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Everything posted by thelee

  1. Cué? You're saying effects like chill fog and slicken don't get longer with intellect? That doesn't sound right.
  2. ah interesting. by "hazard duration" here you mean abilities where the duration is listed outside the effects block at the bottom, if that makes sense? mostly as clarification, because in my mind hazard only refers to very specific things (wall of thorns, seals) which get treated very oddly by the game.
  3. i'm guessing that this, along with meteor swarm, rain of holy fire, and magran's might, trigger a new projectile ever X seconds for its duration. based on what you write, it suggests that minoletta's launches one new missile per 1/7 a second. i mostly thought about these effects as having a fixed # of projectiles, but i guess these effects having a durational component means that empowering/PL scaling really boosts them compared to "normal" direct damage, and even compared to DoTs (which don't benefit from increased PEN).
  4. this is an older thread, but i'd also just add on that OP had originally mentioned a bunch of damage-over-time effects. in actuality, while there is an occasional marux amanth bug that prevents it from leveling up, in this case damage-over-time effects do not count towards marux amanth. (this is probably also a bug). and yeah, a necklace of fireballs (or a scroll of fan of flames) might be able to level it up in one go.
  5. Importantly, summoned duration buff you see in the combat tooltip will be impacted by things like salvation of time and tranquilizer shot, but the actual summon itself will expire independent of what happens with the buff. it might have been an interesting gameplay feature if you could extend or shorten summons via duration impacts, but that's not the game we have. (though enemies will waste things like arcane dampener on summons thinking they have a buff to suppress) i'm almost positive INT affects summon duration - you can see its impact on some of the really short chanter summons (very visibly with the chant that brings up a skeleton for 10s - the higher your int the more skeletons you can have up).
  6. nah, IMO between Pallegina the herald and Fassina the (part)druid, you'll have tons of defensive power. at that point a priest would be valuable for misc buff/debuff, but between ywdin the (part)cipher and fassina the (part)wizard and whatever aura/exhortations you have on pallegina, you already sort of have that covered so the value-add won't be as vital. edit: as a strategic point, in case it's not something you've thought about, what makes fassina multiclassing (or any wizard multiclassing) work really well is to rely heavily on grimoires. i rarely pick up any wizard spells directly (pretty much only Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, so I always have it available), so that leaves tons of ability points to invest in the other class. it requires a bit more micromanagement to keep track of what spells are in which grimoire (though you get the hang of it), but the payoff is that you get tons of value by being able to heavily invest in your non-wizard half while your wizard half performs almost as well with just like a couple total skill points invested.
  7. Fassina is fine with whatever you put her. As a sorcerer she could carry your party with heals and buffs, and when her spells run out summon citzal's pike and wreck. This time I'm running her as loremaster and it's working out pretty well (infuse with vital essence helps her chants and invocations last even longer), so long as you're aware of the anti-synergy between summon familiar and chanter summons. (i deal with it by summoning a familiar and only using a chanter summon once i no longer really need the bonus PL for spellcasting). I know lots of people are sour on wizard subclasses, but I actually value conjurer subclass pretty decently (maybe just under evocation) since they get many of the spells I care about, and their familiar is guaranteed to give you a passive +1 PL bonus (on top of other stats) that gives you a slight casting edge even with your non-focus school, at the cost of a bit of action economy (having to summon a familiar and recovery penalty). Unfortunately conjurer tier 8/9 spells aren't as great as other subclasses that have access to evocation (meteor swarm and missile salvo are incredible and losing them isn't really made up for by getting some bonus PL on blackbow/enchanted armor that don't benefit much from PL ) hence why I tend to multiclass her. You definitely could do with an additional tank of some sort. Rekke is a real beefy boi as a brute or a brawler. I like him in particular b.c. he has higher dex and higher int compared to pretty much every other front-lining companion. He doesn't get as much DLC reactivity though. Failing that, Konstanten is more of a DLC sidekick, but I typically am underwhelmed by his stats (I don't value high con very much), though if you're patient he can make for a great SC barbarian. I mentioned in another thread that once I got to tier 8/9, my konstanten build skyrocketed as a major damage dealer thanks to heart of fury, the dazing shout upgrade, and the retribution-from-crits passive (equip a 2h axe and enable the bleeding modal). Because he takes a lot of damage in this setup, having a high con actually pays off a bit. If you want to be a tank, then I suggest instead filling up that fourth companion slot with Vatnir. I suspect he gets underplayed by the playerbase since he comes so late, but he's very good. It's funny - just by the nature of what bonus spells he gets from his priest subclass really changes how he plays compared to most other priests (even compared to Magran, who is also predisposed to being a nuker). If you don't want to make fassina a lroemaster, Vatnir makes a compelling celebrant, though honestly Vatnir's tier 8/9 spells are great (on top of how already great tier 8/9 spells are for priests).
