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Everything posted by tarna

  1. Others don't even care if their religion is the 'right one'. They simply follow the belief system that suits them best. Polytheists and Pantheists tend to view Diety this way. The right god for you may not be the one I'm looking for. A Diety may be recognised by a person but not followed.
  2. The first movie I saw with Depp in it was Edward Scissorhands. Painfull! Having read the book, Fear and Loathing might be something to watch.
  3. Kinda stupid quoting the same quote twice but I'm not known for being too bright . You guys may have heard about software that measures the time between keystrokes to determine who, out of an entire office, was using a particular terminal, send a questionable e-mail, et cet.
  4. Pretty much yes. It's certainly not infallible but it often gives me reason to start looking further if it looks interesting. I've got a couple of alt IPs I'm looking for presently ( just for curiousity's sake ). I had a guy on another board that was doing some writing. From his writing style I could tell that an author that had influenced his life was Harry Harrison ( having read most of his stuff myself ). I don't have the usual body language here that I can use so I watch writing styles. Gives me something to do when the topics here are...less than exciting.
  5. Agreed but I pay particular attention to writing styles. I 'map' personalities. That's actually part of the reason I started the thread on temperment types. It provides a little fun for you guys but also gives me some insight about the members here that I don't know. That is another reason why I know that the two are not the same person. I've mentioned that I've caught mods doing it even. A writing style is hard to mask over the long term and similarities show up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Am I the only one who finds that a tad bit on the peculiar side? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D My trade is mostly troubleshooting problems. I look for patterns of behavior in things. I guess I do it with people too. It does help.
  6. I thought I was Eldar's alt . You are not Eldar's alt or vice versa. The two of you have similarities in your manner of thinking but not the same. Nor do your IPs come even close. Eldar is a little more easily 'flustered' than you. Different people. I had wondered the same when I started reading the two of you's posts so I started paying closer attention.
  7. Agreed but I pay particular attention to writing styles. I 'map' personalities. That's actually part of the reason I started the thread on temperment types. It provides a little fun for you guys but also gives me some insight about the members here that I don't know. That is another reason why I know that the two are not the same person. I've mentioned that I've caught mods doing it even. A writing style is hard to mask over the long term and similarities show up.
  8. Fionavar is male. The link to http://www.mistresslair.net/forums/index.php? is where he keeps his tech-pages for internet geeks to solve problems with computer hardware and software issues. Mistress runs that board and gives him a place to post various tech solutions there. Mistress also has a membership here. Resolving the different IPs for the accounts, one originates from Canada and the other from the UK. Since I check IPs regularly and even have some records from the old Black Isle Studios boards where I first 'met' him and Missy, they are not the same person nor is Fionavar female ( not that it really matters anyway ). I also have the IP records from Unforgotten Realms, Ashford City and Interplay to draw from. You guys might remember that when creating alts.
  9. tarna


    As is this one.
  10. I agree that something isn't right about this video. For example, the guy in the third 'shooting' just gets out of his car and stands there as though nothing, like being freeking shot at, had happened. Someone shoots at me, I'm finding cover. Secondly, the music was edited in without loss and yet, the sounds of gunfire are still in the video. The fourth car definitely showed itself being hit but that could have happened in many of our 'red-neck' communities around the USA even .The second shooting at least showed people running away from the scene. Does anyone know which side of the road the Iraqis drive on? These guys were driving on the right hand side of the road like Americans. They also were sitting on the left side of the vehicle like American cars. Brits ( and many other Euros I suspect ) drive on the opposite side ( ? ). Where's Yrkoon when you need him?
  11. I thought it sucked rocks ( like every other Depp movie ). Then again, the fact that I'd just gotten home from a triple hernia surgery might have something to do with it. On second thought, it still sucked. Percodan or not.
  12. What about being a counselor? Doesn't pay much but then neither does working for an honest ministry. Denver's not as far and we have a good economy and job market here depending on what you decide. We also have several different colleges and universities.
  13. Another tip for moving across country...The nice man talking to you in the truck stop bathroom is not your friend. Carry the least amount of stuff as possible ( your computer obviously ). Consider what can be purchased second hand there that would be cheaper than shipping. Have your parents ship the rest third class a little here and there as you can afford it. Consider replacing some of your stuff from eBay also. If you have friends where you're going, ship some of your stuff early. Carry the heavy stuff with you and ship the light stuff. It'll be cheaper that way. Throw out most of it. If you haven't reached for something in a year, you probably don't need it anyway. Your local library ( remember those? ) probably has newspapers from the larger cities. Check the want ads and the offerings for a place to stay. That'll give you a good idea of what lodging will cost. Also check the ads for the various grocery stores. That'll tell you what to expect to pay if you want to eat regular. Contact your friends there to see how much your utilities will cost ( phone, heat/electric, internet, cable, water ). Don't forget about the deposits. What do you intent to do for a living?
  14. (w00t) KGens is the emulator I use. That's funny as hell. Thank's for the tip about the Sega Smash Pack. I'll go look for it and buy it. I'd rather have it for a more stable configuration anyway.
  15. Not real sure about this. If I were to own two of the Sega genesis systems but only owned one copy of Shining Force that I played on either platform, Sega is still only getting paid for one game. I used to program years ago and respect the work that a programmer has to go through to create a good game. The only ROMs that I have are the ones that I owned for the various platform games. I only liked RPGs anyway and there were damned few of those that I liked. [Modspeak] Probably ought to keep the talk of trading ROMs and emulators to PMs guys. It'll probably irritate the programmers here otherwise. At least keep it out of sight. [/Modspeak]
  16. It's still disgusting. Imagine having the 'donor' rubbing up against you in the shower. Now Gina Lolobrigida on the other hand...
  17. :D I mentioned that one because I did actually buy the game. The platform is long dead though. It was one of the old 16 bit cartridge games.
  18. ^ Yeah, I think those games ( as ROMs ) are still protected by copyright laws. I have some as well but they are getting harder to find the ROMs and emulators. Until they are declared 'AbandonWare', or released by the writer, they are still protected although I seriously doubt the Sega cares that I'm playing Shining Force on my PC. Keep in mind guys that you're talking about pirating software on a game developer's board. They just might take offense to cavalier talk about software protections.
  19. I had heard this on the radio last year. Apparently they're serious. Thought it was pretty strange so I posted it here for you guys to laugh about. Now that's waayyy to gruesome! Although there was some Italian official last year that had the 'leftovers' from his liposuction made into a bar of soap and sold it on eBay for quite a bit. I guess there's a market for anything.
  20. Quality control is a little lacking in Mexico. You'd probably be getting a week's worth of kitchen slop and all the local road-kill instead of Aunt Frump . Remember recently here in the US where some goon running a crematorium was actually dumping the bodies into the nearby lake?
  21. Nowadays, I think that the body is 'decanted' in a still before cremated. I'm not sure I want to know what is done with the body's water content afterwards.
  22. Mullet's gone. I let it grow for two years and then cut it off to donate to kids with cancer. Locksoflove.com make wigs out of it and give them to kids.
  23. :D Yep. High, soft leather boots------------------$600.00 Leather bracers-----------------------------$50.00 Katana--------------------------------------$250.00 Leather and fabric medieval shirt--------$80.00 Stupidly posting your pic on the internet to be made fun of-------Priceless!
  24. It's been a bit of reading . Interesting though.
  25. We can talk later . Since we're posting pics of weapons...
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