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Everything posted by tripleRRR

  1. Diablo 3. Finally here after all these years. And I have to go to work now dammit ><
  2. Babylon 5 is my favorite sci-fi TV series to date. While the effects are dated the story and characters are quite amazing. It's still definitely worth watching today.
  3. I'd be up for some co-op D3 gaming. I'll be working nights when it's out so not sure how well that will work. Oh well.
  4. Not like the end of DA2 wasn't a pretty straight confirmation of DA3....
  5. The sad part is the explanations in that image aren't all that far off from what you get in game...
  6. I have one companion at max, though I've used her pretty much exclusively because she heals and I'm tank spec. I have a couple others at 5k and the last 2 about 2k. Just hit 50.
  7. Warhammer 40K is far superior to warhammer fantasy IMO. I wish Space Marine had been something of an RPG rather than a pure hack and slash.
  8. Esseles is definately my favorite so far. Hammer station and athiss were more of just killing things and less of the co-op roleplay stuff. And dear lord stop with the jedi loot drops already. ><
  9. If you guys are actually curious about what's going on in the game and want some spoilers the SWTOR subreddit is full of leaks. And "Ask Me Anything" posts.
  10. Eh, I'm not too surprised that the beta seems a bit dull. How exciting was the first hour or so of D2? I remember running around right clicking quill boars and getting excited at seeing the first boss guy in the den of evil. So the first part of D3 definitely looks much better.
  11. I am looking forward to TOR; the story, companions, lore, and classes look interesting. But the gameplay itself so far has been very unimpressive, it just looks bad from the animations to the skills themselves. Unless that surprises me I don't expect to play it.
  12. BF2 was alot of fun, until you went up against someone who was very good in a jet. Then it just became so damn annoying getting killed at every single contested point.
  13. If you want to try out the MOBA/DotA scene then I'd suggest League of Legends, it's free to play and fairly friendly to the newbies. I switched from DotA to play this a couple years ago and never looked back.
  14. The Kuei-jin boss fight disagrees Larry's quest was definitely "easier", if actually more time consuming to do the sneaky/obfuscate way. You get more skill points too by not being seen if I remember correctly (3 instead of 2). Flamethrower will take out the Kuei-jin pretty easily.
  15. I've finished the game and I haven't seen anything besides hurlocks of various types, bolter/grunt/emissary and ogres.
  16. Nope, only darkspawn I've seen are hurlocks and ogres.
  17. One of these days we'll see a Japanese style romance simulator from bioware.
  18. Zero hour was one of my favorite RTS games. The story was nonexistant but my friends and I loved playing it. Red Alert 3 wasn't bad either IMO. It was a steep downhill slope from there though. C&C4 should have gotten people shot.
  19. Since the german version's been released/leaked already Bio should just put the demo up on their site already. : /
  20. I also would like to pre-order on steam for the previous 2 games. But it's still not available on either the steam client or the steam website. ><
  21. A moment of silence please for Freespace and it's sequel...
  22. D3 is probably the only PC game out there that has any chance of doing this. Cataclysm was PC only and sold 3.3 mil in it's first day.
  23. Dude, it was Conan in space. Is that bad?
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