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Everything posted by Fatback

  1. The descriptors in the text need to be good for me the description on the bar top as a bar tender hands me a drink. Stuff like that is important to me, and in part makes text longer.
  2. If you were concerned about not being able to have free disengage you don't know what a cc is.
  3. You do balance the pH levels of coffee by adding milk tho
  4. I've looked into some card and board game kick starters and blindly got quotes on the production of said games most were walking out with a profits of around 2.50 to 3.00 per physical copy sent is includes estimated shipping costs. Those were ones that were successes. The ones that failed had projected profits into 10.00 12.00 range. Now this is blind who knows if they were the same manufacturers or another million variables. Also the ones that blew past the starting funding goal their stretch goals increased the parts price ie square cards instead of rectangles or 2 price box as opposed to a clam shell type, but was prob balanced out by bulk orders. This is completely different than a video game production but still very interesting.
  5. You all mean you hope paradox has good marketing and pr abilities right. Because that is the main reason you get a publisher to market the thing. The whole physical distribution thing is all fluff.
  6. Serbians put ketchup on there pizza super stupid
  7. I understand the want to have certain areas contain monsters that are just to hard for a beginning party. I also like to be able to get to the final fight of act three and have it be a challenge even if I do all side quests first.
  8. But in to without boobs how would men ever listen to the oh so interesting stories blondes tell or redheads or any other hair colored girl Dripping with sarcasm with a hint of truth.
  9. I would love to see a chanter chant that converts 1 buff into debug every 3 secs while in an aoe range of chanter Could also reverse it for ally's debug into buff but be careful of that monk don't wanna gimp him
  10. If they don't include the ability to reduce the upgrade price for better armaments for soldiers in stronghold I'd be pissed it might be to hard this far into development but here it goes. Foreach(GameObject item in infinitStash[]) { If (item.quality == upgrade.quality) { upgradeCost -= item.vendorPrice; } } If(youPushedTheGodDamnButton == true) { playerGold -= upgradeCost; Foreach (GameObject item in infiniteStash[]) { If(item.quality == upgrade.quality) { Destroy(item.gameObject) } } } God I must be really bored on the train ride home. Sorry for no tabs iPhone no have tab button. Edit 2 I know it would also require some other send messages to exicute the change and make it actually take effect but you get the general idea.
  11. I think liquid gender is like the bad guy from terminater 2 were she could mold herself into anything. I think I see an interesting adult spoof movie in there I should call vivid.
  12. I bet that poor combat logs back hurts from carrying the animation threw those long games.
  13. I'll be honest I've seen some dudes from behind with long hair that have narrow shoulders and are small in the leg and said excuse me ma'am. Was very embarrassed I wish dudes had tails like pea****s. Edite Lola pea****s is censored
  14. Unless I missed something we know fire ball is instant? since no precombate buffs aura not as important as the casting animation before it. And again why would you want to sit there and read combat log instead of just looking at what's going on. ZOMG COMBAT LOG BREAKS IMIRUSHUN.
  15. I'm also for a wide breadth of casting animations because come on people I would rather read the screen to see what's happening than the combat log and between mixing colors and animations it wouldn't be as costly as you might think esp with unity. Fire ball and Ice spike can have the same animation with different color balls of energy on hands blue for ice and red for fire. Remember people the difference from ordinary to extraordinary is that little bit extra.
  16. @mihura I'm not sure the basis of your convictions are wether there from a gendrification or sexist or if it's an immersion thing. But that little picture next to your name is basically doing the same thing. Heavy use of make up, lips pursed ready for a kiss like a helpless college freshmen, very high and defined cheek bones. That picture your using is basically the same thing as putting little bumps on the models of women wearing armor. Im going to call the goose and gander rule here.
  17. It's not 5% of profits it's 5% of sales silly. So on selling a copy on steam you would be taking in .65 cents per dollar. So On a 5 dollar game you make 3.25. At 6k copies you paid them the price of a unity license. Your sales are at 30k at that point and you can publish with a free unity license if your business has less than 100k a year sales. I think there is a 12k min on sales of product before the 5% kicks in but I'm assuming that's retro active. That's not including the monthly fee. I just did the math. But correct me if wrong on any part of it.
  18. I didn't think of that if the oculus has a stupid f on it Imma be pissed.
  19. Unreal 4 engine will cost you far more in the long run than unity and I also wonder if there license would demand a cut from the kick starter funds.
  20. You guys got it wrong being called a chaotic social drinker is a compliment. It means your fun to hang out with and prob get laid.
  21. Like she would risk saying anything but what was already said in her first interview this is her big shot you think pressing her for details would have yielded something new. Lololololol
  22. I find most high fantasy pretty poor when it comes to the actually writing. I wish people would stop compairing Martin and Tolkien. They should be compairing Robert Jordan and Martin. We all know wheel of time beats song ..... Fire
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