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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Agree on both accounts If there can be only one, let it be Mark Morgan...
  2. Its later now... Just had some interesting visitors at work tonight. Oscar winner Randy Cook showed up with a couple of friends and the three Oscars he got. Won one the last three years for special effects in LOTR movies. Also worked on movies like Fright Night, Ghostbusters and 2010. Now I can brag about having put my greasy fingerprints on no less than three oscars Once I get sober, I might be able to figure out how to put a picture in a message to show my ugly mugshot with a Oscar in my hands and Mr. Cook at my side B)
  3. I got a sudden urge to relocate to Australia... :ph34r:
  4. It must be love, obsession, whatever
  5. Funny, I always though of game design as an artform. Either you had it, or you didn't (I dont ) . A bit like a painter, either you have talent or you don't. A painter can learn to improve his technique through instruction and practise, but the technique is only a tool. Question: What do they actually teach students in such courses, apart from the technical aspects ? Or is it all tools for the student to figure out how to use ?
  6. Tell me about it Some good adware and popup killer software is a must these days. :angry: *Sigh* Sorry, can't really be any serious help there. Not really into the mp3 thing. Too lazy... I just buy what I need B)
  7. Yes About a zillion products (give or take a few) Most are commercial products though (searh for "wav to mp3" on google) I'm not sure, but Tucows might have some for downloading. Haven't checked the place in ages though.
  8. Yes and yes I'm from Denmark and live in Wellington, NZ I just happens to like the place (I'm a well paid tourist)
  9. Yeah right, what does people have against NZ here ? :angry:
  10. That would be definite No! :angry:
  11. I haven't checked them myself, but I know that Renderosity has forums for most major 3D applications (and most obescure 3D applications too) www.renderosity.com They might be able to answer all your questions, asked and unasked for
  12. Whoa! That means it even predates Algol68 ! Always thought Dijkstra was one the creators of modern computer science. Apparantly not... As for the UML part, sounds pretty much like my own conclusion No better, no worse than any other CASE tool. Just curious about other peoples experience with design tools.
  13. I know you can download pretty mucn the full Maya package from their website. Doesn't really come cheaper than that B) How much is the educational version of Max ?
  14. Everything is a competition Sounds like a challenge to me. I'm learning Forth as we speak. Then I'll learn B, and Haskell, and AspectJ, and Plankalkul. Then I'll show you. What is Haskell and Plankalkul ? The latter sounds almost like som Matlab derivative B.t.w. Anybody ever found any useful application of UML yet ? (Besides baffling lay people with gibberish )
  15. Since I like snooping around on peoples webpages and because the recent job hiring announcement, I noticed this bit on Obsidians webpage: Based on the arrangements with our current publishers, we are not hiring for sound effect and/or music positions at this time. Either the publisher has its own soundlab and voice artists (definitely sounds like Lucas Arts) or the game has no sound at all (nethack for pc and console). Could also be EA, but then I would probably prefer Nethack B) Although Battlefields 1942 was actually a fun game, and so was Kotor (which was distributed by EA in my part of the world)
  16. Found this interesting bit on their website: Interplay has been expanding at an incredible rate for the last few years, and there are almost always a few great jobs for the right candidates. If you think you have what it takes to work with a great team, send your resume in to our Human Resource department, and we will see if there is a place for you on the Interplay Gamer Team! Interplay is a world wide leading developer and publisher of computer and video games. The work environment is casual, fast paced and creative. [sarcasm]Now who doesn't wan't to work in a casual, fast paced and creative environment ?[sarcasm]
  17. It was probably a deliberate design decision, to avoid people getting fed up with yet another lengthy light saber battle, having already seen plenty of that in the movie. So the goblin shaman turns into Kermit the Ninja frog, and provides a bit of comic relief. At least it was unexpected (for me anyway). Appropriate for the situation or not, I like it when people at least try to add a little variety.
  18. High Charisma or the "Dominate Mind" force power ?
  19. How does that explain Interplay and Fo:BoS then ??? Yes, completely way off topic, just couldn't resist that one.
  20. Gorth


    For those of us who only have English as a third language and Latin way down the list... What's an "Ad Hominem" ? Might be useful if I want to insult somebody at a future date
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