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Everything posted by archangel979

  1. Didn't we ask for easy map encounters like in BG games? Because they don't give us XP, people asked that they should also not use up much of party resources?!
  2. For a game with such graphics to be interesting to me it has to have at least Knights of the Chalice level of mechanics complexity. Games like Avernum and similar, I could never play them long due to having both bad graphics and too simple of RPG system.
  3. Well both WL2 and Grim Dawn let all their backer have access to beta after a while. On the other hand both game went Steam Early Access route so it might be different for them.
  4. I doubt they plan to do this.
  5. I liked how BG2 did it. Maybe it was a problem for people that didn't play BG1 first. In BG2 you could just follow quests you got or you could explore all areas and pick up all the quests and then do them in any order you liked. I never saw it as a problem. The bigger problem was that some of the quests were described as urgent but they all waited until you got there no matter how much time it took. I would rather see OE force players to do some quests at expense of others and the game world reflecting on player choice. Like if you go to Firecrag or Trademeet, the trolls permanently take over the castle or Trademeet falls to druids if you ignore it long enough and go do 2 other areas outside Athkatla and so on. It gives a great sense of that the world does not revolve only around the players as well as letting your second playthrough give you a different game experience.
  6. Get BGEE and BG2EE and you can still enjoy them.
  7. This is a great list, I support each of these, especially making attributes matter more. And I would love to turn their bonuses into integers while leaving the % behind the scene away from public eyes. - Also I want improvements on combat feedback like what Sensuki suggested in couple of video (does not need to be exactly as he suggested) and some way to easily know each character current action (either like in NWN or DAO with a little box near top middle of the screen or like in BGEE with icons on portraits). - And don't let spell effects make the combat unreadable like they did in NWN2, NWN2 was just terrible in that aspect. - And don't have all spells/special attacks have same action time and same recovery time, it is more interesting if we have to choose spells/attacks based on their speed and not only based on their effects. This is especially fun in this system where each person has its own timers and no 6s global ones like in IE games. - Pathfinding has to be good. We should not notice ever problems with pathfinding.
  8. Maybe that is the purpose of some of the posters here. If devs don't read any feedback they will change nothing :D Maybe the mods should start being more ruthless and warning off topic discussions of any kind and any kind of personal attacks.
  9. Except in their original plans they would have released before holiday and now they are probably going to be crunching through them.
  10. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68878-pillars-of-eternity-early-2015-beta-feedback-and-game-polish/ This is awesome news. I hope they use this extra time well.
  11. Well IE did it better with each weapon or spell having different speed. You chose spells to cast based on this speed and not only its effects. How many times I would wait until enemy started casting nasty cc spells and then cast speed 1 magic missile. I want this back. This global recovery is too simple.
  12. Another video that shows me how hard it is too see creatures on the map, especially enemies. Also they really need to implement current action of party members to be shown on portrait like in BGEE. It is hard to play this kind of a game without such a feature anymore.
  13. Holy mother of walls of text... Buddy, nobody is going to read this until you edit it, create paragraphs and such.
  14. It is still too low. Also if your accuracy that low, you lose critical hits. I want miss, hit and critical hits to always be possible at same time. Luck must be part of these game, it is what brings best excitement. Just like in games like Xcom where missing that 95% shot or hitting that crucial 20% shot is what brings out the biggest emotions and makes you remember it.
  15. They got money for finishing South Park. And someone is paying for their World of Tanks. It is not hard to juggle money around and cover it with PoE earnings.
  16. But the most recent date we have is Winter 2014. So this implies competing with one or the other or both. Or that they are out of money to keep it in development longer. WL2 cost 6 Mil $ in the end and they got a smaller team and development was about the same time. I bet by now OE spent the KS money and are running on OE savings.
  17. This. I am sorry people but Grazes are not misses. Current system it almost MMO like where each attack does something and combat is rotating attacks and juggling cooldowns. Leave that **** out of my IE spiritual successor.
  18. Kind of. It has that "option" to get more PC players to play. But it will be playable if you just control your one guy through over the shoulder camera and let AI control others and you will not need to pause. And in addition to what you wrote, it also has full voice overs as well as a huge marketing budget :D
  19. Wasteland 2 made their character creation show you all bonuses you will gain by raising or lowering attributes. You can even easily check what you get by raising it from 2 to 10 if you wanted. This is good for new players as it shows them how the system works and what they get. PoE should have something similar.
  20. Still does not prove that PoE would have problems if released in Summer 2015 or at any time 2 months after TW3
  21. And that is the problem. When Miss is only 5% chance and only if your accuracy is not 5 or more over deflection, it is not longer a real RNG system.
  22. Yeah, you. But the rest overlaps. You just delusion yourself. Well I visit many forums and read twitch chat a lot. People that care about TW3 and DAI main features do not care for PoE features unless they are older players that played IE games.
  23. And I said they share some of the same audience that will buy PoE if it is released on another month but it does not need to be before TW3.
  24. So basically all the people that would like to play both will have the money to buy both and there is no way in hell they will need to choose the better of those titles? This is so narrow minded. People who play modern RPG like TW and DA are the same audience that PoE have. I can bet PoE audience overlaps in something between 70% - 90% with modern RPGS audiences. I can bet most of them would like to choose the best games to play and most of them will have limited resources to do so. Saying that PoE is the rare gem on the market that doesn't need to compete with anyone is just arrogant. Considering TW3 and DAI are high action, great graphics, open world, full voice over games, I don't think they overlap as much as you think. I for one don't care for TW3 or DAI. TW1 and DAO are only games in their series that I cared about.
  25. No it is not. TW3 and DAI by now have a different audience. This audience will say PoE has weaker graphics and will not care about PoE. Some of the players overlap and they will play both games but not at same time. It does not matter to them if PoE comes out before or after.
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