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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Replace religion with ideology and Taliban Afghanistan with Maoist China and you get quite a few similarities Yet no one lined up in the queue to invade China and liberate the chinese during the "cultural revolution"
  2. Wasn't it olnly the old xboxes who had problems with running that hot ? Still, an upgradeable xbox sounds to me like a cheap (albeit powerful for the price) pc
  3. Not a lot really Disciples III for certain and maybe mildly curious about NWN2. The only two games on my current shopping list are Heroes of Might & Magic V and Tombraider: Legend :">
  4. Somebody probably forgot to store their popular science magazines out of his reach again
  5. Assuming, that the universe has been constantly expanding since it's inception, and it is not being infinitely old, it would only be a finite size, wouldn't it ? Otherwise, for it to be infinitely big, it would have been growing forever...
  6. Easy If you can only define nothing by the exclusion of something, you have a circular defniton. It's effectively undefined by such logic. Do I get a cookie ? Now is somebody (as opposed to nobody) could define something beyond using not nothing, then nothing could be defined
  7. If you look at all the possible numbers (fractions) you can fit in just between the numbers 2 and 3, you'll see that there can fit an infinite number of fractions (i.e. 2.1 2.2 2.21 2.211 etc.) You would think the universe would run out of space to store all those numbers, especially if the universe is of a finite size. If you can't write down the exact number of Pi, how come you can still see circles everywhere ? If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do the make the pan stick to it ? The universe is full of mindboggling paradoxes :ph34r:
  8. Just looking at all those lightsabers at 100% makes me itch to install the game again... I wonder what kind of "really tricky stuff" is left to do and what part of the remaining short lightsabers are just hard and/or tedious work
  9. Red Faction was great Red Faction 2 sucked Luckily, I heard about the shortcomings of RF2 before buying it. A few years after, I tried it out at a friends place. Way too short and "claustrphobic" in it's level design...
  10. Thanks Money is less an issue (within reason of course), so I might still keep an eye on SMP options when the time comes. Yes, it's for hobby usage and no, it's not for gaming. At least, I've never heard of a game that could use dual processors...
  11. Interesting As someone whose last PC purchase is 3 years back and is considering a new PC within the next 12 months, can someone enlighten me what the difference is between dual processor, which is what I had in mind buying, and dual/quad core architecture (performance wise) ? Seems like any computer you buy today has dual core cpus in them. Heck, even my laptop has a Centrino Duo cpu and 2gb memory in it So, where do I get the most bang for my buck architecture wise, 2 cpus or multiple cores ? Will my old OS (Windows XP pro SR1) still run on say a quad core architecture ? Other pitfalls ? Should I wait more than 12 months before buying a new one
  12. Happy Birthday young writer. May your paths take you places you want to go and see places different from the ones you don't want to see
  13. I thought you had Eldar to do your dirty work ? I'm thinking about my new apartment, whose keys I'm going to get in about a week and finally having my own place after having stayed at family/hotels/motels/serciced apartments since last December. Sometimes it's nice, but there is nothing like sleeping in the same bed more than 4 weeks in a row and use the same coffee mug the day after when it's not really dirty
  14. Even with the artifical tunnelvision/lack of peripherival vision inherent in most FPS games, it looked like a nice FPS The playing styles looked sufficiently different too, to be worth trying out. My favourite "kill" in the 3 videos was the mage shrinking his opponenet and the stomping on him. *Squish!*...
  15. If you know how (and celerity probably helps too)
  16. Although probably not who you had in mind
  17. Who said you can't live forever ? :D Happy birthday Eldar!
  18. I wonder if I'm the only one who find the thread subtitle "...since the old thread got modjack'd." slightly amusing As for slowdowns and crashes, after the patch, it rarely crashed and with 2gb, my gaming sessions were rarely long enough to experience them. What I did notice though, was that if I changed the resolution to anything above 800x600 there were specific places it would slow to a crawl (and stay there)
  19. I think most people who are not directly affected by the conflict will agree that the situation isn't good. The same people, when asked about how to solve it, will be at each others throats, disagreeing about what is the best way to solve it
  20. He's a bit like Ed Wood, just without the talent. He does have one talent though, three movies on the bottom #100 list on imdb requires "something" :-" As for 47, he just doesn't remind me of Vin Diesel in any way. Heck, Bruce Willis could do a better 47, even a guy with hair would do a better 47
  21. Which pretty much sums it up. Once the immigrants had sufficient numbers to aquire a national identity, you can't just disperse them again. The same thing goes for the people who used to live there and were forced from their homes, once they were in sufficient numbers, they also gained a sort of identity as a group. There isn't really such a thing as a palestinian "nation", but people who used to live in the space between Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and the Mediterranean are united by a common cause, hatred against those who occupy their ancestral land and the prospect of not having a future.
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