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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Wow. That what well-adjusted, responsible young adults sink their energies into nowadays? We are SO ****ed. I feel for the mods. I doubt legislators would agree. Mostly because if they did, they would be admitting that they are the useless mites many people suspect them to be. In an amusing occurrence of irony, that is precisely where laws draw their strength from: people being indoctrinated to believe that they are useful and necessary, as opposed to them being actually useful and necessary...
  2. Yeah, after that and a quick look at the tech support forum, as is custom for OE games, I:
  3. Still playing a bit of Alien Isolation. Level design is pretty good, with form always following function, which is kind of a pet peeve of mine. The feel of the game is pretty much spot-on, it's the closest to being in an Alien movie I've seen. Eavesdropping on survivors is pretty cool, as is hunting for logs and personal recordings throughout Sevastopol. Unfortunately, they screwed up what is arguably the most important aspect of the game: the actual survival gameplay. Appearances of the alien are scripted, and when it's supposed to show up, it's constantly glued to your ass, in true psychic fashion. It'll tirelessly hound you until you leave the level, roaming incessantly. On the other hand, it's really easy to avoid it (and I'm playing on hard) — just duck behind a counter or under a hospital bed and if you can't see its head, it cannot find you. Two or three hours after you've seen the xenomorph for the first time, it has stopped being scary and it simply becomes a tedious obstacle to progressing through levels because it's so predictable and it's shown on screen so often. Leading it to groups of unwashed looters and watching the ensuing carnage from behind a box never gets old, though. However, I'm playing as Ripley, not Carter Burke, so I usually don't give in to temptation and I reload if I do... Wow, what the hell? How does something like that go unnoticed through beta testing? And that's with backers involved... I guess that means the character is b0rked?
  4. Tarna, Gorth, Pidesco, Ros, Tigranes... and of course Fionavar. All of them I know for a fact are/were actively involved in moderating this hive of scum and villainy — I even keep PMs from some of those occasions. Just because you haven't seen them slap someone in the face it doesn't mean they aren't there. Hell, for all the **** I give Walsingham, I seem to remember he was a good mod. My theory is that this place is less inflamed because United Statians here have either left or gotten used to the vitriol and dgaf anymore, as per Hurlshot. Which is both understandable... and a shame.
  5. Never been to any pubs that threw a patron out for ranting about the illuminati, jews, and our new lizard overlords. Maybe I need to get out more? Then again, maybe you just need to drink the other half. Good to see you, btw.
  6. I liked the post where OP posted a YT vid.
  7. Yeah... can you give some tips on how to accomplish this in general. Asking for a friend.
  8. Rhyming is so hard I am sure you will agree But, oh, PoE! What would I not do to obtain that one free key Please, gift it to me! Steam or GOG to me, difference makes not Both, I like a lot. It is simple greed the reason I write this for I do not need more! And thus I will end these silly verses of mine Ere crossing the line. (for the record, I hate Steam) edit: er, I really don't want a key, in case it wasn't clear.
  9. If you are going to use grandiloquent phrases such as "absolutely no legal precedent", at least get your facts straight. The US have been more or less openly doing precisely that within their self-proclaimed "sphere of influence" for more than a century. Notable examples include Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico and Puerto Rico. The last two involve land grabs, too. Russia didn't invent imperialism and neither did the US, for that matter. So yeah... it's not exactly about legality. It's about what imperialist powers can get away with, and what people come to accept as the new status quo as a result of being bombarded with propaganda for long enough.
  10. "I Spent the Money on Whiskey, Women and Gambling; the Rest, I Wasted" - Confucius
  11. Alien Isolation. Wow, this game looks fantastic. The atmosphere is like nothing I've played. So immersive that I... WAIT WHY THE **** I CAN'T PICK UP THE GUN THE GUY I JUST BLUDGEONED TO DEATH DROPPED
  12. Well, the idea that you sneak out to offer some of your secret stash to yourself when the in-laws come to visit is much less boring, so I'm going to pretend in my head that's what you meant. Cantousent: "Ah, I figured I'd find you out here, old rascal" Cantousent: "So you've found me out. Can I trust you to keep a secret? The roof doesn't really need fixing." Cantousent: "Keep talking." Cantousent: "I can't believe my luck! I just found this 12 year single malt lying around!" Cantousent: "Yeah, I don't believe it either. Well, it ain't no Double Black, but start pouring..." Cantousent: "I knew you were a good sort."
