Yeah, but if you damage one of your five CD's your problem is just as big as when you damage your DVD. Plus, the chance that one of your five CD's get's damaged is bigger than the chance of one DVD getting damaged.
Same thing with the "Heil Hitler" thing. Hitler just stole that from the romans. They used it to say "Ave" or Hail in English. Hitler just perverted it and nowadays it's not done.
I believe its hidden in the journal or quest screen somewhere. Btw, you can delete your other thread. Go to "moderating options" in the bottom left corner of your thread and select "delete topic".
You know, the whole "online" thing is fine by me, as long as people have the choice not to participate in it. That would make everybody happy...I guess.
Funny. I never thought of "my" Revan as the "military genius" the game told me he was. My Revan was more of an Anakin without the whining. Very impulsive and doing things as he thought they should be done, kinda "chaotic good".
Please, by all means accept my humble apologies if made you feel bad about yourself...
I am the one who should be ashamed...(But I still do think they look cute. I can't seem to find them on my keyboard though )
Edit: Well, this is a great place to improve your English (that is, if you don't pay a lot of attention to grammatical errors )
Actually I wasn't think about a game, but about a movie (or three). The trouble is that everyone who has read the books has his own imagination about Kardde and Mara etc. But it can be done. Look at Harry Potter for instance: IMO that is one of the best screen adaptions ever made. LotR was IMO not so succesful, but still a brilliant movie.
I think that if they pick a good cast, things will work out fine.
Yeah, but the good (as in Zahn) New Republic books do that too. I would love to see a next trilogy based on Zahn's books (not that I think that it will ever happen btw).
New Republic, because those stories really add depth to the old trilogy. I always wondered what happened after RotJ, and mr. Zahn really helped me out there.
I have a lot of best songs ever. Like Bohemian Rhapsody and November Rain and (laugh or not) Nothing Compares 2 You from Sinead o'Connor. But on the other hand, Belfast Child from the Simple Minds is brilliant too...
It would take me ages to decide which song is the Ultimate best song ever for me.
Well, I don't know where you live, but in Holland, cable connections share one distribution point per street, so if a lot of houses have a cable connection, this makes your connection slower than DSL, even if te specs say otherwise.
That depends on a lot of things, like download/upload speed and with how many homes you need to share your connection etc. Try figure that out and post the info here, than people can give you a decent advice.
Well, the general idea seems to be that Revan was a LS male. This is the default option in TSL. As I happen to have played with a LS male too, he should IMO be a LS male.