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Everything posted by archangel979

  1. This game is not D&D. The gameplay stream was a big disappointment. Youtube link:
  2. Performance in this game is very CPU-bound. At the moment if you don't have an i5-3570k or better, your FPS will probably not be that great in some instances. I have an i7 870 and it struggles in the larger areas due to lack of optimization. Not sure how it will go on release, I'm trying to help troubleshoot the FPS drops, a large part of it is something to do with units. Pathfinding is what eats up CPUs. They probably need to optimize that.
  3. We all know what Larp stands for. But I didn't invent the meme. Linguistically accurate or not, it's used in cRPGs to describe scenarios like the ones I listed. We do and it means Live Action Role Playing. Whatever other meaning was added to it, it is wrong.
  4. It is probably better they fail now so they can come back with a better campaign and more better things to show.
  5. It seems OE might keep their reputation with this game. But if there will be no big bugs maybe not.
  6. So what is the chance that in 13 days this game is release worthy?
  7. It will not be stupid if you get to fight all 7 dragons :D
  8. If they cannot make a good SP campaign there is no point in buying it at release but at 50% on a sale when also more content is made by users.
  9. Yeah, I suppose everyone involved in the session will need the same tile sets. Robin is PoE in that picture!
  10. That's a negative Ghost Rider. Here is the complete NPC companion list - Eder - Human Male Fighter and one of the original five advertised companions though he has gone through tons of edits. Aloth - Wood Elf Male Wizard and also one of the original five. Hiravias - Hearth Orlan Male Druid. Sagani - Boreal Dwarf Female Ranger also one of the original five and the last of them to make the cuts. Durance - Human Male Priest, basically a replacement for Cadegund AKA: the chick with the gun and red hair. Kana Rua - Coastal Amaua Male Chanter. Grieving Mother - Undead/Spirit/Who Knows Female Cipher, she replaced what was at one point going to be a Orlan Detective Cipher. Pallegina - Hylean Godlike Female Paladin. I hope we run into some more NPCs that were not announced (like Beamdog folks did). But taking into account this list of NPCs, it seems my first main character will be a Monk or a Rogue.
  11. Haha, I could say that about 10 other design decisions made for PoE.
  12. I buy so few games these days. The last one I bought was Skyrim. I preordered Out of the Park Baseball 15, which comes out next week, PoE just because I think the Obsidian guys were way overdue for an original IP, and this because it is supposed to have a tool set similar to what NWN1 & 2 used. Unless Elder Scrolls 6 or Fallout 4 comes out this year that's probably all my game buying for a while to come. This (complex) toolset was not confirmed. There is some toolset mentioned but with almost no details. We know less about it than we know about how much they adapted D&D 5e mechanics and we know very little about that as well. Your preorder at this point is only blind faith and no different than people preordering Watchdogs, Destiny and other games based on PR promises.
  13. slow mode slows down everything including fireballs and other spells you want to open the fight with.
  14. And walking would work better in combat than running. Careful walking in ready stance and it would make combat less chaotic and fast.
  15. It might seem similar to you but it is not. And it is not a KS badge, I got the game from OE website in summer of 2014 after backer beta was released and I was able to see that this is a game I would like to play and would buy after release anyways and it was much cheaper to get it through OE website than it would be through Steam later. For SCL there is very little real info or video out for anyone to make an informed decision. At this point preordering is doing in based on faith and D&D name.
  16. Many of NPCs in BG1 also break 4th wall if you click on them long enough. I never tried it in BG2.
  17. You are brave souls, there is no way I will preorder a game this early even if it has D&D as part of its marketing :D Hopefully they give us more info this week as they have been hinting on their forums. Also some gameplay videos or twitch streams might be incoming.
  18. Considering EE editions are a big deal in recent years, this statement of yours is false. Most of the people that do most comparing have fresh memories.
  19. Skyrim is boring as hell, though. I don't think OP cares what you think of that game By his description, Skyrim is perfect for him.
  20. My best advice it to get Skyrim instead. You can wonder through ice areas there and run from combat.
  21. I am glad there is a cool druid npc in game. I will take him in my party.
  22. Arrival in planar sphere was a teleport mage that talks with you not a random name that gives a +2 to a number. What is this ****.... Even NWn2 had people actually arrive and talk to you. If this is the best they could come up with I would rather they used the time to make wizards better and give us ai scripts and nice drawings of equipment when examining. I was expecting a better version of NwN2 stonghold.. how did OE think this **** would fly? If this is really it for release the stronghold is a -1 to total score. If you cannot do it right better to not do it at all.
  23. My biggest disappointment is the stronghold. I am just not interested in doing things with lists. I want to talk to people to do it all, otherwise this feature is worse than NWN2/BG2
  24. They said on their forums they gave inflated HP on purpose because they want fights to last more than 20seconds as they don't consider 20s to be the sweet area of not to short or too long.
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