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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting that male views and attitudes are invalid. "Invalid" for what, anyway? Males are males, and we do our thing. It'd be like, I don't know, being anti-farting, maybe? Most people won't fart in a crowded elevator, but everyone does it at one point or another. Likewise, it's generally inappropriate to comment on your new boss's absolutely delectable legs when you are first introduced, but that won't stop you from noticing. I mean,
  2. No. NO, NO, NO! The correct format is, "you will suffer 2d4 hotness damage", dammit! You just did too. Obviously, I'm immune to hotness damage or drain effects. Hello, Jay-Z? Success is the most powerful aphrodisiac. If Vin was just a mechanic working at the retailer around the corner earning minimum wage, he wouldn't be anywhere near as "hot" to them.
  3. Uh... that guy spent an entire hour just ranting about how bad the plot is. I guess this could be the sixth one in the "5 Reasons It's Still Not Cool to Admit You're a Gamer". TL;DW
  4. ^ Take a look at Oblivion Lost. You may want to just skip the mandatory vanilla playthrough altogether, and just play the game with that mod. It adds a load of neat stuff and unlocks some things that the devs chose to leave out (blowouts!), and doesn't change the plot that I remember. It also makes the game harder by, for example, removing the NPC radar.
  5. No. NO, NO, NO! The correct format is, "you will suffer 2d4 hotness damage", dammit!
  6. Group dispersion, reload and jam fixing speed, recoil handling... I'm sure there's a bunch of things that skill % could model. That said, I never actually found out what was supposed to change in FO3, if you kept dumping points onto a certain combat skill. VATS %?
  7. hai guis i play wow lol We both know that's not what usually gets you all the blank stares.
  8. Huh? Are we reading the same article? Yeah, Word 2003 is such an outdated tool. You can't do jack **** with it. Which, surprisingly, is exactly what they spend most time doing at the EP. edit: beaten to the punch
  9. 1) Western democracies may not be very representative of the popular will, but they are most certainly quite representative of the peoples themselves. ie. I may want to get lean and muscular, but if I never stop eating **** and slacking around, I never will. 2) If you believe people in Western democracies aren't generally happier than people that have to walk a few miles every day just to get drinking water, only to see their children die from AIDS or malnutrition, or people that can just get thrown in jail for being caught with the wrong crowd or belonging to the wrong minority, I think you are in dire need of a reality check -- or maybe just therapy. Just don't speak for everyone else. 3) The right to carry weapons in the US isn't related to social peace or individual safety at all. It's an inherited tradition in a country with deeply grounded revolutionary roots. You live in Europe. Does an across-the-board guns ban prevent perps from acquiring guns? Does it guarantee that you won't be shot? Inconsistent argument is inconsistent...
  10. No, it's ON TOP OF laptops, which they were already equipped with. Poor MEPs, God forbid they overexert themselves by lugging a multi-kilogram piece of equipment around! Too heavy? So how about using a notebook and a pencil instead, you useless lard-asses? See, stupid **** like this is what makes putting lof in charge of a camp for the political elites look like a great idea.
  11. Oh, no doubt. Try chatting up some non-wargamer acquaintance of yours about the impact the Prussian Needle Gun had on the Austro-Prussian war. ...yeeeeeeeeeah.
  12. Lol. It's not cool to admit you're a gamer? Try admitting you're a wargamer.
  13. Uh huh. If you really believe there is no controversy within the scientific community, I think it's pretty pointless to continue discussing this issue. Controversy is essential to science, as it's the engine driving its continuous self-renewal, be it to reinforce existing theories, expand, or discard them. I was taught about things like spontaneous generation and the luminiferous aether in my science classes, when I was like 14, btw. Where would you suggest these things be taught, "Stuff That Is Not Science 101"? I'm not going to suggest that pseudoscientific crap should be taught as a valid alternative, but being able to examine alternatives that may lie outside the scope of science where science itself still can't provide a reasonably complete answer isn't going to turn kids into mindless zealots. Simply because the scientific curriculum is usually focused on the mathematical aspect, it doesn't mean that's all there is to it, or even that it ends there. A lack of imagination is one of the worst things a scientist can suffer from -- being a number wiz isn't equivalent to being a good scientist. We have supercomputers, but see how far they advance science, left to their own devices.
