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kanisatha last won the day on December 14 2024

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About kanisatha

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    Massachusetts, USA
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    Gardening, reading, video gaming (RPGs, wargames, and boardgames), college football (US), craft beer, music (primarily classic rock from the '70s and '80s, blues, calypso, some classical), space exploration, military aviation, WW2 history.


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  1. FYI, from the Solasta II Steam forum "Known Issues, Bugs & Feedback" thread (see especially his last point): Myzzrym [developer] 40 minutes ago Quick note for the common issues we saw here: Bluriness: Make sure you have your video settings => Render Scale => Slider up to 100% Performance issues: If you have a good configuration, make sure you lower the resolution to 1920x1080 in your video settings. As this is a demo we haven't had a lot of time to work on optimization, so anything above 1080p might have your computer struggle a bit. Steam Deck: Same as above, game not optimized for Steam Deck quite yet! Languages: Only English is available in the Demo, even though there are already language options in the game settings (they just don't work). Missing features from Solasta I like Shove, Ready Action, Fly, Hide in Combat (etc): This is only a demo, we haven't implemented those yet but we do plan on having them in the final game.
  2. Yeah, I was surprised ABC didn't give this show a full season 1 extension.
  3. This is the part of the game that has me the most unhappy. I get a lot of my happiness playing RPGs from optimally distributing gear across my team. So, not having a team/not being allowed to equip my team is a huge negative for me. And gaining treasure stops being interesting, because what's the point? You can only use a handful of the items anyway.
  4. So does this mean Atari now has (finally) lost its rights to those old D&D videogames? I'm no fan of WotC, but I always hated Atari.
  5. Yeah, this will be an insta-buy for me if it turns out to be true. And even more joy - Beamdog, which is now owned by Aspyr, has confirmed in a Steam forums post that they are NOT involved in this project. Hallelujah!!! Does anyone know what NwN2 having been in "rights hell" the past 19 years is all about? It's being referenced in all the stories about this EE, but no one is providing any details. So I am very curious.
  6. Oh, come on! It wasn't that bad. I actually liked DA2. The repetitious areas thing was very annoying, yes, but the game overall was okay--good, even. The story was interesting as were most of the companion characters.
  7. The reason I passed on this game as well was, again, the first-person combat. But is there a lot of combat in the game? Because if it is much more a puzzles and exploration game, then I should and would reconsider passing on it.
  8. A woman speaking with that slow Southern drawl, especially from around Georgia, is a huge turn-on for me.
  9. Great blog. A very interesting and fun read!! And your gaming interests very closely mirror my own! After RPGs, it's strategy games and builder/management games for me as well.
  10. Oh, I did not know this. I just looked it up ... and yes, this is definitely a deal-breaker for me. I require saving (mostly) anytime anywhere. Thanks for pointing this out!
  11. Well, I wouldn't say I'm not good with combat in any game. I'm very comfortable with combat in the classic cRPGs, be it RTwP or TB. It's first-person action combat that is a problem for me. Even having it be third-person makes a big positive difference (i.e. Witcher-style). In first person, all I end up doing is mashing the keyboard wildly and never hitting with my sword while getting clobbered by the other guy, because the perspective makes it very difficult for me to figure out what's happening.
  12. So about KCD2, for those of you playing it, exactly how difficult is combat? I love everything else about this game, but have chosen to pass on it entirely because I am extremely leery of its "challenging action combat," especially in first-person. And the reason I am leery is because I totally suck at that kind of combat, and constantly getting my ass kicked and having to keep reloading will surely aggravate me and kill my interest in the game. I would love to hear your thoughts.
  13. A couple of sobering articles about NATO and Russia and Ukraine: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/nato-war-with-russia/ https://responsiblestatecraft.org/russia-ammunition-ukraine/
  14. As there is still no word on this from @Obsidian, I'll repeat here what I've said in other similar threads about this game: will TOW2 have a third-person option like Avowed? Because not having it is a deal-breaker for me.
  15. Sadly, I've come to this same conclusion myself with respect to the big/AAA studios.
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