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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. What? Still three isn't it? Whatever.... guys... its been fun spending some much time on the forums these last few days... you're all like the sarcastic family I never had...
  2. Ha! I know how you feel! The last few days I've just been browsing these forums at work! Only 3 hours left now.... but *sobs* I have to go to work again tomorrow...
  3. Gromnir, you're weird and hard to understand, but that post was very inspiring.
  4. I'm not a beta veteran, but based on my understanding, if you want to use the "conversation" stats (PER, INT, RES) you can make a great defensive character (since PER & RES contribute to deflection), but he won't be a great damage dealer. Still, the party does need tanks so this isn't a bad thing.
  5. As much as I love asian stuff, I'm not sure katanas and wakizashis really match this game. Fortunately, there are none.
  6. I tested it, turns out painfully inferior to fighter. That makes me sad. But that's for the response!
  7. Quick rogue question! Is a power rogue viable? Like, instead of a speedy dual wielding type, a MIGHTy yet slow rogue that sneak attacks with a giant two handed sword(^^) It seems weird, but in theory, should work right?
  8. Just a quick question: how does two weapon style work mechanically? Do you get two attacks in one round? Are they full damage etc? Considering the big defense bonuses you forsake by not going the shield route, I hope this is worth it damage wise... Is it?
  9. Wow, so anyone can cast spells from scrolls if they have high lore? That's pretty awesome.
  10. Hey. Another guy in Tokyo? We should hang out (笑). I worked it out, 5 GMT would be about 2 o'clock in the morning on the 27th for us. So... yeah, we have to wait an extra day.
  11. I also wanted to play a fast kind of monk at first. But they need wounds for all their cool abilities (like the attack speed) right? So if you do all that kiting, will you get hit? And if you're just wearing enchanted clothes, will you survive? All of a sudden, I'm starting to dislike this "need to get hit to use abilities" thing. It seems to favour a more tank-ish character. I might just go for a rogue in the end...
  12. Hi guys, There has been lots of talk about the merits and demerits of individual classes, but I was wondering, are there any classes that work particularly well as a team? For example, a rogue gets a critical if he hits someone with a status effect right? I imagine this must make him a good team player. Like a fighter knocks the enemy down and the rogue stabs him. Any good combinations?
  13. Which is just another one of those really odd, counter-intuitive things in PoE. Monk with a (non-fist) weapon? Monk with a shield? Monk with... heavy armour? It's weird but... I kind of prefer it this way. Part of the fun of RPGs is finding new weapons and equipment. If you have a class that uses absolutely nothing, it's kind of boring. EDIT: Does the monk still generate enough wounds with heavy armour? I've seen some comments where people say you should keep the armour lighter to maximise wounds but I assume that even with heavy armour, you still take a reasonable amount of damage on the front lines (the enemies can't be that weak...)
  14. Just curious, do you feel that it would change the game somehow? All I would like to see is the ability for someone else to take control of party members, have the choice of which is the lead character to initiate dialogue, and that is it, I don't want some awful PvP/MMORPG homunculous, I feel that is what people immediately think when someone mentions multiplayer. I just want to be able to share the story with someone. No bells, no whistles, just offload some of the character management to an extra pair of hands. Well, in the old days, multiplayer was really just "tacked on" as Mr. Rostere said. And that was okay. But nowdays, multiplayer is starting to get a lot more priority. Best case scenario: some single player development time is lost to multiplayer. Worse case scenario: they start making decisions based on what would be good for multiplayer (like scraping a cool unit or design cause it wouldn't work well in MP) Worst scenario: "Let's just make it into an MMORPG! We can get more money that way!" or "Let's make it always online!" (I'm looking at you Diablo 3)
  15. Please no, please no multiplayer *sobs*. I know some people like it and I have no problem with that, but these days there are loads of games going in that direction (with lots of great series going MMORPG) so how about we keep PoE pure and single-player?
  16. I believe Life is Strange Episode 2 comes out today. Short as it is, it might provide an amusing few hours while waiting for PoE...
  17. The writing in BG and IWD was amazing and witty and didn't contain any modern swear words (at least, I don't remember any...) so I doubt PoE will have much. I'm actually really surprised that the F-word appears in the dialogue.
  18. Yeah, it's all pretty vague at this point. I recommend checking out this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71245-which-attributes-for-which-class-and-how-high/?hl=intelligence But I'm waiting to read in-game tool tips for final confirmation. Still, it sounds like all the attributes are pretty useful in PoE. I'm going to try avoid making a dump stat in this game, because I don't want to miss lots of dialogue options.
  19. Hey Astroice. I'm also planning on playing a monk first. I'm going for a scholar background, so I also want high intelligence for role-playing purposes (though INT is apparently a great stat for all classes anyway) So I'll be going Might, Intelligence & Dexterity.
  20. My bad. Mods, please delete this thread.
  21. Sorry if this is old news, but I just read about Sword Coast Legends. Looks like classic RPGs are making a come-back! I'll be happy if there is something good to look forward to after PoE. https://swordcoast.com/about The only thing I'm sad about at this point is that there only seems to be six classes. Since our PoE has 11, six seems a triffle disappointing.
  22. This sounds great. In the old games, one puts so many points into a specific weapon that you never get to use anything else. So I guess most monsters have a weakness against one of the damage types?
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