  14. Frankly, I find your insinuation that it takes a Ph.D for a person to start having a semblance of a critical attitude, stupid beyond words. You CANNOT begin changing the way a person's mind processes information and makes decisions based on that when they are 18. Fostering a critical approach to information is something that needs to be integrated as a central tenet of the curriculum, not as a "bonus skill" to be taught for 10 credits in college. Science is fundamentally and in essence, a critical spirit applied to preliminary hypothesis and observational data. If you go and teach "abiogenesis Good, ID Bad, ok?", you aren't doing a very good job at teaching science. And the thing is, at grade 10, you can't go much deeper than that. Of course, the root of your arguments lies with some rather blatant strawmanning, materialised in absurd examples involving post-doctorate level debate of the merits and flaws of current abiogenesis theories in a grade 10 classroom. It's funny that you are so bent on showing how these nutjobs don't tolerate free speech, when you don't tolerate anything else but what you accept to be The TRUTH being taught. I fully agree with Wals -- education isn't about truth or facts or data as much as it is about providing people with a basic toolset of skills for them to use in their academic or professional field of choice, and life in general. Whatever they end up doing with those skills afterwards is fully up to them. Freedom of choice is a bitch, huh? re Dresden: yay hindsight!
  15. Discuss. Personally I'm a big fan of the EU. But the Eurozone seems like an economically ludicrous idea, especially for such a big and diverse array of nations. I guess that guy hasn't heard about the Structural Funds? That's precisely how Germany intended to share its growth and wealth with its neighbours, without making them economic slaves. Those were meant to be used as investments into infrastructure and restructuring/conversion of economic sectors that were rendered uncompetitive by integration. Instead, and aided by political and administrative ineffectiveness and corruption, people just took the money and spent it to continue financing businesses that were unprofitable in their current forms, defeating the whole point and failing to make the recipient economies cope with the changes. And now Germans are pissed. Shocking, I know. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Not even ol' Adolf intended for Grossdeutschland to comprise the vast amounts of people and land the EU holds today, and he was quite mad. Functional multinational states are a fantasy. Especially when the people in them have a say, and EU bureaucrats know this all too well.
  16. I have no idea, tbh. I get all my gaming news from, well, here.
  17. This sounds awesome, I hope it's not too obvious, though. The "info is your weapon" bit, too. Thanks. Can someone tell us if the reviewer at least seems to know what he's playing? You know, unlike that first spanish review? Nope, sorry. He also seems to believe that AP is first and foremost an action game. He even regrets the lack of a MP/DM option. I'm starting to wonder if the marketing campaign is to blame for the misconception, in fact. The review itself is a bit more even-handed than the last one, and acknowledges the importance of choice in the game, but it's pretty meager as far as actual details are concerned.
  18. Bah. I'd think watching some guy show off his mad skills at some game while he tells us about it would be more enticing to people that a moron failing miserably and making lame jokes as the icing on the cake. Because, you see, good players push the game to its limits, so you're getting a much better idea of what the game is about and what it's capable of, gameplay wise. I mean, last example that comes to mind is me watching some youtubes of a guy charging around like crazy with his Vanguard in ME2 Insanity, and I didn't stop playing that until I was able to at least do the same... just because it's fun to learn and get better at things, in general. What's the point of, uh, watching a frustrated comedian "review" a game... when it's actually the game one is interested in? Comedy Central is now a banned channel, so people need to get their fix elsewhere? I simply can't understand this thinking.
  19. Yes. YES. It was awesome fun to kick reborn in the face and send them plumetting to their death in JK2... a Q3A-powered game from 2002. It's ridiculous that this isn't a viable strategy in action games anymore.
  20. Yep, we've only had to wait for ten years. Still, better than nothing huh?
  21. Yes, and no. You aren't part of the general public in that you generally pay more attention than the average joe to games, and you probably devote more time to that as well. At any rate, you may be part of the general public but are not THE general public. So are your gaming skills representative of the gaming public's at large? How are they, compared to the reviewer's? Why is there a sudden apparent increase in acute haemorrhoids cases in the boards' user base? The answers to these and other questions... when I ****ing feel like it.
  22. Nah, I'd rather speak for everyone else here.
  23. That actually begs the question... how representative is he of the general public's gaming skills at large? =/
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