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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. I have to disagree on that bit. Some are clearly cutscenes, but there are ocasions where it's clearly visible we're seeing actual game content (at least game content devised until now). What I am looking more suspiciously at in the trailer is the use of them psywhatchamacallits. Hopefully their use is left to player ingenuity rather than fixed, forced or clear cut situations.
  2. Runaway army AI's built on incomplete data mapped from the deteriorated brains of long dead presidents, artists, and assorted nouveu rich who had enough money to deep freeze their brains, but not enough brains to realize it was pointless.
  3. Apparently it's going to be released on PC as well. It remains to be seen which version will be given the edge, but if it's anything like recent years, it'll be devised primarily for console, then ported with some tweaks to PC. Hopefully, they'll be able to make the port not feel like one.
  4. I don't care much that Orson Scott Card is handling the story. This doesn't mean I don't care about his work, it just means I don't care for whoever writes the story, because I'm mainly after the gameplay aspect. 'Course, it varies from person to person.
  5. Was I the only one who found it strange that Eru's post hinted at him wanting this game so bad, but for no gameplay reason whatsoever, instead mentioning only the story and the hiring of an orchestra? In any case, like others before it, it just feels like the same old stuff done prettier but apparently not different enough for me to care.... Yet.
  6. The return of the legend!
  7. True, we need better ways to measure demons.
  8. I'm under 18. Don't ask me how, I just woke up and she was over me. 24.
  9. That's just the tip of the iceberg!
  10. For some reason, Salad Fingers tickles my fancy. Along with some nether regions of my brain and funny nerves. Plus, I think we're pretty much alike.
  11. We haven't had enough time to spend together lately, and since she lives in Nowhereville, Farashelltown, it remains one of our optimal means of communication. If we had the means, we wouldn't need to converse trough msn that much, if at all.
  12. Yes. But we're doomed to be spoon fed the "it doesn't sell" routine for a long time.
  13. Well, *that* particular bukkake is food.
  14. I'm actually fine with it, jus' pointing it out. Guess I was just getting unused to seeing an introduction turning into Romanian name guessing, the Phantom and bukkake that fast.
  15. It's becoming a record how fast we can derail threads around here.
  16. Teenage male fantasies vanquish all evil and darkness. And rational explanations.
  17. Correction: if the company is dead then so is its continued support. Support made prior to its demise is still support, nonetheless. And, as before, deciding to buy a game of a company which has ended its activities, or has stopped supporting it even if it has not ceased activities, is entirely up to the player. For the most part, old and adequate (if not optimal) support still exists. For someone trying to erase the Visceris alter ego from our collective experience, that's a pretty standard Viscerisation you've made.
  18. Here's a game that trumps Freelancer in nearly everything and also has the ability to be modded.
  19. For the same reason they'd buy one from a company that was still very much alive and kicking. It comes down to wanting to play the game, regardless of wheter the company is alive or not.
  20. Meh. Escape Velocity: Nova beats it in nearly all the gameplay aspects.
  21. When Bullseye killed that fly when he was lying immobilized in a hospital bed in Daredevil
  22. Fools. The only true power is that of a shrubbery.
  23. God doesn't believe in smart people.
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