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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. 1337 binary master, you are.
  2. Some are known to take bribes in the form of euros or real currencies.
  3. Earth Died Screaming - Tom Waits
  4. How can ya find'em :ph34r: ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They find you.
  5. So I hear someone's developing BG3?
  6. McFly. Its a reference to Back to the Future. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 2 points.
  7. For some reason HL2 hates me. I've tried every single thing I could remember but it won't run well. Not in terms of performance (I'm quite pleased with the smoothness of it), but in terms of what appears to be a bug. Every time I get to a map's loading point, it crashes, freezes, or hard locks. When I restart and play again, it will uneventfully allow me to pass, only to do the same on the next stage. It's gotten to the point where it did the same thing when I tried to load a game, and now does the same when I try to start it. This means, no HL2 for me until I figure this mess out. Good grief.
  8. Project New Jersey, young grasshopper.
  9. While I think Obsidian can produce a superior OC in NWN (not that hard to do considering the original one), I have little interest in the game at this time. And Dragon Age... Very little about it interests me. Too early to tell on both cases.
  10. Thanks to both of you. From what I gather, meh. Out of the listed games, I only have some passing interest in: Oblivion (because I want to check if Bethesda learned anything from Morrowind) Codename: Panzers, Phase Two (and I still haven't played the first, just the demo) Dreamfall: The Longest Journey 2 (to check if its going to be good or just miss the mark in regards to the original) Tactica Online (online turnbased, baby) Uncharted Waters Online STALKER (just to see if it actually turns up like the initial impressions suggested)
  11. Is there a list of expected games to be featured on E3, by chance?
  12. I haven't played much yet (I need to pay my girlfriend some attention via MSN first). The only thing that I found interesting up to this point was when I approached a Combine soldier and prodded him (clicked the 'Use' key) he activated this sort of cattle prod and hit me, then proceeded to chase me around. He wasn't giving up so I played along like any other opressed person in a totalitarian regime. I crouched and looked down. The guy stopped, turned back and left me alone. I have no idea if this was meant to happen, but it was funny.
  13. If it's going for the modern feel, Megatron should have "First Iraq, then France" scribbled on what of its sides.
  14. I briefly questioned a Bioware developer trough a PM, and the person stated that Baldur's Gate 3 was pretty much out of their hands. I don't think the person was lying, but the situation could change. I don't want to reveal the person's name as I'm not sure if it was meant to be classified information or not. I doubt I'd be getting TEH SEKRIT SKOOP!! from Bioware, or from the person I talked to, but still.
  15. No, but situations such as convincing someone you were their long lost pet turtle (who has grown) are quite odd.
  16. Don't care for that. Some Malkavian dialogue choices are just wack.
  17. I aM EntHRaleD wItH mY mAlKAviAn FemALe iN blOoDlIneS.
  18. The Genesis version was superior to most every element of the SNES version, and was a great game too. It seemed to be closer to the mechanics of the PnP, although it should be expected that it may seem terribly diluted to purists of the original game. And yes, Feargus should have a chat with MS to get to work on a PC version of it.
  19. You all made me do the unthinkable. I actually went out today and spent money on Half-Life 2. Worse than spending money on a firstperson shooter, I actually bought the Collecter's Edition. I am, without a doubt, on my way to perdition. I hope you all take great pleasure in knowing you have managed to destroy my ideals.
  20. If mY wOmB wEreN'T dEad AnD cOLd I'd wAnT tO TakE iN BetHEsDa'S lOVe bAbIEs.
  21. They'll ask them to cosplay and will end the night bondaging them and trying to simulate tentacles with fire hoses.
  22. Tell us how you REALLY feel.
  23. I wouldn't need to, I thought that was common knowledge by now.
  24. I have sigs disabled.
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