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Everything posted by Barzarel

  1. You seemed to go a bit offf topic here, we're talking about Sith and not Vader Vs Jedi. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stateing a example on how weak his powers were compared to others, and the ideal sith should be about power and a conqueror, not a puppet like Vader thats a su*ker for love and affection "
  2. Must have been luck on obi-wan's side again like with Darth maul. In trailer it looks like its obi-wan that gets the (censored) kicked out of him.
  3. Ouch, harsh words but true in some means vader wasent the prophet i think it was Luke why Vaders future were clouded because it depended on Luke to be born. But Vader also was a puppet he never did anything of his own free will aside from running after his mother, which in my book werent counting . Second his powers was very little, even his own son surpassed him by far, only powers we see Vader actually using through movie package is basics, grip/kill and Dark Rage/Force Rage i heard rumors he shortly use lightning in ep3 but really! Luke had exact same powers and they were just as big if not bigger.
  4. Lightside is usually always a safe first bet :cool: EDIT: *cough*... thou i prefer the Dark :cool:
  5. Orange like in JK 3
  6. I am one who loves colouring and Drawing, i do drawing in hand and colouring in Photoshop, i always wanted to get into game production but i have a hard time finding educations for it, in Denmark where i live the state that funds educations dont know anything about what industries need so i am basically in a loop on where to turn. My thoughts are following: Animator or 3d animator Multimedie Designer But do you industries such as the game industry have any paticular preffered ones or school they prefer over others? But i am also wondering if it something i have a shot at all, added some pictures i made if anyone know anything about these things would please let me know.
  7. Likely Acryl or water colours are good for Backgrounds, they can have the exact thickness or lightness you needs for it to work well, but you can basically use all kinds of different things, pencil watered or coffee.... alot play around to see what does what and what effects you get from it. We did mostly acryl at my art study class in Denmark, beauty about acryl is it allow you to work in layers.
  8. True, it can become quite spicy :D Especially two women fighting over you, how i meet my GF
  9. Depends, a student without good guidance is likely to fall to the DS so even if Leia could have become a Jedi it wouldnt have turned out well, and i think that Luke was their last hope was pointed out really well so i dont see the Dumpo in that. And Yoda couldnt possible know that Anakin was meant to fall to the DS he couldnt even see the force will alot of the times because the DS clouded it.
  10. So he could say to Luke that he is the Jedi's last hope yes it all makes sense!
  11. Strange that Carth son would even be alive seeing as his wife died on Taris, it seems strange his son would be away from his mother and father less he was a adult given Carth age in Kotor1 that would seem unlikely he is.
  12. Yoda was very aggressive in ep2 just seeing dooku playing around with 2 jedi's, so given Luke had to deal with both his feelings of love forward his father, and possible seeing all his friends being killed of by the empire, i think situation was a little different. Alot of things can affect you down the Dark path even thou your unaware Darkside aura can corrupt you alone. And sure it easy for Yoda to have a clean and pure heart if he avoids dealing with problems, did you ever see him interviene with Anakin when he was starting down the Dark path even as he knew it. One with pure heart wouldnt stand by passive while a fellow jedi is in hurt and do nothing at all.
  13. What can i say bastila is hot even thou she isnt my chick in Kotor2 :cool:
  14. yoda had the purest heart as far as im concerned, he didnt go on a journey down the darkside that he was unaware of unlike luke. so best jedi, on moraleness as well as power is only ever gunna b yoda <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you know that for sure, we dont know if Yoda in his early years as padawan wasent tempted by the DS, you have to remember how little training luke skywalker got and how much he did with it. He resisted sure he was tempted but it was two sith lords one being his father trying to tempt him, and he was also in a tight position where he thought the republic might not prevail and destroy the Death star. I think Luke resisted dark side very well considering how short training he had and the situation he was in.
  15. Ask your self Who you know of Jedi without more than a Few month training could accomplish as much as luke skywalker, even resisting the Dark side when both the sith master and his father tried to turn him. And then tell me if Yoda or obiwan is more deserving of the top than luke skywalker?