  8. interesting - anyone test this with something that spreads effects in an aoe? you think you would at least be able to spread an injury debuff in an area with clear out or something? might make the utility a bit higher
  9. here's an open question, because i don't know how to conjure up such a situation: there's a weapon that when enchanted, will let you cause injuries on enemies when using an empowered weapon ability. that got me thinking - enemies can also get injuries if they walk over a in-level trap (not one that you set). if enemies accumulate 4 injuries, do they also instantly die? if so is there way to make a situation where this is possible? even if enemies don't die, letting enemies accumulate multiple injuries would be another way to debuff. any ideas?
  10. the closest thing i have to a theory is that if *both* parts of sun & moon critically hit (b.c. hunter's claw interrupts on crit) and the enemy doesn't have concentration, the interrupt somehow "breaks" the flow of the ability, and you end up getting an additional stack of hunter's claw, for a total of 3 when dual-wielded. maybe i'll do some more tests later, but not so far terribly motivated to dig deeper since so far this is at best a narrow synergy. picture 1: sun & moon both parts critting, getting 2x hunter's claw (instead of 1x) picture 2: hit from off-hand weapon, to get a third stack edit: i guess i didn't really need to try too hard (i'm overleveled for this area), so in the next few fights there were tons of partial sun & moon crits, and only when both parts of the flail crit did i end up doubling on the hunter's claw stacks. odd interaction, yet another situation where you get a subtle plus to using sun & moon
  11. i kind of agree on this. i appreciate the general game design where being an extremely good person will frequently get you to turn down rewards, or get you minimal rewards, because if you're good you should be good because it's the right thing to do, not because you get an artifact of an item. (In fact, taking actions solely to maximize your reward is really more what an evil character does). but you don't get a good roleplay pay-off in-game for doing so, just some flavor text here and there, so it feels a little unsatisfying to roleplay a given character a certain way. Even the ending slides don't seem to care too much about it. whereas in F:NV, for example, the ending slides were tailored to your karma level, so you could end up with situations where you sided with what most people would consider is the most unambiguously evil faction (Caesar's Legion) and have a high morality and get very interesting slides as a result. i don't think your standing with the various factions factors at all outside of some shop discounts (and occasional ship attacks at extremely negative reputation). on topic, as a non-solo player, my one question of all solo players is: are you playing on PotD ? with upscaling? I'm always in awe that this is a "normal" way that some people like to play. do you personally, end up being a completionist, or do you skip a lot of content b.c. it's not worth it as a solo player?
  12. hm, personally this is not really my experience, at least in terms of what they get, especially for multiclass set ups. perhaps the upper limit on power for non-druid martials is much higher, but to me druid spiritshift has a pretty decent expected value, especially considering it comes as part of a versatile spellcasting package. wildstrike frenzy being janky and the spiritshift duration being too short (shifter base duration should be the standard) seem like sufficient angles to attack spirit shift from, since IME spiritshift is mostly frustrating because for most druids it lasts such a short time, not so much that its autoattack is weak.
  13. i'm curious - what's the impetus behind this? is this the only PL-based scaling lash in BPM? % lashes don't strike me as something that particularly needs to scale by power level, since they already scale by base weapon enchant level
  14. oh dayumn i always assumed it mattered. so even in the cases where i had the cruel option locked, i still got it? i just never checked lol
  15. honestly i have a real hard time generally remembering to use the "of the lost" abilities (e.g. chorus of the lost). they are once/rest and generally not any more powerful than a tier 1 or tier 2 spell. i feel like pathfinder: wrath of the righteous and bg2 nailed the "specialness" requirement of the mainchar's unique abilities better. at once/rest it should be much more impactful. the main one i ever use is the one you get that can heal your allies. it's a decent heal with a big radius and sometimes i'll just be in a pinch and it'll be the one extra heal i need to give me some breathing room in a fight. edit: the death's herald abilities can be super important, but in a niche metagamy sense. i only ever really value the brilliant inspiration (resource gen) or the energized inspiration (crit-based builds), though, intuitive just isn't as impactful in any build i've done. earlier on in my playing time, i would use the lower-level version of the intellect inspirations too for certain builds that really wanted more duration on buffs, but these days i don't even bother until i get brilliant. I do periodically use the might inspiration version once it gets to tenacious-tier, since +2 PEN can be extremely relevant especially for spellcasters. if i remember correctly, not only do you have to absorb the machine energy in poe1 history, but you also have to stay cruel in poe2. if you aren't cruel, the option is blocked off, and your soul is like "are you the same person as blah blah" and your only option is "no, i've changed."
