a great cover of my favourite song (from Depeche Mode).
  15. It just represents the current marketing model of the Hollywood machine; a film idea is taken (from a book, tv show, game, current event, etc) and made into a "cinematic experience" that they can take their commission on top of the outlaid costs to make it.
  16. It means it provides two separate, simulataneous sources of 12v (or even 18v) power from the PSU.
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