  16. Good idea! I think it would be cool anyway if your apprentice gets a bigger role. That would make it feel like you have a "real" apprentice, like Obi and Ani, or the Jedi in the books. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would generally be nice if apprentice had more active role like in movies, where you tutor them and have responsability for them not to fall to DS if your LS. Also would be nice if you were DS to have to turn your apprentice like in the movies or guide them down the dark path. Like the Emperor with Luke Vs Vader: "Good, your hate has made you strong, now fore fill your destiny and take your father place at my side". My dream for DS would be to turn my own apprentice or train a powerful force sensitive to be Sith.
  17. If you mean celibacy by not being with women then your wrong luke married Mara Jade and had a offspring with her. And luke represent the ideals very well he always seek the peaceful way to settle things and very few times attack often he defend himself rather than attack, also he dident let himself be tempted by the dark side. While yoda in many way is peaceful he is also one that doesnt take confrontation when needed often yoda felt Anakin falling to the DS and yet he did nothing, i dont think that qualify as perfect jedi or what should represent the ideals of them.
  18. that made no since HU <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He meant game Editor to make canderous Jedi, and i said the familiar character from kotor1 since it Obsidian like to make plot boss secret or a surprise it likely that he/she is a familiar face since niphilis is wearing a mask. EDIT: Or someone we meat early in game or through memory lane walk through.
  19. I sure hope there isn't any romance. I'd love to see the look on all those horny nerds' faces. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Honestly if i see a female that charismatic and beautiful, how can one resist the temptation of getting involved i know she is only a pixel still, if she was real flesh and blood dont tell you wouldnt try anything.. ..given options are open so to say. Besides it to boring to simply chop and chop from mobs without a pleasant distraction at times to relax with, and since it seem rpg often tend not to have alot of actual rpg in it what can one else hope for? And i dont see what romance has to do with being horny, it simple fact romance drives most stories. How many fairy tales do you think people would read or watch if there werent romance in them, most bestseller stories or movies are because of having such elements.
  20. Dont think it about Nurab not liking redeemed characters, but this post is about judging top 10 jedi. So one having top place should represent the jedi ideals and the perfect jedi. Luke accomplised more than most of the other jedi's did, without astraying from the ideals or foundations, of the jedi's.
  21. One relying on means to enhance his strengh isnt strong in himself, it like putting gold around metal pretending it to be 100% gold, know i think a true sith lord has power enough to win without drawing on energy or force enhancements.
  22. So option for romance is very limited if this is true is Atris isnt in party at all which some seem to surgest than it basically leaves the bountyhunter, sad.. Well guess it will be more fighting than talking then, well guess i am used to that anyways, just becomes tiresome without romance on occassions. But honestly hope Kriea dont die on harbringer it will be to much Kotor1 over again, with bastila sacrificing herself at leviathan, but i guess bastila not dying would make it different thou. Just hate repeatings, its like the concept of jedi's is die for your cause or your not a true jedi yet, honestly how many Jedi heroes have you seen that dident die in the movies. I know alot of the concept of heroes is marty phenomonon but honestly do we have to see it a every corner it becomes sickening and tiresome, retro like.
  23. I assume so less anything else is told but i honestly dont know
  24. Think Luke he both faced his fears/resisted Dark side and he saved his father bringing him back to the light. Also he is wise and powerful, he accomplised alot. Anakin fell to temptation which isnt a sign off a good jedi in my opion, think Luke is the symbol of a prefect Jedi and what he should be. If there were a second place id say Yoda.
  25. Usually play LS first then i play DS through after, since i think playing LS is more challenging and DS more easy because DS powers are so great. Also i think DS is to much Bully rather than intellectual evil, which i think is sad. My thought of evil was you would regard your personal needs before other, and crush those who would stand in the way of your goals that way it seemed to have a point a gain. Thought Kotor1 DS modifiers were very minded on just doing something for the sake of being evil rather than a point, which is pretty much what bullies does, try to show their strong while they actually weak, and reflect behaviors of oppression on to other to become subpresser. It the most stupid way to make evil character often limited to low intelligent persons, rather than and mindful evil villian. Further most of DS evils in Kotor1 were more in the range of psychotic than actual mastermind evils. Please give ous a chance at decent evil in Kotor2
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