  13. OK, I know I'm going to get burned for asking, but... who is "he"? You're talking about your wife... or are you referring to yourself in the third person now like Julius Caesar?
  14. Might I suggest that then, perhaps, you are listening to the wrong people and news outlets? From an outsider's perspective, it looks like Americans are afraid of even listening to "underdog" candidates, and that's even before some "clever" pundit tags them as communists, radical leftists, or whatever. They couldn't possibly win, so what's the point, right? This is a sort of sad self-fulfilling prophecy. Do you expect the people who implemented and consolidated the attacks on your freedom to reverse the process of their own volition?
  15. "Well your story is very compelling. So I'll just type it up on my invisible typewriter."
  16. FDA is supposed to handle that. Certain products slipping through the cracks isn't unheard of, though. And "acceptable" thresholds for contaminants in foods are also questionable, such as heavy metals in fish, which being liposoluble, accumulate in the body without remedy. The more the environment is poisoned, the harder it'll be to avoid stuff like that.
  17. I think he understands it well enough. In fact, it seems it's you who doesn't understand the danger of nuclear escalation, the reason why succumbing to the temptation to fire a few itty-bitty tactical nukes at an enemy force with equivalent nuclear capabilities when things turn against you, has a very high chance of resulting in all-out nuclear warfare. With the end of the Cold War and the unlikelihood of seeing massed Soviet tank armies rolling over the Rhine, deployment of tactical nukes in Europe makes very little sense beyond saber rattling. Yep, us westlings are scared... of somebody doing something monumentally stupid. There is no defeating stupidity, you know.
  18. Perversion is my middle name, homeboy.
  19. Yeah, I don't know if it's the best, but it's the simplest. That one sure is a bitch. Boy am I glad I was born with a **** and will never have to make that call. The notion of at what point a random set of chemical structures and processes become "human" is at the crux and is, ultimately, arbitrary; it's a problem often encountered in informal discourse, arising from vague definitions and nebulous terms. If we follow your logic strictly, sperm cells are also part of that process and whenever you waste those, you are very much arbitrarily deciding that they don't constitute life, as previously mentioned. We know that human embryos are simply incapable of perception. Can they experience pain? Can plants? Science can only provide facts — it's moral interpretations of those facts that are a misuse of science.
  20. Nah, you're cool man. I'd vote for you — provided you never ran for office. That's more than I can say for any candidate I can think of. Does that make any sense?
  21. Tell us how you really feel. (much better than talking about what some old bag in Oklahoma may or may not have said, anyway)
  22. Depends on the country, in my opinion those societies who pay for a working health care system should have a little say in that matter, our health care system is overburdened with taking care of people with self-inflicted ailments. A delicate matter, but something has to change. I used to think that way, but then I found out that the say in the matter governments have isn't exercised rationally or consistently. For instance, studies show that if you lift hard, odds (82% !) are that you'll injure yourself, the most likely injuries occurring in the back or shoulders, which may require expensive surgery and/or rehab to fix. Then you have low back pain which is, according to the WHO, the leading cause of work absence; the direct and indirect costs of LBP are measured in hundreds of billions in the US alone. We know that an adequate fitness level, proper weight and good posture often help with that... but governments don't do jack about it because LBP isn't a blip on people's radars. And let's not even touch sugary drinks, candy bars etc. You get the picture. Imagine if the EC tomorrow decided to draft a law to ban sitting for more than 30 minutes straight at work, establish fines for obese people, and declared powerlifting and strongman illegal across the EU. Lol much? But it gets better. It turns out that keeping people in jail is expensive as hell (to the tune of €1,950/mo and inmate in my country), while at the same time, we know that prohibition doesn't really end consumption... it simply makes it part of the untaxable submerged economy which is the lifeblood of unofficial crime syndicates. The sensible and morally legitimate way to go about it is the same as with alcohol and tobacco: tax the hell out of them on account of the burden they are to public healthcare, regulate their distribution, and do away with the social stigma so the causes and effects of abuse can be discussed and treated in a mature way. OT: and now I'm off to increase my likelihood of suffering a shoulder or back injury
  23. ... I don't know about "beneficial effects" but in an open society the state has no business telling you what you can and cannot do to yourself. Prohibition also precludes any mature discussion on the subject and essentially dumbs debate down to "drugs are bad m'kay?". And for the record, I don't do drugs. I don't even drink. OT: The best thing about 15-hour shifts? That they aren't 16-hour shifts. FML
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