  16. maybe there's an advanced AI scripting mod that'll let you do this? In the past, I've just set it on a very short timer. (To be optimum, it has to be extremely short, because the AI commits to an action during recovery, so if the timer expires in the middle of a recovery, the AI will continue with an autoattack or something else)
  17. speaking of sun & moon issues, most of the time I dual-wield sun & moon and use hunter's claw i get 2 stacks of hunter's claw, as might be reasonably expected from that. rarely though, i end up getting 3 stacks of hunter's claw, two from the sun & moon, and one from the off-hand weapon. i don't know why this happens and haven't yet been able to correlate it with anything. it'd be some nice subtle cheese if there was a consistent way to game it to get 3.
  18. Here's an oddity I just discovered, just checked community patch and bpm to make sure it hasn't already been noticed. The giant beasts that are part of the Sakuya questline do not seem to have a creature type. Hunter's Claw does not get any stacks from attacking them! this blurry screencap is trying to draw attention to the fact that my character has successfully landed a hunter's claw attack (six of them, in fact) and no buff is showing up edit: doing this again to verify, these bears don't have any galawain's buff on them (i have galawain's challenge enabled), whereas some other giant beasts do. so they truly aren't being treated as beasts by the game.
  19. the weird thing is that fury isn't really a keyword limitation - a lot of spells seem to be explicitly blocked from selection in the ability tree despite not having the correct keyword. i don't know if this has any ramifications with grimoire imprint though.
  20. if we're talking about buffs for weather the storm and blights, any consideration to something that actually works with the Fury's bonuses? Having them keyworded as Elements is kind of a real waste (for the increased range part i could squint and see the need to buff a far away party member or put a summon right next to someone, but i'm squinting pretty hard). i don't know what would exactly be on-brand, though. something similar could be said with the summons being keyworded as elements, but i have even less idea what to do there
  21. ooo, i'm guessing the turn-based rounding is extremely favorable for the stun invocation, since it'll always get rounded up to a single round even on a graze, whereas in rtwp it's a pretty short duration (same thing with the paralyze invocation) relatively speaking. my recommendation would mostly be to get fighter talents that complement your chanter -> tactical barrage for extra intellect and +1 PL for your invocations, conqueror stance for +10 acc for your invocations. also given how brisk recitation works, if you pick up the various resistance chants (seven men hit the deck, one dozen, fampyr's gaze), you can make a song that alternates between two of them and they'll both apply in a single round, which makes you really hardy against enemy debuffs, which seems pretty unique to how TB mode implements it.
  22. Late to the discussion, for Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment, what about making it so that it doesn't take forever and a half for you to get the bounce effects? It *should* split, but in practice I feel like I've rarely ever seen it because I'm either taking on a hard single boss, or the fight is over before even the base duration is up. being able to target far away foes or in party-unfriendly contexts might make it more useful. maybe in conjunction with either lesser miasma effect or duration that might be enough.
  23. depends on what elric means by "everyone's unarmed attack." if it sets monk/monastic unarmed damage down, then it functions as a nerf. maybe a nerf for monks is ok, but monastic unarmed training is a niche talent as it is.
  24. maybe just fast weapon damage. the +1 damage gives it a "special" trait that makes it comparable to an actual weapon (club). i think there should be a cost to going without weapon. this would nerf PC monks/unarmed?
  25. this meshes with an oddity i've noticed - if you pick Xoti as a monk or monk-type (forget which or if both), you have to actually equip/unequip a weapon or do something else before she gets her improved fists. kinda shows how good the monk class is - even with nerfed fists enemy monks are frequently very annoying. is there anyway that a script or mod could trigger an event that would get enemies to get improved monk fists?
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