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Everything posted by Barzarel

  1. I don't know why, but I think Ive heard that before..... Actually, even though the romance thing will be interesting, Im still stuck on influence. Im curious how far that goes and to what degree. "I don't have to. Zaalbar will do it for me." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Carpet attack!!!
  2. In Fable, they tried to implement a childhood training scene, but IMO it didn't work out too well <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Personally i prefer the lost connection to the force or trained by some special means give more background possibilities and plot options, being raised at a academy with no contact with any social life of your past doesnt really leave much options to make you a living part inside the story. Sure you can still do alot of stuff but it would just another regular bad guy comes along and we have to stop him. Somewhat to say it becomes a more or less dead connection to plot aside from having to stop someone and gives more course for hack & slash type of game than actual rpg in my opion. In other words as a outsider you become alien to the plot and it gives you less course to be involved mentally to its outfolding.
  3. I Dident say it dident work just that there was a reason why i dident play fallout :D , so i dont consider myself a heretic to rpg games hehe
  4. We arent far from the Latex and the whip are we wicked
  5. Revalation its the Ceasar Lore, Your son will backstab you so i guess it not the i am your father rather your son hehehe :D
  6. Again if it gonna be a Debate it should be put in a different post since last one about such in NWN2 forum took up around 50-100replies in romance thread there. I only wanted to know out of my own curiousity since i assume this is more or so a Developer info threat about romances. And for the note i dont think Carth and Jolee kicking it in together is that spicy to me either
  7. Well by that tolken they have to show hot manlove, and I don't think anyone wants to stuff like Carth on Jolee action. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wasent looking to start a discussion on this since it already been way overdue at NWN2 romance post in their forum, and peoples reaction to it. Only curious if we could get a final answer if it was in Kotor2, as a player triggered romance or not. But if you wanna make a post about i wouldnt mind but if it gonna take half as much room here as it did in NWN2 romance post then it should be a seperate post for discussion.
  8. He doesnt seem as funny as HK-47 but he is also a lier it was surgested in a game previews, something about if you did right questioning you lure him into a word trap and get it out of him exactly what.
  9. Most shocking would probaly be: Sion:Your Qel Droma and i am your brother Gav Droma You: Noooo!!!!! But this is mostly "Days of your lives" logic
  10. Wonder if i can play with a female character and still getting action with women, guess it not important but would give 2 nice things to look at "
  11. Thankies I do what I can. I guess since this is my thread, I'll try to keep it on topic. New question for discusion: In the talking dirty ign article it mentioned that you'd have to decide who to "trust" atton or kreia (or something along those lines). Why do you think we have to choose ?It sounds like we're being lied to, which is an interesting new party mechanic. I know atton is lying to us (Acting like he doesn't know anything about Jedi when we know he play an important role in the jedi civil war), but how is kreia lying to us an dshould we trust any of these people at all? Dicuss. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not sure think it has something to do with Qel Droma chronicles told something about him being stripped of his connection to the Force by Nomi Sunrider, think your PC has some link to all this but in what direction is a puzzle i am sure that Kreia knows something about this she either dont want you to know or is afraid of consiquences if you did. Only a guess...
  12. You all know this post already exist and is a spam, why dont anyone use the Search option before posting? :D
  13. I understood it to say, some people outside the party might have problems with your romantic relationships with those in your party. Maybe I'm nuts. Stranger things have happened. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, that makes much more sense. And is even more interesting, dammit! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ouch, this mean it can back fire, hope it nothing like in real life i almost always tend to create more problems that i can bit around "
  14. Maybe bastila & atris shouid catfight over him <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then Revan's life is short lived, if my new character is a male :D, what can i say she is my number 1 on list of possible Love interests.
  15. Always had mine at max 16char around 23persuade
  16. Just hope all romances have a possibility to lead somewhere, with hard work hate the ones where you work hard on them and in the End, sorry my position cant allow such or we shouldnt do this it not the way of the Jedi lets stay friends. Nothing more annoying than women that cant make up their mind, one moment completely steamed up next its doctor logic. <_<
  17. Sorry, i thought you implied it might be Revan why i stated that would be very unlikely.
  18. Revan headquarter isnt on Korriban The Acadamy is, but not his headquarter. The Twi'lek on Korriban that is The masters apprentice and take you as student says that Revan sometimes visited but they never saw his face, because he always wore a mask, this imply that he wasent staying there. Further last scene as darkside his army is assembled at the unknown planet near starforge on Solar system map cordinates, the one that pulls you down with a tractor beam, so youll likely meet him there, if we meet him at all. If his on Korriban it would be a big mistake from the Developers side.
  19. They say Juyo is one of the styles that gonna be in the game in one of the previews, so i guess that one is certain.
  20. Now, I'm not a specialist, I never read any comics or whatever, but finding them Qel Droma robes in KotOR makes me think the Terentatek got him. I could be and most likely am wrong though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wonder if we gonna be the bad guy again, either your former evil or You planned to be part of a exsperiment and eventually you told have willing you subjected yourself into something that would course to be a engine of great strife or something. But still cant stop wondering if there's a link between you and Qel Droma since he was cut off from his force powers much like your toon is i am correct.
  21. From what i gather Naga Sadow was lost in mystery so there could be truth to that but i doubt its likely why else would he let his apprentice have all the fun? " Think its more likely its either connected to Revan's for loss or Qel Droma, Freedon Nadd's spirits destroyed and Exar Kun's linked with The Temple on yavin so it is unlikely any of them thats naughty, less we only let to believe Exar Kun destroy Freedon Nadd's spirit. Marka Ragnas appeared in chronicle to from a Relic Amulet so he could have a role but again unlikely since his hardly spoken of. Most spoken seem to be the jedi, freedon Nadd, Exar Kun and Qel droma. But one could wonder a bit about Qel Droma wasent there a robe with his family name or for name on Korriban in one of the Caves?
  22. Anychance of running multi romances like in NWN: HOTU where you could end with both Aribeth and Naphylia or something like that can never remember her name. And does charisma have any affect on romance at all?
  23. Anyone know what happened to Qel Droma after the Exar kun war? If there is any connection between the chronicles and Kotor2 its likely with either Exar Kun's presence at temple. Since the Chronicle sorround the Krath and Exar Kun, and Qel Droma. What i thought interesting was that Qel Droma was blocked from the force as far as i could tell, makes one wonder if theres a link between that and your PC somehow?
  24. Its hard to make new things without doing something simular to something already done.
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